Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 13

Life’s A riot chapter 13.


I growled and threw the nearest cushion at Syn’s head.

“Shut up! No-one was talking to you.” I snapped, glaring at him. He just smirked back.

“Tense today are we Cait?” In reply I threw another cushion at him. Dammit! Where are all the hard objects when I need them?!

“Don’t fucking call me that!” I ran a hand through my hair, messing it up slightly.

“You know that you love it.” I grabbed Zacky’s phone out of his and threw it at Syn.



“What the fuck are you guys doing?” Asked Jimmy, leaning in the doorway.

“Syn’s pissing me off, so I threw Zack’s phone at him.”

“I was using texting Gena!” I bit my lip. Shit.

“Sorry Zack.” I mumbled. I liked Zacky’s girlfriend Gena. She was perfect for Zacky. Syn wordlessly chucked Zacky’s phone back over to him. The doorbell rang, making me shoot out of my seat and run for the door. Goddammit! I was going to get there before Johnny if it killed me. I made it, Danny bouncing happily at my heels. After taking a deep, calming breath I opened the door. Scott was stood grinning on the doorstep. I smiled back at my boyfriend and forced myself to relax. I knew that my brother wouldn’t terrify him, but it was the others that I was scared about. I knew that Zacky, Jimmy and Matt all regarded me as a little sister and would probably be slightly standoffish towards Scott. Syn would just be a dick. Because he always was to my boyfriends, no exception.

“Hey babe.” Greeted Scott.

“Hey, come in.” Unfortunately, my moving to one side to let him in, allowed Danny access to Scott. I sighed as Danny sent Scott catapulting backwards. If the guys didn’t scare him away, my dogs would do. “Daniel! Come here!” I barked, pointing a finger at the floor next to me. Danny trotted over to my side and sat down, apparently satisfied that he had properly greeted Scott. “Sorry Scott.” I apologised as he made it over the doorway. He grinned easily at me and pulled me into a hug.

“Don’t worry about it, you did warn me.” I laughed, kicking the door shut as I pulled out of his arms.

“Come on, let’s get this over with.” I sighed, turning towards the rest of the house. Scott laughed and linked his fingers through mine.

“It’s going to be fine, babe, just chill.” I wasn’t reassured.

“Yeah, well, you haven’t met them yet.” He just laughed some more.


Syn POV.

I watched in silence as Cait introduced Scott to everyone. He’d only been in the room five minutes and already I hated him. I knew that it was jealousy that caused me to hate him, but that didn’t stop it. I hated the fact that she seemed so happy with someone else. Scott looked curiously over at me, the only one who Cait hadn’t bothered to introduce.

“Who’s this babe?” I tensed at the pet name. Jealousy; such a petty emotion, yet one that we couldn’t control. Cait glanced at me and grunted.

“Urgh. That’s just Syn. He’s a dick, ignore him.” Her attention turned back to Jimmy and Zacky, who were messing about. Despite Cait’s instruction to ignore me, Scott came over anyway.

“Nice to meet you Syn.” He held out a hand. I stared at it before looking away.

“Yeah, whatever.” Cait looked over at us again, taking in Scott’s miffed look.

“I told you Scott, he’s a dick, ignore him. He’s always like this.” He shrugged and walked back over to Cait. From the sofa opposite me, Johnny glared, warning me to be nice. I just shrugged and fished my phone out of my pocket. I heard Johnny sigh in exasperation.

“Hey guys, we were gunna have a movie afternoon. If you two had nothing planned, you’re welcome to join us.” Suggested Jimmy, grinning. My head snapped up and I glared at the drummer. His grin just widened. Cait looked over at Scott.

“I don’t mind, it’s up to you.” He smiled crookedly at her.

“Well I’d love to hang out with your brother and these guys.” Cait fell onto the sofa with a sigh. Somehow, I got the impression that that wasn’t the answer that she’d wanted to hear.


We were halfway through The Blair Witch Project and Scott was doing his best to shove his tongue down Cait’s throat. I was this close to pulling him off her. Eventually Cait pushed him away and turned her attention back to the film, blushing. I scowled at Scott. Have I mentioned that I really hate him? I couldn’t stand to see Cait snuggled up in his arms. I wanted to be the one to hold her in my arms. I picked Pinkly up and leaned back in my armchair, remembering the times that I had held in my arms.

Flashback – 2004 – Camping Trip.

I woke up to the sound of the tent unzipping. I squinted sleepily, trying to make out who was coming in. I rolled over and poked Zacky. He grunted and rolled over to face me, only to be hit in the face by a pillow and sleeping bag. Cait followed them through the flap and began to re-zip it. I stared at her, confused, while Zacky struggled to get out from under the sleeping bag.

“What the fuck?!” Grumbled Zacky, finally surfacing from under the sleeping bag.

“Sorry babes.” Apologised Cait, crawling away from the tent flap. Zacky grunted in response and moved over so that she could put her sleeping bag down.

“Make yourself comfortable.” I protested as I was forced to move over.

“Thank you, I will.” Replied Cait, grinning.

“Why are you in here anyway?”

“Because I have been crushed, gassed and kicked by those two bullies and now I am freezing.” She replied, climbing into her sleeping bag.

“Huh?” We both snorted at Zacky’s less than awake reply.

“Basically, Johnny has kicked me at least ten times already, the pair of them have both released noxious gases into that tent, then Jimmy decided to roll over me in his sleep and cuddle with Johnny, leaving me fucking freezing. I cannot cope with it anymore and I refuse to even go near Matt and Val’s tent. So this one is my only option.” I smiled at the mental image that her rant gave me.

“That would be a sight worth photographing.” Commented Zacky, snuggling further down into his sleeping bag. Between us, Cait snickered and grinned.

“One step ahead of you babes.” I looked at her, for once, grinning.

“You didn’t??” She smirked in reply. “You are an evil bitch.”

“Thank you, thank you very much.” Was her only reply as she shoved her earphones in her ears and closed her eyes. I laid awake for what felt like ages. It was torture to have her sleeping so close, yet not be able to reach out and touch her. I wanted to hold her in my arms, fall asleep like that. How could this one girl drive me so fucking insane?! I was debating whether or not she was asleep yet, when she stirred and sat up, shivering.

“Goddammit! Why is it so fucking cold?!” I smiled as a thought entered my mind. A quick glance over at Zacky told me that he was sound asleep. Perfect.

“Come here.” I ordered, holding an arm up in the air. Cait stared at me in disbelief. I let my arm drop. “Fine, freeze all night then. See if I care.” I began to roll over, but her voice stopped me.

“Wait.” I raised an eyebrow at her. She glanced over at Zacky nervously. I sighed.

“He’s asleep. Just come here Cait.” She sighed in return and gave me a warning look.

“This doesn’t leave the tent.” She warned, still sat up, staring at me.


“And I am only doing this because I am so damn fucking cold.” I smirked.

“Of course you are Cait.” She glared at me.

“Forget it!” She snapped, lying back down and turning her back on me.

“Come on Cait, I was joking.” I sighed, reaching over and pulling her against me. Even through her sleeping bag, I could feel how cold she was. “Jesus, Cait, you’re freezing!”

“Tell me about it.” She mumbled. Neither of us said anything else after that. Slowly, her breathing began to grow deeper. I smiled as she fell asleep, my arm still wrapped around her waist. I couldn’t describe how fucking good it felt to have her asleep in my arms. Gradually I felt myself begin to fall asleep again, the smile still on my face.


I snapped out of my memories and shook my head, wondering if she knew how crazy she could make me. I don’t even know what attracted me to her in the first place. Maybe it was the challenge of trying to get someone who seemed to hate me. Maybe it was because we both had more in common than we cared to admit. Maybe it was because we both drove each other crazy. Maybe it was because she was one of the girls I knew that would stand up and not let me get my own way. I looked over at her in Scott’s arms. Maybe it was all of those things. Maybe it was none of them. But whatever it was, it was slowly destroying me.