Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 17

Life’s A Riot Chapter 17.


I slammed the door behind me; tears welling up in my eyes as it all got too much. Why me? Why did this always have to happen to me? I felt something brush against my leg, I looked down to see Tizzy sat by my side. I crouched down to pet her. She always knew when I was upset.

“J?” Asked a voice that sounded like Zacky’s. “What are you doing home? I thought that you were staying at Scott’s.” I looked up, meeting his gaze. His curious expression softened when he saw the tears running down my cheeks. “Ah shit. Come here babes.” He murmured, walking towards me, with his arms held out. I stood and walked straight into his arms, holding back even more tears with all that I could. The front door opened behind us. I knew who it was without even turning around.

“It’s alright Zack, I got her.” Muttered my brother from behind me. Zacky’s arms released my waist as I turned and threw my arms around Johnny’s neck, burying my face in his shirt as if he could shield me from the heart ache. Once I was in his arms, I broke down. I couldn’t have stopped the tears if I’d tried. I was vaguely aware of someone else walking into the room, but I couldn’t look up. I didn’t want to see the looks that would say that they were right.

“Cait? What’s happened?” I sank further into Johnny, unwilling to say the words out loud. Especially to Syn. Thankfully I had Johnny there to say them for me.

“Scott cheated on her.” He paused, glancing down at me, as if asking if it was ok to say the rest, I nodded slightly into his shoulder. “With Michelle.”


Syn POV.

I felt my whole body tense with shock, closely followed by anger. I could hear my pulse thudding in my ears, feel the anger running through my veins.

“I’m going to fucking kill him.” I growled. Zacky’s eyes flicked briefly between me and Cait, he gave me a small, knowing smile and turned his attention back to her.

“I’m with him.” Agreed Jimmy. Cait looked up from Johnny’s shoulder, turning to face us. Her dark eye make-up had left grey, smudged tear tracks down her cheeks. My chest tightened even more with anger at the sight of her so upset. How could he do that to her?

“Guys…” She trailed off, looking between us, a confused look on her face. I sighed.

“How many times must we tell you that you are like family to us?” Replied Jimmy, a stern look on his face. He glanced at me. “Even him.” Cait just shook her head.

“I can’t believe that you guys are more over protective of me than my twin is.”

“That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want to kick that c*nt’s head in right now.” Added Johnny, a thunderous look on his face. Cait was about to reply, when the front door opened. Ash strode in, closely followed by Carter – who appeared to have been dragged along for the sole purpose of being a pack horse – and a whole bunch of grocery bags. She took Cait in with a glance.

“Tell me that you are not crying over that dickhead.” She stated. Cait winced and shrugged one shoulder. Ash gave her a withering look. “How many times must I tell you that there are plenty of bigger, better and sexier fish in the sea?” Cait snorted softly.

“How many times must I reply that I’d like to know where they are?” Ash grinned and walked over to Cait.

“And how many times must I be forced to add that you need to kiss many-a frog to find your prince?” Cait smiled and walked into Ash’s hug. “We have this conversation far too often for my liking.”

“That I can agree on.” Johnny raised both of his eyebrows at Carter.

“When I said that JC needed you ASAP, I didn’t mean that she needed your entire freezer too.” Ash grinned.

“Never underestimate the healing power of Ben and Jerry’s with chocolate sauce, sprinkles and marshmallows, when combined with a manicure and several chick flicks.”



The guys stayed with me and Ash for most of the night, which I actually kinda appreciated. It was nice to just be with people who cared about me. Yes, even Syn. He was currently sat next to me on the sofa, stuffing his face with nachos as we watched A Walk To Remember. He’d barely left my side since we’d started watching films. It was nice – if slightly confusing. It made me feel like I was kind of like family to him, but then I’d think about the way that he’d kissed me a couple of weeks ago. I needed to talk to Ash, but it was a little difficult with all of the guys around. She was currently painting my toenails. I dreaded to look to see what the colour was. Last time it was luminous yellow with black spots. Yes seriously. It took fucking weeks to fade.

“I don’t understand why Michelle would do something like that to you.” Commented Jimmy from where he was sat in an armchair with Tizzy spread across his lap. My chest tightened as I thought about what I had inadvertently walked in on. The shock had mostly worn off now, but it still hurt. A lot. “I mean, she’s meant to be your friend.” Ash snorted and I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the outburst that was most probably about to occur.

“Please, she is a ssssssshhhlllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggg.” Syn choked on a mouthful of nachos. I bit my lip, forcing myself not to laugh.

“Don’t you let Val hear you say that.” Warned Zacky, trying not to laugh.

“Why? I only tell the truth.” Retorted Ash, waving the nail varnish brush at him. I caught sight of the colour; Neon Green. Wonderful. I sighed and hit Ash’s shoulder lightly. She turned to look at me.

“Move, I’m going to get another drink.” I glanced at the now empty bowl of nachos. “And some more nachos.” I stood and headed for the kitchen, grabbing the bowl on my past. Once in the kitchen, I set about chucking the nacho ingredients in a dish before putting them in the oven. I was pouring myself another glass of wine when Syn walked in. I smiled weakly at him.

“Are you ok, Cait?” I looked at him, he laughed slightly, “Ok, stupid question.” He opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of beer. “Seriously though, I’m worried about you.” This time my smile was a bit stronger and more genuine. It felt nice to know, that he cared about me – even if I was confused as hell about it.

“I’m fine.” I paused, taking in his disbelieving look, and sighed. “I will be fine. Give me a couple of weeks.” He put his beer on the side and pulled me into a hug. I let him hold me close, just enjoying the feeling of being in his arms.

“I can’t believe that she would do something like that to you.” Me murmured, his breath tickling my ear.

“She blames me for you and her splitting up.” I replied, freezing when I realised what I’d just said. Shit! I was getting far too relaxed on his arms. He tensed, before pulling away.

“What?” I sighed, heading over to check the nachos.

“She thinks that I’m the reason that you broke up with her.” Syn closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. When he reopened his eyes, they were filled with guilt.

“Cait…” I turned to face him quickly, waving the oven gloves at him.

“Don’t! Don’t you dare blame yourself for this! It is not your fault.” I pulled the nacho’s out of the oven. His arms wrapped around my waist. I froze on the spot.

“That doesn’t make me feel any less guilty.”

“You shouldn’t feel guilty in the first place Syn. Besides, it’s not like me and her were close anyway. And like Ash says; she’s a bit of a slag. So stop feeling guilty this instant, or that beer is going to end up over your head.” He didn’t move his arms from my waist. I was just about to ask him to let me go, when he moved back.

“I’ll take those through for you.” He took the oven gloves and bowl from he, walking quickly out of the room. I watched him go, hating the fact that I wished his arms were still around my waist. Hating the fact that I wished that he would kiss me and make all of this pain and confusion go away, even for a few seconds.