Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 14.

Life’s A Riot Chapter 14.

Syn POV.

I slammed my fist into the wall in anger as Michelle stormed out of the house. We’d been fighting more and more lately. She wanted to get married. I didn’t. I growled and punched the wall again before stalking off to the kitchen. I needed a beer. Everyone else was out, thankfully; Cait was at the SPCA, Johnny and Lacey were out on a double date with Zacky and Gena and Jimmy had been ordered to get this week’s groceries by Cait. I yanked open the fridge, slightly harder than necessary, spilling milk everywhere. Cursing, I grabbed my beer and slammed the door shut again, spilling yet more milk. I ignored it, storming out of the back door. I’d clean it up later. I leaned back against the cool brick of the house, pulling my fags out of my pocket and lighting up. I sighed as I inhaled and cracked open my beer. I was on my second cigarette when my phone rang. I didn’t bother check the caller ID before answering.

“What’s up?” I asked, taking another drag.

“Gates!” Snapped Val. I dropped my cigarette in shock. “Where are you?”

“A-At home.” I stammered.

“Don’t go anywhere! I’m coming over!” She hung up. Damn she sounded pissed. And a pissed off Val was almost as bad as a pissed off Cait. Almost.


She arrived in about five minutes. I was attempting to clean the milk up when she stormed to a stop in the kitchen doorway. And boy was she pissed off.

“Gates, you have a lot of explaining to do.” I didn’t reply, knowing that it wouldn’t be wise. “Would you care to explain why my sister has been on the phone to me in tears?” I resisted the urge to sigh and stood up, crossing my arms.

“She wants to get married. She thinks that I should have proposed already.” The tension slowly bled from Val’s shoulders, she sighed and set her bag on the table, taking a seat.

“You are the source of a constant migraine Syn.” I smiled weakly and took a seat opposite her. “Why are you even with Chelle Syn? You two aren’t any good for each other.” I shrugged. I knew that she was my best friend but she was also Michelle’s sister; she wouldn’t like the truth. “Don’t you fucking lie to me Gates!” I looked away from her, staring out over the garden.

“Because it’s better than being alone. Because I won’t end up getting my heart broken again.” I replied quietly. Val snorted.

“At the cost of breaking my sister’s heart?” I turned my head back to look at her. Her angry expression softened as she saw my expression. She sighed again.

“What is so hard about the pair of you talking to each other?”

“I tried that once. She broke my fucking heart.”

“A taste of your own medicine probably did you good!” She snapped, growing angry again. “JC is my best friend and Michelle is my sister. You know who you want to be with, you’re just running away from the work that it’s going to take. You’re taking the easy way out and breaking my sister’s heart in the process. Michelle loves you. You don’t love her. Stop stringing her along. You know what you need to do. Grow a pair and do it already.” She grabbed her bag and stood, glaring at me one last time before stalking out of the room. Leaving me alone with my thoughts.


I remained in that glumly thoughtful mood all day. The only thing that cheered me up a little was the sight of Cait arguing. With someone other than me. Miracles! She was currently stood on the bottom of the stairs, glaring at Scott.

“Excuse me?” Her voice was quiet and seemed calm. A bad sign, although apparently Scott didn’t know that. Good.

“You heard me. I’ve hardly seen you these past two weeks J. Do I actually mean anything to you?” I winced slightly at that. Seriously? Did he not know her at all? She wouldn’t date someone who didn’t mean something to her. She may be a bitch, but she wasn’t that sort of bitch. I could see the tears forming in her eyes, even from the other side of the room, where I was loitering quietly.

“Sorry that the Showcase takes up so much of my time! But it’s my job! A job that I love and enjoy. Not even my own twin sees me as often when I’m organising the Showcases! And how dare you say something like that?! Surely you know me better than that?!” She yelled, turning on her hell and starting to storm up the staircase.

“Jack, wait!” Called Scott, starting to follow her. She whirled back to face him, her long – currently brown and pink – hair whipping around her face.

“Don’t fucking talk to me!” She snarled, turning away again. Scott stared at her, dumbfounded – a look that seemed to suit him – as she thundered up the rest of the stairs. A few seconds later, her door slammed shut. I forced myself not to chuckled and walked into the room. Scott was starting to make his way upstairs.

“I’d leave her for a few hours, if I were you.” I commented. He turned to face me, his face becoming an ugly sneer. Apparently he didn’t like me. Well, the feeling was more than mutual.

“Oh really?” I shrugged.

“Just speaking from past experience.” He walked towards me.

“Well past experience shows that you don’t exactly see eye to eye most of the time.” He stopped in front of me, trying to look intimidating. He failed. I was used to Matt and Jimmy, he didn’t fucking scare me. “I see that way that you look at her.” I raised an eyebrow. His glare intensified. “You stay away from her; she’s mine.” I looked away and snorted.

“I’m sure she’d love to hear you refer to her as a possession.” He took another half step closer.

“She’s my girlfriend, not yours. If Carter tell me correctly, she didn’t want you did she?! He sneered at me one last time and strode over to the front door. He glanced back over his shoulder at me. “I mean it, stay away from her, or you’ll have trouble playing that fancy guitar of yours.” He walked out, slamming the door behind him. I snorted. He could come and fucking try. That’s all I’ll say.