Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 11.

Life’s A Riot Chapter 11.


“AHH! THAT WAS MY FUCKING FOOT YOU CLUTZ!” I yelled at Ash, hopping around holding my toes. She winced as I yelled and moved the amp that she had just dropped on my foot.

“Sorry babes.” She apologised. Maybe having Ash backstage for moral support was a bad idea.

“No worries Ash.” I replied, fiddling with a mike. Carter, Ash’s boyfriend, wandered in carrying and amp. He watched me as I limped across to adjust the other mike.

“Baby, maybe you should let me move the amps. We need our singer with unbroken toes.” He grinned, looking at Ash. She stuck her tongue out at him and pouted.

“Sugar, you keep talkin’ an you ain’t gonna be gettin’ anythin’ sweet tonight.” She replied in a Southern accent. I rolled my eyes and Carter’s mouth snapped shut instantly.

“Man, Carter, you’re whipped.” Commented Will as he and Ethan walked on stage carrying various parts of a drum kit. Carter glared at the pair of them.

“All men are when it comes to sex.” I commented, grinning. Ash high-fived me as Carter sniffed and walked off stage to ‘get another amp’. I called it preserving what was left of his dignity. In case you haven’t gathered, this – well minus Ash, she was just in attendance for moral support – was my band; Scars. We were performing later on tonight at Sacrifice. To celebrate finishing the album, the guys were coming down for the night. I was using it as an opportunity to voice my feelings for a certain guitarist, hence Ash’s role of moral supporter and general cheerleader. I sighed as I set up, trying not to think about what I was going to attempt to do tonight. The nerves were starting to kick in. So much was at stake here. A hand on my shoulder snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked round to see Ash smiling sympathetically. I stood and let her pull me into a hug.

“It’ll be fine Jack.” She murmured.

“Am I doing the right thing here Ash?” She stepped back and looked at me levelly.

“I think that you are. I think that this is the right thing for both of you. And, as much as I hate to admit it, the slag.” I smiled and nodded.

“What would I do without you?” She grinned and laughed manically.

“Without me, there would be no you, silly.” Ash had decided years ago that Johnny, her and I were really triplets and that we had just been separated from birth, a little difficult since she was six months younger than me and Johnny, but it somehow clicked. We were all just so alike. Almost scarily so. I laughed, as I linked arms with her and walked off stage to get ready.


Syn POV.

I stretched and looked over at the stage expectantly. It had been a while since I’d seen Scars perform. I was excited. I had finally decided what I wanted. Zacky leaned over to me.

“Have you made your mind up?” I nodded.

“I’m going to talk to her after the show.” He grinned. I think that he always knew that I would choose Cait. The lights dimmed slightly, and the stage lights lit up. It was only a small, semi-circular stage, but it was large enough for the small dinner-bar. A guy stepped up to the mike.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope that you all are enjoying your evening here with us at Sacrifice. I would like to introduce you entertainment for the evening; a highly talented local band. Please welcome to the stage Scars.”



I walked onstage with the others to the polite applause, I could see the guys sat at a table in a quiet corner of the room. My heart hitched slightly at the sight of Syn in a dark grey button down shirt and black jeans. Had I made the right decision? Ash’s words earlier rang in my head. My resolve stiffened and I started the show.


I took a sip of my bottle of water as Carter switched to an acoustic guitar. It was my moment of truth. He pulled a stool onstage and took his seat, nodding to me, signalling that he was ready. I nodded back and telling him to start. He began to play the intro. I stepped up to my mike and took over. I could feel my heart rate increase as I could feel Syn’s gaze on me. I started to sing.

“You said this could only get better

There's no rush cause we have each other

You said this would last forever

But now I doubt if I was your only lover

Are we just lost in time?

I wonder if your love's the same

Cause I'm not over you

Baby, don't talk to me

I'm trying to let go

Not loving you is harder than you know

Cause boy you're driving me so crazy

How can I miss you if you never would stay?

If you need time I guess I'll go away

Inside me now there's only heartache and pain

So where's the fire? You've become the rain

Are we just lost in time?

I wonder if your love's the same

Cause I'm not over you

Baby, don't talk to me

I'm trying to let go

Not loving you is harder than you know

Boy you're driving me so crazy

And if you don't want me then

I guess I'll have to go

Not loving you is harder than you know


So I'll make the call

And I'll leave today

I'm gonna miss you cause I love you baby

And I'll make the call

I'm leaving today

And leaving always drives me crazy

Leaving always drives me crazy

Baby, don't talk to me

I'm trying to let go

Not loving you is harder than you know

Baby, don't talk to me

I'm trying to let go

Not loving you is harder than you know

Cause boy you're driving me so crazy

And if you don't want me then

I guess I'll have to go

Not loving you is harder than you know

Boy you're driving me so crazy

Baby, don't talk to me

I'm trying to let go

Not loving you is harder than you know

Cause boy you're driving me so crazy.” I knew without a doubt, that it was the best that I’d ever performed. Even I could hear the raw emotion in my voice. I’d managed to hold back the tears as I sang and I was just about holding them back now. I’d refused to look over at the table where he sat throughout the whole song, but now that it was over I couldn’t resist a quick glance over to see if he’d understood what I was trying to say. The rest of the guys were chatting amongst themselves, but his eyes were locked on me. He was too far away for me to see what emotions were there. I sighed and looked away again. He’d either got the message or he hadn’t. I’d told him how I felt, in a round-about way, and that was all that I could do.


Syn POV.

I felt my heart sink as she finished sang. She hadn’t looked over at me once, but I knew in my heart of hearts that she was singing it to me. About me. She stepped back, glancing briefly over at us. The guys were talking, but I was staring at her. I was too far away to read her eyes, but I could hear from her voice that she was hurting. Because of me. She looked away after a few seconds and finished off the set. As we walked backstage, the guys were still chatting happily. I felt withdrawn from them, numb almost. Was that really what she felt? Zacky looked at me curiously. I ignored him. I was still going to talk to her, but I knew that the outcome wouldn’t be what I wanted. I was in such a world of my own that I almost walked into Jimmy when everyone stopped. Cait was stood, grinning and talking happily to everyone. Ash was stood just behind me, grinning and laughing. I hung back, unsure of what to do. Briefly Cait’s eyes darted to mine, the happiness in them faded instantly and was replaced by something else. Sadness or hurt, I think.

“Hey, you guys hang out here for a bit. I’ve got to go and grab a couple of bits then we’ll head home.” She mumbled, before turning and brushing past everyone, through a doorway. Quietly, hoping that no-one would notice, I followed. I knew that she’s heard me from the way that her whole body tensed, but she ignored me. I caught her hand, pulling her round to face me. Her beautiful eyes were bright with unshed tears. I brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

“Cait…” My voice was quiet, barely a whisper.

“What?” She replied, just as quietly.

“I need to know; did you sing that song about me?” She pulled her hand free of mine and turned away.

“Yes.” I felt the dull ache in my chest intensify slightly. I stepped up behind her and turned her back to face me. I had no idea what to say. In place of words, I moved in to kiss her. She turned her head away and stepped out of my arms. “No Syn.”

“I want you Cait. I need you.” She didn’t meet my gaze as she spoke.

“Michelle loves you,” She paused, bending down to grab her bag. “and this is what I want. Please. Don’t.” She walked past me and out of the door. I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall, not wanting to face the world. I waited at least five minutes before walking out of the room. Everyone else had gone, apart from Zacky. He looked up as I shut the door. Sympathy was in his eyes.

“What happened? She looked pretty upset when she left.” I stared at my feet.

“That song that she and Carter performed was about me.” I looked up, knowing that there was pain in my eyes. “She doesn’t want it.” I looked away again. This time it wasn’t a case of my being too chicken. I had the courage this time. This time she rejected me and I didn’t know why.
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Song and Lyrics belong to Escape the Fate, not me.