Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 19

Life’s A Riot Chapter 19.


I pulled into my driveway grinning. It was December 24th. Christmas Eve. I was so excited. I loved Christmas. It was one of my favourite times of year. I think that it was the 3 F’s that made it so special for me; family, friends and food. I even argued with Syn less over the Christmas period. Yes, that’s how much I loved it. I grabbed my bag from the seat next to me and jumped out of my jeep, walking around to the back. I opened the door and let Danny out of his travel crate. He ran around the drive and front yard sniffing, making sure that no fiendish hound had jumped the wall and peed in his garden while he’d been at work with me. I laughed and turned my attention to the second travel crate. I opened the door, telling my two new dogs to wait, while I grabbed their leads.

“Come on then.” I stood to one side and let them jump down. I headed towards the house, locking my jeep as I went. “Daniel! Come here!” Danny ran across the front yard, tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth as he grinned. I opened the front door, allowing Danny to run in first. He was already lost from sight when I followed him through. From somewhere in the house, I could hear annoyed shouts. Danny had obviously found one of the guys and decided that they needed help. I laughed and kicked the door shut behind me, hanging my bag on its hook.

“Hey J, can I …” Jimmy trailed off as he walked into the room and stared at my new family members in surprise. I just grinned wider at him. He sighed. “Johnny is going to…” He trailed off as Johnny walked into the room.

“Johnny is going to what?” He asked suspiciously. Jimmy wordlessly pointed at me and my new furry friends. Johnny followed his pointing finger and groaned.


“Merry Christmas!” I yelled, letting the leashes go and allowing the two huskies to run over to my brother. He crouched down to say hello.

“I thought that we were meant to meet any foster dogs before you brought them home.” Commented Jimmy as he was thoroughly sniffed by Shay – the male husky.

“Oh these two aren’t foster dogs.” Johnny glared at me.

“Tell me that you’re kidding.” He groaned again as he saw my expression. I held my keys out to him.

“Can you get the sack of food out of the back of the jeep for me?”


I was woken up by four guys and five dogs crushing me.

“What the fucking hell?”

“IT’S CHRISTMAS!!!” Screamed Jimmy down my ear. I screamed back in excitement, shooting upright and locking hands with him, bouncing up and down. Jimmy is the only other person I know over 21 that gets as excited as I do about Christmas. Eventually I calmed down enough to take note of who was actually piled on my bed. Jimmy was directly in front of my, practically sat in my lap. Johnny was on my left, still looking rather sleepy with Tizzy lying across his lap. Zacky was trying to balance on the edge of the bed. Syn was on the end corner, staying on by holding onto Danny as he tried to lick Johnny’s feet. Vodka was on my right, giving my face a thorough wash. Shay was in the middle of the bed, tail wagging as he greeted everyone, while Alaska was much calmer and stood just behind Jimmy, her two front paws the only part of her on the bed. All in all, it was a rather cramped double bed. My bedroom door burst open for the second time that morning.

“Did somebody say BUNDLE?!?!” Yelled a voice that sounded distinctly like Ash’s. Almost instantly we were joined by Ash, Carter, Matt and Val.

“Why did you give her a key?” Groaned Johnny from the bottom of the pile.


I laughed at the face Ash pulled as I clicked the camera at her and Carter.

“Am I going to regret giving you that?” Asked Jimmy as I turned the camera in his direction. I shrugged and continued to click away on my fancy new camera.

“Probably.” Commented Johnny from his sofa. He was looking sleepy again, probably a combination of being jumped on early by Jimmy and the huge meal that we’d just finished scoffing. I silently thanked God for dishwashers as I thought of all of the dishes that cooking for everyone had created. Seriously, everyone was here. In addition to the five of us that lived here permanently, my living room was currently hosting; Matt and Val, Leana, Lacey, Gena, Ash and Carter. Will and Ethan were coming over later and my parents would be here in about half an hour. As I looked around at everyone as they all laughed joked and drank beer or wine, I smiled. This was why I loved Christmas so much. It was the one day a year that no matter what, I always spent with the people closest to me.

“Hey Ash, think fast!” Yelled Zacky, chucking a present at her head. I think that he underestimated her reaction time.

“Huh? Wha?? OUCH!” Everyone almost simultaneously burst out laughing or snorted as the present hit her in the face. Thankfully it was a soft present, so she didn’t bitch too much. She squealed in delight as she unfolded the neon yellow t-shirt. She instantly turned it round to show me. I nearly fell off the arm of the sofa laughing as I realised what it said; Don’t Make Me Break Out The Flying Monkeys. It was perfect for Ash’s sense of humour and personality.

“I love you Zacky.”

“Everyone loves fatty Zacky.” Chuckled Syn from his chair. Me and Ash shared a glance before jumping out of our seats and onto him.

“Don’t you bully my Zacky!!”

“Gena, hand me that make-up kit!” I yelled, pointing at the make-up kit that Leana had got me. Syn wiggled and tried to get free, but Ash pinned him down. For such a small girl, she was surprisingly strong. Gena handed me the make-up kit and I set about attacking Syn with it. And not in a nice way.


Syn POV.

Eventually I managed to get free of Cait and Ash. I ran for the nearest mirror, terrified about what Cait had probably done to me. I groaned as I caught sight of my reflection.

“Goddammit! Cait I am going to KILL you!” I turned to find her taking my picture on her new camera, whilst simultaneously doing the victory bump and grind with Ash. I forced myself not to laugh. When she caught sight of my expression, she paled slightly. “Come here! I am so going to get you for this!” I grabbed an eyeliner and began to chase her. I did not appreciate being done up as a drag queen. She squealed and began to run around the living room, no doubt still clicking photos off on her camera. I’d managed to pin her to the floor when a voice stopped me from my revenge.

“Oh Dear, Norman, we always seem to arrive at the most inapproptiate of moments.”