Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 16

Life’s A Riot Chapter 16.


November 18th. Mine and Johnny’s Birthday. We were turning 25 – is that scary or what?! We were having a party at ours, which was currently very calm. I personally put that down to the absence of Jimmy, Leana and Ash. Besides, our parents were here. Things would only go crazy when they left. I was sat with Mom, who was talking to Scott happily, while Johnny was stood talking to Dad with Zacky. Things between the guys and Scott were tense at the moment – to say the least. I wasn’t sure how much longer I’d stay with him, but I was trying to get things to work out. None of the guys were happy about that, but it was my decision not theirs. Starting to get bored of the seemingly pointless conversation that my mom and Scott were having, I scanned my back yard. I grinned, spotting Matt and Val coming out of the house. I got up to go over and greet them. I stopped in front of Val, freezing, my eyes widening in shock. I wordlessly pointed at her hand and screamed. She grinned and held it up so I could see the ring better.

“When?!” Her grin widened.

“Last night.” I screamed again and threw myself at her. She laughed and hugged me back as we jumped around excitedly. Eventually we broke apart and I turned, beaming to Matt.

“Don’t think that you’re getting away from your hug.” I held my arms out. “Come on!” He laughed and stepped grinning into my hug. As I pulled away, I found myself surrounded by the rest of the guys.

“About fucking time!” Exclaimed Jimmy. The rest of us laughed and the guys stepped forwards to congratulate the happy couple.

“What is this? A group hug without ma beautiful self?! How very fucking rude!!” I turned to face Ash; the party was here. Without speaking I pointed out Val’s hand. Ash screamed, deafening Carter in the process. Her reaction was almost identical to mine. I laughed. Sometimes, I really thought that we could be related.


I smiled as I straightened my dress. It was now 10:30 and the party was in full swing. I washed my hands and checked my make-up on my bathroom mirror. All present and correct. Good. I blew a kiss at the mirror and walked out of the bathroom, only to freeze in shock. Syn was stood at the foot of my bed, his back to me, shuffling nervously from foot to foot. He turned to face me, as the bathroom door swung shut, smiling.

“What the hell are you doing in my room?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. He mimicked my action, only better – I swear no one can raise an eyebrow better than him. Or make it look as hot.

“Charming. I come up to give you your birthday present and this is the response that I get.” My other eyebrow rose to join my first.

“Present?” He chuckled.

“You didn’t think that I wouldn’t get you anything did you? Come on Cait, we may not be the best of friends, but I’m not a complete bastard.” I snorted, but said nothing. He ran a hand through his hair and stepped forward. I tried not to notice how good he looked when he did that. “Anyway, here. Happy Birthday Cait.” He held a small, wrapped box out to me. I carefully undid the ribbon and pulled the paper off, flipping the lid open. I gasped in surprise. In the box lay the most beautiful bracelet that I’d ever seen. It was one of those charm bracelets that the circular charms fit on. It was silver, and already had a bunch of charms on. The focal point of the charms was a section that spelled out JC Riot, the nickname that the guys gave me ages ago when Good Charlotte’s Song Riot Girl came out. They’d decided that it could have been written about me and gave me an honorary stage name. There were other charms on either side of my nickname, but the one that caught my eye most was the Deathbat that separated JC and Riot. All of the guys had been on at me to get a Deathbat tattooed for ages. I couldn’t believe that he’d got me this for my birthday. “Cait?” His voice was nervous, never something that I thought I’d hear from Synyster Gates. I looked up at him, still slightly lost for words. He bit his lip. “If you don’t like it, I can change it.” I shook my head.

“No! It’s beautiful Syn. Thank you. Put it on for me?” I asked, holding it out and offering him my wrist. He smiled and took the box, taking the bracelet out and fastening it around my wrist. It fitted perfectly. He looked at me, his head cocked to one side.

“You really like it?” I smiled and laughed slightly.

“I love it Syn. Thank you so much.” I replied, pulling into a hug.


Syn POV.

I smiled into her neck and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her in closer. The soft smell of her perfume surrounded me, making my heart rate jump slightly. Christ, I couldn’t believe how she could make me feel. Cait began to move backwards, I didn’t want to let her go, but did anyway. She was still with Scott. Although God only knows why. Maybe it was similar to why I stayed with Michelle for so long; she didn’t want to be alone. I sighed inwardly, I didn’t understand this girl. She smiled at me again as I let my arms drop from her waist. I couldn’t force myself to break eye contact with her. She looked so fucking beautiful tonight in a short, skull print red and black dress. Without thinking, I reached forward and brushed a loose lock of curled hair out of her face, cupping her cheek. She tensed slightly. Before she could move, I leaned in and kissed her. It was quick and soft, but I could still feel the attraction between us. I pulled back and dropped my hand, looking at the floor. I spoke before she had chance to shout at me.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. Guess that I’ve had one more than I thought I had.” I smiled slightly, hoping that she’d buy my lie. Hesitantly she smiled back.

“No worries, we all do.”

“You’re with Scott anyway.” I looked up and met her gaze once more. “Although, I don’t know why.” She sighed and began to head for the door. She’d been having this discussion a lot with everyone else. “You deserve better than him Cait.” She stopped and turned back to face me, her eyes closed as she composed herself. When she opened her eyes, they were bright with unshed tears.

“Then where are they Syn? Everyone always says that after another one of my relationships goes to crap, but where are they? Why is it that I never manage to find someone better?” She closed her eyes again and shook her head, as if she could force the tears back. “This is my decision Syn, my life, please, can you just respect that? And let me make my own decisions.” She murmured before walking out of the room and heading back to her party. I was startled at her words. She always came across as the strong willed, i-don’t-give-a-fuck attitude girl. I was surprised that she seemed to lack self-confidence. I was even more surprised that she’d shown me that.