Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 12.

Life’s A Riot Chapter 12.

October 2009.

Johnny POV.

I walked grinning into The Lindenshield Dance Academy studios. JC was teaching today, so I’d decided to visit. And drag her down to the beach. We never spent enough time together without the guys anymore. I didn’t have to stop and ask someone where she was; I could hear her bellowing. I felt sorry for her students some days. Especially after she’d had a fight with Syn. Like today. Apparently letting Pinkly shred her Victoria Secret underwear is not a good way to get into her pants. Or heart. It was difficult to know which he was trying to achieve half of the time. I followed the sound of JC’s voice into one of the main rehearsal studios. There was a group of teenage girls – maybe 15 or 16 – running through a routine. JC was pacing around them, shouting orders, corrections and praise.

“It’s called a kick-flick for a reason Jamie, with emphasis on the flick.” She barked from behind one of the dancers. The girl jumped slightly, but carried on dancing. “Looking good, Carrie. Keep it up.” The song finished and JC stood in front of them, her arms crossed. She nodded. “Better girls, better. Still room for improvement, plenty of room, but it’s getting there. Go change and you can head home.” The girls turned to grab their stuff and froze when they saw me. JC just sighed. “Can I help you Johnny?” I gave her an indignant look.

“Do I need an excuse to see my twin sister?” She smiled at me and shook her head as the girls began to scurry out of the room, talking quietly amongst themselves. “What time do you finish?” She glanced at the clock on the wall.

“I’ve got one more routine to run through and then I’m yours for the rest of the day.” She pointed at a couple of chairs. “Take a seat. It’ll take about half an hour.” I sighed and headed over to the chairs.

“Got any earplugs?” She threw an empty water bottle at my head.



I linked my arm through Johnny’s as we walked out of Lindenshield. I was looking forward to this afternoon, I loved spending time with my brother.

“So what’s the plan batman?” I asked as we jumped into his SUV.

“I thought that we could head down the beach.” I grinned.

“Got the wine?”

“Of course.”

“The let’s go.” About ten minutes later we pulled up by the beach. Johnny leaned into the back and grabbed a beach towel, a bottle of beer, two glasses and a bottle of rosé. It was a tradition that we’d started back in high school. An afternoon at the beach with booze, just chilling. Best way to end a busy day. We walked the short distance through the dunes to the sandy beach. Johnny poured out the glasses of wine, while I laid out the blanket.

“Cheers big bro.” I grinned, taking my glass from him and sitting down. I took a large sip and sighed. “Man it’s good to get away from it all.” Johnny glanced at me.

“Busy at Lindenshield?” I nodded.

“We’re building up to the Christmas Showcase. It’s pretty hectic.” I added, laughing at Johnny’s disbelieving expression.

“Christmas? It’s only October.”

“Do you know how much work goes into a Showcase? I’ve been choreographing since August.” I was a part of the Showcase Production Team, which basically meant that I organised the Showcases that we did three times a year; Easter, Summer and Christmas. Next to me, my brother nearly choked on his beer.


“He has nothing to do with it.” I took another sip of wine. “So what’s happening with the new album?” He leaned back and smiled.

“We’ve got some studio time booked for just before Christmas. We’ll take it easy and see where it goes.”

“Like usual then.” We sat in silence for a while, just enjoying each other’s company and the afternoon sun. Johnny broke the silence.

“So when am I going to get to meet Scott?” He asked, referring to my boyfriend.

“You’re not.” I got rewarded with a punch to the shoulder.

“Jacqueline Caitlyn Seward.” He warned. I glared at him in reply. He stared back at me. “Don’t make me crash one of your dates.” I sighed in defeat. I was also curious to know where this over protective Johnny had suddenly come from.

“Fine. I’ll get him to come round over the weekend. And why are you so interested in my love life all of a sudden? You don’t usually care who I date.” His grin widened.

“1) Because you’ve been dating him for two months and I’ve not met him yet, so you obviously like him. 2) Because I want to know who’s managed to ruin Syn’s dreams of getting with you.” I threw my wine over him and jumped him. He just laughed as he tried to fend me off. Just another average afternoon at the beach.