Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 25

Life’s A Riot Chapter 25.

I looked around the tattoo parlour at the rest of guys. We were in the small, local place that we all used. In fact, we were all here so often that we were on first name terms with everyone that worked here. The guys were here to get tats finished, I was here to get one done. We had all decided to get a tattoo done for Jimmy and the guys had all chosen large designs, which I guess was in keeping with the rest of their tats. I was going for a smaller, simpler design. Jason, the artist that had done all of my tattoos headed over the couch where I was sat watching Zacky examine his finished tattoo in the large mirror. There were three artists that worked in Inka tattoo’s, the other two were busy with Syn and Johnny.
“Hey Jack,” He greeted, taking a seat next to me.
“Hey Jase,”
“So what am I doing for you today?” I held out my left wrist and began to explain.
“It’s simple really, what I want is forever done underneath the heart print in a stylish text with the R, E, V in capitals.” I explained. He nodded.
“Sounds easy enough, come with me and we’ll get you prepped.”


I leaned back in the chair, with my eyes closed as Jason tattooed my wrist. It wasn’t because of the pain, far from it, I wasn’t bothered by the pain. It was because Syn was shirtless in the chair opposite me as he was getting his tattoo and I was having trouble not staring at him. Why, why, why, why did he have to be so damn good looking? A hand on my shoulder made me crack open my eyes, I was rewarded with an eyeful of muscular chest and my brother’s face.
“You alright J?” He asked, looking slightly worried. I smiled at him and rolled my eyes.
“I’m fine, Johnny.” I’d be even better if your friend would put on a shirt, I added mentally. He frowned.
“Are you sure?” I sighed and met his eyes, glancing from him to Syn and back again.
“I’m fine.” I repeated through gritted teeth. He held in his laughter, I stuck my tongue out at him.
“We are so talking later.” I gave him a glare before I closed my eyes again.
“Whatever bitch.”


I smiled at Jason as I looked up from the finished tat.
“It’s perfect, as usual.” He grinned.
“Glad that you like it. All that’s left to do is for you to give me my money.” I laughed and followed him over to the cash register. We chatted idly as he rang up the costs. I handed over the money, smiling.
“Thanks again Jason.” I grinned at him again and turned round to head back to the guys. Only to end up with a face full of chest. Very toned chest.
“Do you like it?” Asked an all too familiar voice. I staggered back a couple of steps, glaring at Syn.
“Personal space!” I yelled, trying not to focus on his chest. He just smirked mischievously.
“Please, we’ve both seen each other half naked before Cait.” He replied, winking. I turned bright red and glared at him, while the other guys just burst out laughing. Syn’s smirk just widened. I huffed and turned my glare at the rest of the room. I don’t think that I liked a mischievous Syn.
“You lot are never going to let me forget that are you?” I asked as I stomped back to my seat, falling down next to a laughing Zacky.
“No way, Little J.” I glared at him, but before I could get a comment out about my new second least favourite nickname, Jason joined in the conversation.
“What’s all this about?” I groaned and buried my face in my hands as the guys began to tell Jason and the other artists the whole embarrassing story. I felt the couch sink on the other side of me, I glanced up to see Syn laughing silently at me.
“I hate you.” I mumbled, burying my face once again. He just laughed even more. I stayed like that until the story was long since over. When I finally sat up, Syn was still sat next to me. I chose to ignore him. He chose to break the silence a few minutes later.
“So seriously, what do you think?” I turned to face him and checked out the tattoo across his upper chest. It was similar to mine; foREVer, but huge and in much more detailed script. I nodded and smiled.
“It’s awesome. Very nice.” The mischievous smirk returned. Oh shit.
“The tattoo or my chest?” I exhaled in frustration and closed my eyes. I was not going to strangle him. I was not. When I reopened my eyes, he was laughing again. I was really starting to dislike this new, mischievous Syn.