Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 15

Life’s A Riot Chapter 15.


I let the soothing rhythm of running wash over me. It sounds like a strange thing to say, but running really calmed me down. Nothing but you and the pace you’re setting. Papa Roach was playing through my ears. I glanced down at Danny, who was running on the treadmill next to me. It was pouring with rain outside, so I was relegated the gym that the guys had set up in one of the spare rooms. Danny loved running just as much as I did, maybe more. A stupid grin sat on his face and his tongue bounced from one side of his mouth to the other. I smiled. Yes, running had definitely been a good idea. I didn’t even realise that anyone else had joined me until he spoke.

“Your dog is a nut case.” I didn’t break my stride, but pulled and earphone out and turned to see who was talking to me. Syn was stood in the doorway, his arms crossed, dressed in workout gear.

“For once, I am not going to argue with you.” I replied, turning my attention back to the treadmill, increasing the speed. I listened as Syn moved into the room properly, dumping his stuff next to the bench press. I stayed focused on the wall in front of me.

“How long have you been in here? I thought that you’d gone out.” I glanced at the digital display on the treadmill.

“Long enough to run six and a half miles.” Syn whistled as he fiddled with the weights.

“Impressive Cait.” I glared at him.

“Don’t fucking call me that!” He smirked and began his workout. For the most part, we ignored each other. Well as much as you can ignore that many muscles working out right in the corner of your eye. Hey, he may be a dick, but I will freely admit to myself – and maybe Ash and Val – that he is a very muscled dick. You’d have to be a fucking lesbian to ignore his muscles rippling as he lifted weights. I was almost certain that I was getting the occasional look too. I was only in a pair of three quarter-length yoga pants and a sports bra. When I hit the seven miles mark, I stopped for a break. I unclipped Danny from the leash that made sure that he didn’t fall off the treadmill, letting him go and grab a drink from the bowl. I picked up my own water bottle and took a few sips, noticing Syn watching me as I did so.

“Stop staring at me!” I snapped, glaring at him. He only smirked back.

“Only if you stop staring at me.” My reply was the squirt my water at him. He yelped as the cold water hit him square in the face. I snickered as I walked over to the sound system. I could hear him cursing behind me, as he searched for a towel. Apparently Danny wasn’t exactly helping either.

“You are such a bitch.” He grumbled, as he wiped the water and Great Dane slobber off his face.

“Why thank you.” I replied, grinning, as I plugged my iPod into the sound system. Kickboxing was not an iPod friendly sport. Papa Roach began to blast through the speakers as I made my way over to the punch bag. I ignored the set of eyes that watched me from across the room and began to go through my kickboxing warm up. It was about five minutes later, that he got bored of watching.

“Cait, come and pick on someone, your own size.” I turned to face him, discovering that he had grabbed some training pads and was stood smirking at me in the padded mat area. I raised an eyebrow at him. Was I going to turn down a chance to beat Syn up – well kind of. I walked over to him, an evil smirk playing across my lips. Was I hell. He put the pads on his hands, watching me as I stretched out quickly. “Ready?” I laughed.

“You have no idea.”


I bounced from foot to foot, trying not to laugh as Syn tried to catch his breath. His padded hands rested on his knees.

“Come on, you’re not even doing most of the work.” I goaded, I was rewarded with a glare.

“Where the fuck do you get all of your energy from?” He asked, watching me as I continued to bounce. I shrugged. He groaned in response. Chuckles came from the doorway. I glanced over to see Johnny and Jimmy stood there grinning.

“Would you like to explain why you’re trying to kill our guitarist?” Asked Jimmy, as he walked into the room.

“More than normal.” Added Johnny. I stuck my tongue out at the pair of them.

“He offered. Not my fault he can’t handle it.” I replied, earning another glare.

“I can handle it, just not for an hour and a half straight.” He grumbled, straightening up. Jimmy whistled, impressed as he took the pads off Syn. Johnny, however, knew me better. I never spent all day in the gym unless something was bothering me.

“What’s up?” I ignored him and took a couple of punches as Jimmy’s outstretched hands. Johnny let me hit and kick the hell out of Jimmy’s padded hands for a while before trying again. “Come on JC, don’t try and fool me.” I growled and gave Jimmy a particularly vicious punch. Jimmy winced.

“AH!!! Careful! I do need to use these hands you know!” From the corner, where he had settled, Syn snorted. I ignored him. Behind Jimmy, Johnny sighed and leant against the treadmill.

“Scott?” He guessed. My response was a roundhouse that had Jimmy yelping and diving to the floor. “That’ll be a yes then.”

“If that’s her problem, then is it safe for me to carry on as her punch bag?” Mumbled Jimmy from where he was lying, face down, on the floor. I smiled apologetically at him.

“Sorry Jimbo.” I dropped my ready stance and rubbed a hand across my forehead. He warily clambered to his feet. Johnny wasn’t going to let the subject drop.

“What’s the matter?” I sighed, I wasn’t going to get away from this conversation.

“He’s being a douche, if the argument that they had the other day is anything to go by.” Commented Syn, taking a gulp of water. I glared at him.

“You heard that?” He shrugged.

“It was difficult not to.” I gave him that point. Johnny and Jimmy just looked confused.

“What argument?” I walked over to the punch bag, needing an outlet that wasn’t going to hurt anybody.

“He’s complaining that I don’t spend enough time with him.” I replied, starting to kick the bag.

“He also asked her if he actually meant anything to her.” Added Syn. I glared at him he simply raised his water to me in salute. Johnny tensed.

“J, you’ve been spending most of your spare time with him and you’ve never dated someone who didn’t mean something to you.” I shrugged.

“I know.” I gave the sand bag a ferocious roundhouse. “He wants me to move in with him.” I glanced over at Johnny and winced. My twin hardly ever got angry, but now he looked like he was ready to kill someone. Named Scott.

“Let me get this straight; he wants you, who he’s only been dating two and a half months, to move out of your house and live with him?!?!” I flinched at the anger in his voice and struck out at the punch bag.

“Yes.” Johnny growled and subsided into discontented mumbling. This was bad; not only did Johnny rarely ever get mad, but he almost never got overprotective over me. Jimmy snapped me out of my worried thoughts; he didn’t look impressed either, although he seemed to be more worried than angry.

“This doesn’t sound good to me Jack.” He met my eyes. For once he looked deadly serious. “If you want my advice, I’d get out of this relationship sooner rather than later. It sounds like he’s turning into a controlling boyfriend, the kind of guy that you really don’t want to be with. Things only get worse when they turn like that JC.” He warned, I looked at him curiously. He was coming across not only serious and worried, but it sounded like he was speaking from experience. He sighed. “Leana’s ex was one of those guys. He started out sweet, then started to get really controlling. She stayed, wanting to try and work it out. Eventually he started to get abusive.” He closed his eyes, then looked back at me. I was in shock; I’d never even guessed that something like that had happened to Leana, she was so like Jimmy – crazy and outgoing. “I don’t want something like that happening to you, you’re like a little sister to me.” I forced myself to smile, when in reality Jimmy’s words were chilling me to the bone. I was scared.

“I know Jim, you’re like a brother to me.” I glanced over at Johnny, who was wearing an expression of shock and anger. I beckoned him over. “Chill out. You all know that I can handle myself. It’ll be fine.” I reassured, wrapping my arms around my twin, wishing that I could reassure myself