Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. Prologue.

Life’s A Riot Prologue.


I’ll never forget how I first met him. It’s like the memory is burned on my brain, no matter how I hard I try, I can never forget. It irks me continuously that the arrogant, egotistical prick is burnt in on my brain like that. Although, if he wasn’t around, I doubt that I’d be such good friends with the others. But wait, you must be wondering who the hell I’m talking about. I’ll tell you. Synyster fucking Gates. Is that a stupid fucking name or what? Seriously. I cannot even be in the same freaking room as him without starting some kind of argument. He knows exactly how much we piss each other off and seems to take some kind of perverse pleasure in irritating me. From the first second that I laid eyes on him, I knew that he was going to piss me off. Man, I must be fucking psychic or something. Because three and a half years later he’s still infuriating the hell outta me.

~Three and a half years earlier – 2002~

I glared at Johnny as I slammed the car door shut. He, however, just grinned at me and headed up to the front door of the house that we’d pulled up at. Grumbling, I swung my bag up onto my shoulder and followed him.

“This had better not take too long.” I mumbled as he rang the doorbell.

“It’ll take as long as it takes Jack.” He replied, grinning as the door opened to reveal, a tall, skinny black haired guy.

“Johnny!” He greeted, grinning.

“Hey Jimmy.” Replied Johnny. Jimmy’s attention turned to me.

“JC!” He yelled, his already idiotic grin getting wider. “Fuck! It’s been wayyy to long!” I smiled and stepped, laughing into his hug.

“That it has Jimmy, that it has.” We followed him into the house.

“Not that it’s not lovely to see you, but what brings you here?” I rolled my eyes and glared at Johnny again. As usual, it had no effect.

“Well, my darling brother here has the car keys and refuses to give them to me and I have training later. So here I am, stuck bumming a lift off the bastard. All fucking day.” I explained, swearing as Johnny came to a sudden stop in front of me, making me walk into him. We’d stopped in the doorway to Jimmy’s living room, where three guys were sat talking. As soon as we walked in, they all stopped their conversations and stared at us. Well, me.

“Who’s the chick?” I turned my attention to a tall, well-muscled guy, with the most amazing brown eyes, who looked like he’d just got out of bed. All-in-all he wasn’t bad looking. But it was his attitude that got me. He already had the whole “rock star” attitude. He was looking at me like I should just fall at his feet and worship him, an arrogant, cocky smile plastered on his face. Oh boy, we were going to get on fine. Not. The guy next to him snorted and pushed off the sofa. I smiled as I recognised Zacky.

“That ‘chick’, as you called her Syn, is our new bassist’s twin.” He smiled at me as we hugged. “Hey Jack.”

“Hey Zack.” I replied. The third and final guy was freaking huge. And I’m not kidding. Seriously, was everyone in this band fucking massive and muscled? His short, dark hair was tousled, as if he couldn’t be bothered to do anything with it, and he had the cutest dimples as he smiled. He smiled sweetly at me.

“I’m Matt, nice to meet you. Jack was it?”

“Jacqueline actually, but Jack or JC’s fine.” I smiled welcomingly back, wincing as I told him my first name. Eeeesh. I hate it. I stepped slightly back, suddenly aware that I was kinda of stealing the show from Johnny, after all, he was the one joining the band, not me. “Anyway, it’s my brother not me you want. All I want is the car.” Johnny just grinned at me.

“No chance, baby sis, no chance.” I narrowed my eyes at him as I fell onto the spare seat on the sofa. Unfortunately next to Just-Got-Out-Of-Bed-Guy.

“One hundred and eighty seconds is all the separates us and I’m the ‘baby’?” I grumbled, dumping my bag at my feet, knowing that Johnny wasn’t going to give me the fucking keys. Everyone laughed and took seats again. I sighed. I was going to be late, I just knew it.

Syn POV.

I’ll never forget the first time we met. The moment is etched in my memory like a fucking scar. I’ll never get rid of it and it never fades. I’m sure that she’d be ecstatic to know how much she annoys me, even when she’s not present. Mind you, if she’s the price I have to pay in order to get a fucking amazing bassist, I’ll take. JC bloody Seward. I’m surprised that we can even be in the same room without shedding blood. Although, she is so fucking fun to annoy. It’s a vice, yeah I admit it, but it’s so much fun that I just can’t resist. She’s so fucking hot when she gets angry. I knew from the first moment that she looked at me that she was going to be one of those people that I just loved to wind up. And here we are, three and a half years later, still bickering like little kids. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

~Three and a half years earlier – 2002~

I looked up as Jimmy and our new bassist, Johnny, walked into the room, followed by one fit chick. Seriously, she looked like she’d just walked off a fucking movie set. I couldn’t resist breaking the silence that enveloped the room.

“Who’s the chick?” She turned her attention on me. I smirked in reply. I could see from the look in her beautiful green-brown eyes that I was obviously going to annoy her. Next to me, Zacky got out of his seat and walked over to her, from her smile, they obviously knew each other. He sent me a warning look before speaking.

“That ‘chick’, as you called her Syn, is out new bassist’s twin.” He hugged her. “Hey Jack.” I glanced quickly at Johnny, who was rolling his eyes at Jimmy, before looking back at her. They certainly looked alike. I watched as Matt got up to introduce himself. I stayed where I was. Someone else could introduce me to her. While they were talking, I looked her over more closely. She wasn’t exactly tall, but then in a room with Matt and Jimmy, anyone would look short. Her hair was a natural dirty blonde, but managed to make it look amazing. Her eyes sparkled in the light that came in from the window, highlighting the slightly muddy brown tints to them. She was also fairly skinny, not anorexic, but she looked almost athletic. Nice tits too. Oh shit, I just saw Johnny looking at me staring at them. She was obviously good friends with Jimmy and Zacky, but she looked like she was in the ‘popular’ clique. She just had that air. Damn, I hated chicks like that. She sank into the seat next to me when Johnny refused to give her the car keys, grumbling about being younger than him. I smirked, getting a glare from her.

“What are you smirking at?” She snapped.

“A hot chick.” I replied cockily. She froze, her gaze narrowed on me, before making a noise in the back of her throat and looking away.

“Urgh. Who are you anyway?” She looked at Zacky for help.

“JC, this is Synyster Gates. Our lead guitarist.” I just smirked at her.

“Wonderful. Do I even want to know how you got that name?” Across the room, Jimmy grinned at her.

“Now that is an interesting story.”She groaned and let her head fall back against the back of the sofa, obviously used to Jimmy’s stories.