Status: I'll try and update as soon as possible

The Institution

Chapter Two: Her First Day

Doctor Embry Mcmullen whistled 'For He's a Jolly Good Fellow' as he stepped out of his '08 Lexus. He was a tall, lean man, weighing in at about 190 pounds. He was fairly attractive for a forty-eight year-old. He had almost no grays in his head full of dirty blonde hair. His eyes were the most appealing of his physical appearance.

Dr. EM, as he liked to be called, walked his way to the entrance of the Knight's Sanitarium. The Knight's had owned the sanitarium since 1842, when Arthur Knight, Robyn Knight's great great great etc. uncle, founded it. It was first called William Henry Insititute, after the Election of 1840 when William Henry Harrison was elected into office and then died 32 days later. Shortly after that it was changed to The Arthurian Institute, but the name didn't stick for long. Less than two months after the name had been changed, it took on a new moniker; Knight's Sanitarium.And that name stuck for centuries.

The building may have been centuries old, but it sure didn't look like it. Everything had been refurbished in 2005. The lawn was kept; a soft poignant green was awed by every spectacle that came to either visit or were the staff. The building itself was almost the size of a small castle, expanding out over a span of about 500 or so acres. Water fountainss could be found on either side of the elegant marble driveway. Two knights in silver armor stood, posed as in battle play.

As Dr. EM walked to the entrance, he noticed patients walking around, which isn't unusual but he noticed one particular person. Robyn Knight. She was being escorted up the stairs to the entrance of the building by two policemen.

He had Robyn before. In fact, she was a patient of his. What did the poor girl do this time? He thought eccentricly, as her brisk walked his way to the double doors of the sanitarium.

He reached the doors and pulled them open, revealing white walls and those ugly cream/off white tiles. The building was marvelous looking on the outside, but completely transformed on the inside. Dr. EM followed the half-sedated wails that were coming from Robyn.She was hanging limply in the arms of the two policemen.
“What’s going on here, gentlemen?” Dr. EM asked curiously as he slowly approached the two men.
“She set a house on fire and then tried to attack me. Mark had to sedate her.” The shorter of the two answered whilst trying to hold Robyn up; she was slipping out of his tight grasp.
“Oh no. Why’d you have to go and do that, Robyn? After all the treatment and the progress we’ve made.” He sighed and helped the two officers haul her into her old room.
Robyn had been there before. She had been put in at the age of 12, because she had tried to hurt her family and herself and claimed the demons were telling her to do it. She had been detained until the age of 16, when they released her. She had undergone extensive psychotherapy and had started to get better, until a few months ago. She said the demons were talking to her again. She said that they told her to do bad things. The thing that people didn’t get is the demons are real. They’re clawing their way inside of Robyn; trying to get out. Trying to escape the hell and oblivion that they had been housed in for centuries.
“I’m sorry, Dr. EM.” Robyn whispered soberly. She sat up in her bed. She turned her head at an odd angle and, with wide unblinking eyes, stared at the taller of the two officers, Mark with a twisted smile placed on her cracked and bleeding lips.
“You’re next.” She said in a deep voice, a voice that wasn’t hers.
She lunged at Mark and he quickly moved out of the way. Robyn turned on her heals just before smashing into the wall. Mark and Charlie backed out of the room, and with a wicked smile still plastered on her face, Robyn advanced slowly towards them.
“Robyn stop. Now. There are no demons inside of you. Stop!” Dr. EM said suddenly springing up in front of Robyn, confusing her and making her stop in her tracks.
Robyn’s face changed. It grew lighter, eyes turned back to their original color and her face contorted back to its original way. Her chest caved in and out fast as she sat down on her bed and pressed her knees to her chest. She drew a blanket around her petite body and sat in her dirty, torn slip shivering with a fiery vengeance.
Dr. EM sighed and walked out of Robyn’s room and down the hall. His office was on the third floor, the prettiest floor in the whole sanitarium. The whole floor was painted in black. Every floor had a different color for the seriousness of the insane. Black was for the criminally insane. They had to be locked up at all times. White wasn’t that bad. Patients could check themselves out on the first floor, but nobody else could. There were eight floors total, so eight colors for every floor. White, green, black, blue, yellow, orange, grey, and red. Black was the worst of all. They were the cannibals, so the staff had to be extra cautious around them.
Dr. EM got in the elevator that was at the end of the hall and hit the button that said “three”.