Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 30

Life’s A Riot Chapter 30.

I wrinkled my nose at my reflection as I noticed a giant spot starting form on my chin. Sighing I grabbed my hair brush off the side and began to tie my hair up. We were in the third week of the tour and I was loving it. I was even getting on alright with Syn.
“Get the fuck out of my way Riot.” Mostly. I sighed and took a small sidestep to let him get into the small area that served as our on-bus kitchen. “Why the fuck are you in the middle of the kitchen anyway?” Someone was in a wonderful mood today. “We have a bathroom for a reason.” I rolled my eyes and shook the shorter strands of hair that wouldn’t tie up out of the ponytail.
“Because Zacky has been in there for the past half an hour and this is the only other mirror.” I explained. He just grunted and began to make himself a coffee. “You can make me one while you’re at it.” He grunted at me again, but didn’t otherwise protest. I was examining the spot on my chin when I felt his fingers brush my neck. Just behind my right ear, where I’d had a deathbat tattooed. Which none of the guys knew about yet. Shit.
“How long have you had this?” His voice had moved from grumpy to vaguely amused. I stepped sideways, away from his touch. I turned to face him, realising just how close we were. I tried to control my heartbeat and failed. Miserably. Every time that we got close at the minute, my heart went into overdrive. I crossed my arms and met his gaze, still arguing with my hormones.
“Since about a month after Jimmy died.” He smirked and turned back to making the coffee.
“What made you change your mind?” I just shrugged and took my coffee off him, heading towards the couches. I wasn’t in the mood to discuss what had made me change my mind about getting a deathbat tattooed. Especially with him.
“Just did.” I replied shortly, sitting down and opening my laptop. Syn sighed and stomped off to the bunks, grumbling.


“iPod, iPod, iPod.” I chanted as I searched the tour bus for the elusive music player. We’d been at the hotel for forty minutes already and I was still searching for my stuff. I swear that the guys seemed to like playing hide and go seek with my things.
“Looking for something?” I shot upright in my search of Johnny’s bunk, whacking my head in the process.
“Shit, bugger, fuck!” I cursed as I slid to the floor and landed on my ass. Someone began to chuckle. I looked up to discover Syn stood leaning against the wall, laughing.
“Ha-ha, you’re so bloody fucking hilarious.” He smirked at me.
“Looking for something?” He repeated, waving my iPod at me. I glared at him and got to my feet.
“So it was you who stole it then?” He shrugged.
“Mine ran out of charge.” I rolled my eyes.
“So you steal mine, wonderful. Care to return it?” His smirk widened.
“What’s the magic word?” I resisted the urge to growl at him – barely. He’d been alternating between grumpy and irritating all day. It was like he was PMSing and it was doing my head in.
“Give it back you bastard before I crush your testicles in a nut cracker.” I snapped, my patience wearing thin. All I wanted was a hit bath and a relaxing night in my hotel room before we moved out tomorrow. I didn’t need or want Syn Drama to deal with. His smirk dropped slightly.
“Now that’s not very nice is it Cait? Let’s try again.” My glare intensified. Being patronising was the final straw tonight.
“I fucking hate you Gates.”
“Hate you too Riot.” He replied, his voice mocking. I threw the nearest object at him; Johnny’s pillow. He dodged it his smirk still in place.
“Fucking bastard!”
“Moody bitch.”
“Egotistical dick.” The insult trading carried on for a little while, both of us slowly getting more and more frustrated with each other.
“Urgh! You are the most irritating human being that I have ever had the misfortune to meet! Why can’t you go and find someone else’s life to ruin? Why …” I was cut off by his lips crashing roughly against mine. One of his hands was on my neck, the other on my waist holding me close. I didn’t think. I couldn’t think. I could only react. I let him pull me in closer, kissing him back for all that I was worth. Eventually he pulled away.
“Because yours is the only life that I enjoy ruining.” He murmured quietly, his eyes focused on my lips. He leaned in and kissed me again, only this time it was soft and gentle. Caring. Almost … no! I pulled away as the word crossed my mind, backing out of his arms. He frowned slightly and tried to pull me back in. “Cait…” I took another step backwards, moving my hand out of his reach.
“No, I can’t do this.” I whispered, turning and running from the bus, pausing only to grab my bag, all thoughts of my iPod and a relaxing bath long gone. All I could feel was fear as I thought about that last kiss. And what it meant.
“Cait, wait!” I ignored Syn’s shouts and headed straight for my hotel room, lost deep within my thoughts and fighting back tears.


I sat in the window seat of my hotel room, forehead resting against the cool glass, as I stare out at the rain pouring down outside. Reaching up, I opened the window, letting the rain in to mingle with the tears on my cheeks. Vaguely, I heard the door open. I ignored it, figuring that it would only be Johnny. A hand reached out and touched my shoulder. I looked away from the rain and into a pair of deep chocolate eyes. He reached out and wiped one of the tears away before leaning in and pressing his lips lightly to mine. I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch, craving the feeling that it left me with. The kiss slowly became more passionate. He pulled away and met my eyes again.
“Cait…” His voice was low, husky, his breathing heavy. I didn’t break eye contact. How could he make me feel like this by just saying one word? How could he leave me craving his touch after just one kiss?
“Oh fuck it.” I breathed, standing up and pulling him into another kiss. His arms gripped my hips firmly, holding me against him. I could feel the muscles in his stomach through my shirt, I could feel the way that his heart was racing, I could feel how much he wanted me. Still holding me as close to him as he could manage, he backed me up against the wall. He broke away from my lips, trailing kisses along my jawline, down my neck and back again. I couldn’t help the slight moan of pleasure as his lips brushed over the sensitive spot on my neck. He chuckled slightly and nuzzled into my neck. I bit my lip and slid my hands down from his neck to his chest, running them over his muscles. His grip on my hips tightened a little as he picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his hips for stability. He slid his hands up, off my hips, and under my shirt. His lips travelled back up to mine, teasing as his hands continued to travel upwards. I let him deepen the kiss, my hands moving down to unbutton his jeans. There was only one way that this was going to end tonight.