Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 26

Life’s A Riot Chapter 26.

4 months later.

I yawned and fell onto the nearest bunk. I’d been officially on tour for three and a half minutes and already I was tired. But that was probably because it was 5AM. I’d forgotten how early tours started. I opted to ignore the movements and grumblings of the guys and pulled my iPod out of my pocket. Shoving my headphones in my ears, I fell asleep listening to Green Day.


I woke up to Matt shaking me gently. I squinted at him sleepily.
“Wha’s u’?” I slurred, yawning. He smiled and stepped back.
“We’re stopping for breakfast in about five minutes.” I fumbled around in the sheets around me for my iPod. I groaned and collapsed back onto the bed when I realised what the time is.
“7:45 is not an acceptable time to be eating.” I protested. Matt just laughed.
“Welcome back to tour!” A few seconds later I grunted a very unladylike grunt and rolled off my bunk. Due to my being vertically challenged, I’d claimed one of the bottom bunks, so I didn’t have to worry about issues like getting in bed or my habit of rolling out of bed. My suitcase was where I’d left it, unfortunately the moment I unzipped it, the driver decided to go over a speed bump, causing the entire contents of the case to spew all over the floor. Several curses and profanities later, I found my make-up bag and sat at the small table. I yanked out several items of make-up that apparently were completely alien to the guys, which meant that I had a crowd as I covered the bags under my eyes in concealer and began to put my eyeliner on. Thankfully, the driver avoided going over any more speed bumps, which meant that by the time we pulled into the truck stop my health and temper had improved considerably. We took a table and ordered. While we all waited for our food I downed as much coffee as was humanly possible. Everyone apart from Johnny seemed shocked at the amount of caffeine I could intake in such a short time. Zacky eyed me in disbelief as I shovelled sugar into my sixth cup of black coffee.
“How the hell do you do it?” I shrugged and took a large slurp of the coffee, wincing slightly at the bitter taste – not that it would stop me from drinking a seventh and possibly eight cup of the stuff.
“I don’t do mornings.” Was the only reply I gave him, before I returned to my coffee. Getting up and 3 AM in order to be ready to leave at 5 AM meant that I would most likely be caffeine dependant for the rest of the day. I set my cup down only to add another heap of sugar.
“Jesus Cait, that’s your fifth spoonful of sugar.” I just smiled at him over the rim of my coffee cup. It was Johnny that replied to Syn.
“My darling sister believes that at this time of day coffee should be drunk black and in equal parts with sugar.” I backed him up by taking another large gulp. Johnny just shook his head and took a sip of his own coffee. Any further comments on my caffeine addiction were cut off by the waitress arriving with our orders. It took three trips to the kitchen for her to bring us the complete order, there was so much food.
“Veggie Breakfast with toast, no fried bread?” I set my coffee down.
“Mine thanks.” She sniffed at me and put the plate in front of me. Almost instantly, her attention turned to Syn. I resisted the urge to sigh. Or pull her fake extensions out. It was always Syn the waitresses flirted with.
“So you must be the House Breakfast with fried bread, no mushrooms?”
“Got it in one.” He grinned easily back. I tried and failed to fight back the jealousy that suddenly arose.
“Here y’are then Sugar.” She cooed, carefully putting the plate down in front of him, brushing his hand deliberately as she withdrew her own. I stabbed my veggie sausage. Which, regrettably attracted the waitress’s attention. I ignored her and viciously cut a piece of the sausage and shoved it in my mouth. Next to me Johnny sighed.
“She’s not a morning person.” The bitch just sniffed at me again and tottered off on her stupidly high heels. Johnny kicked me under the table, warning me to cool it. He and Ash were the only two who currently knew that my “crush” on Syn was getting stronger. I think that Val suspected, but I hadn’t actually told her yet. My reply to Johnny was to take another angry bite of my sausage. Syn remained totally obtuse. I didn’t know whether I was thankful for that or not.