Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 18

Life’s A Riot Chapter 18.


Zacky glared at me as I revealed the contents of my mystery box to him.

“I told you that I didn’t want a fuss.” I shrugged and shared a mischievous grin with the rest of the girls.

“Yeah, well, we disagreed.” He sighed and looked down at the box again.

“I can’t believe that you actually made this.” He stated, staring the cake in disbelief. It was an exact replica of his red guitar. An edible replica.

“Don’t underestimate my baking expertise.” I warned jokingly. “Besides, baking with Ash is always an … interesting experience.” He laughed, while Ash just glared at me.

“That is just rude.” Zacky decided to cut off any impending argument.

“So what other hell torment have you lot got planned for my birthday.” Gena grinned.

“Actually, the only other thing that we have planned is you, me and dinner.” Zacky’s face transformed into the happiest face on earth as he beamed at his girlfriend. I swear; they are too cute together. They linked hands and headed out of the front door. Val dived for the back door as soon as she heard the front door shut.

“Get a bloody move on! They’re gone!” She hissed, letting the rest of the guys drag in a bunch of party decorations and several beer kegs. Ok, so maybe we lied to Zacky -- just a little bit.


“SURPRISE!!” Zacky turned to glare at Gena.

“I hate you.” He grumbled. She grinned in reply and kissed him.

“Stop being a grumpy old fart and join the party.” She replied, pulling him into the room. I looked round the three guys that were up on stage with me, checking to see if they were ready. They all nodded at me. I grinned and started to play my leopard print Fender Stratocaster; a birthday present from my lovely brother a couple of years ago. Gena dragged a still slightly grumpy Zacky onto the makeshift dance floor in my living room as the rest of Scars kicked in behind me, playing a cover of Framing Hanley’s cover of Lollipop. Zacky laughed as he realised what we were playing and began to dance with Gena. It didn’t take long for the rest of the guests to join them. As we finished, I took a large swig of my beer. I was already enjoying myself. Tonight was going to be a fucking awesome night.


I left the stage to grab more drinks, leaving Carter, Will and Ethan to carry on doing their thing without me for a couple of songs. I weaved my way through the crowd; there weren’t that many people here, but my living room isn’t massive and the improvised stage took up quite a bit of room, so everyone was a little cramped. It didn’t seem to bother people though. Eventually I made it to the drinks table, after being accosted by Zacky – who apparently was still grumpy with us for throwing him a party, even though he’s enjoying it. Men. I noticed that Syn was stood to one side, nursing a Carling as he watched everyone move to the Papa Roach cover that the guys were currently playing. I walked over to him, curious.

“What’s up Gates?” He looked at me strangely. I sighed. “You’re not dancing like everyone else.” He shrugged and took another swig of his beer.

“I feel like the spare part.” He replied, his eyes still on the guys who were in the centre of the dance floor with their significant others.

“You’ve never had trouble pulling a dance partner before.” He finally looked at me. His eyes were full of … I don’t know, but it was something like regret. Was he regretting leaving Michelle?

“There’s no girls out there that I want to dance with.” I gave him a disbelieving look. This was fucking Synyster Gates that I was talking to.

“Tough.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him out onto the dance floor. “You aren’t going to be miserable for my Zacky’s birthday.” He didn’t resist as I led him further into the crowd, where the rest of the guys were. Johnny raised his eyebrows at me briefly as we passed him, but quickly turned his attention back to Lacey. I began to dance, enjoying the rhythm of the music. Syn’s hands caught my hips, pulling me close against him. I was surprised, but this was the whole reason that I’d brought him out here, so I let him move both of us to the beat. I loved the way that I seemed to fit in his arms so well. The way that his body moved in perfect sync with my own. I leaned back against him, closing my eyes as I danced. His hands moved from my hips up to my waist. I couldn’t even hope to control my racing heartbeat. I knew that I should get back to the guys; they’d want their beers, but I was having too much fun out here. Carter and the others then started to play my favourite Aerosmith song; Same Old Song And Dance. I laughed and let Syn tug me in a bit closer. One more song wouldn’t do much harm.


Syn POV.

My pulse quickened as I pulled her in closer. I loved dancing with her. Sure, other girls were great dancers too, but no-one could quite beat the way that Cait moved with me. She fitted in my arms perfectly. I knew that this wouldn’t last long, she’d have to get back up on stage soon, so I held her as close as I could without it crossing a line, making the most of her rhythm while I still could. She leant back against me, her eyes closed as she danced. I slowly moved my hands up to circle her waist, fighting the urge to kiss her. The song changed to one of her favourites, her eyes opened and she laughed, upping the tempo of her movements. I drew her in even closer. She didn’t resist. All too soon the song was over and she pulled away.

“Now that you’re having fun, I shall leave you to continue.” She grinned, I darted forward, taking her hand.

“Wait. One more dance?” She paused. “Come on, the guys aren’t going to dehydrate.” She smiled and walked back. I grinned with delight. Surely it was time for Carter and the guys to play a slow song. As if he’d read my mind, they began to play a slower song that I didn’t recognise. It was probably one of their own. Cait hesitated slightly, looking unsure. I stepped forwards, slipping my arms around her waist again. Slowly, she wrapped her arms around my neck. I could feel my heart rate increase as we both moved closer. She rested her head on my shoulder, still swaying in time with the rhythm with me. Her breath tickled the side of my neck as she quietly sang along with the lyrics.

“How many stars are in your eyes, how many stars brighten up the skies?” I leaned into her, resting my forehead against the top of her head. The smell of her shampoo and perfume surrounded me; cinnamon and jasmine with a hint of vanilla. I loved it. For a while I lost myself in that moment with her. I almost managed to convince myself that she was actually my girlfriend. That she wouldn’t care if I kissed her. Then the song ended and she straightened up, stepping out of my arms. I forced myself to smile at her. She smiled back.

“Thank you Cait.” She laughed slightly.

“You’re welcome, now continue having fun! Don’t make me come back out here!” She threatened waving a finger at me as she headed to grab the beers for the guys and return to the stage. I watched her go, watching the sway of her hips, knowing that if I didn’t do something soon, any chance that I may have with her would be gone.
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The only lyrics/songs that i own in this chapter are the two lines that J.C sings; "How many stars are in your eyes, how many stars brighten up the skies?"