Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 33

Life’s A Riot Chapter 33.

Syn POV.

I was woken up by a loud thump, followed by several even louder curses.

“What the fuck?” I mumbled, opening the curtain things and sticking my head over the edge of my bunk to find Zacky on the floor. I raised an eyebrow. “What the hell are you doing Vengeance?”

“A good question!” Johnny mumbled from his bunk below mine, his voice muffled by something – probably his pillow.

“I’m not entirely sure.” Replied Zacky, getting to his feet and looking around, confused, as he rubbed his leg.

“Getting into my fucking bunk, that’s what he’s doing.” Grumbled Matt from the bunk above Cait’s. I snorted and shook my head. Zacky was rather funny when he was drunk. Gena had flown up to see him for the weekend and they’d been out drinking. She was sat on the spare bunk having a silent giggling fit at the sight of her boyfriend trying to find his bunk.

“That’s my bunk!” Protested Zacky, frowning at Matt. Below me, Johnny started to snicker. Matt stared at me from his bunk.

“Tell me that he’s kidding me.” Zacky replied before I could.

“Why are you in my bunk?”

“It’s my bunk Zack.”

“No it’s not, yours is over there.” He pointed at his own bunk.

“No Zack, that’s your bunk.”

“No it’s not!” Matt sighed.

“Alright Zack, why don’t you sleep in my bunk tonight and we’ll switch back in the morning.”

“No! I want my bunk!” I shared a glance with Gena as we both struggled to control our laughter.

“For the love of God! Vengeance! Shut the fuck up and just get into the spare fucking bed!” Snapped Cait, her voice was slightly muffled by the curtains around her bunk but she was still managing to sound pissed off. Not a difficult thing for her to do at 1AM.

“But I want my bunk.” Mumbled Zacky, sounding like an upset toddler. “An Matt stole my bunk.”

“We can sort it out in the morning baby, just come over here before you upset anyone else.” Reasoned Gena, smiling.

“But, but, but…”

“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Shouted Cait, her pillow flying out of her bunk and hitting me in the face. Charming. Sometimes I wondered why I liked her so much.

“Wonderful, it’s you making all the noise and I get the pillow in the face.” I complained, glaring at Zacky.

“Now that’s what I call a result.” I could almost picture the grin on Cait’s face. “And give me my pillow back bitch.” I smirked.

“No, I don’t think I will.”
“Don’t make me come up there!” Her arm came out from under the curtain and pointed threateningly in my direction. “Pillow. Now.”

“Syn, give her the pillow before all hell breaks loose.” Muttered Johnny. I sighed, giving in.

“Fine, here.” I grabbed my pillow and threw it at her, hoping that she was too tired to notice the difference. Her hand grabbed the pillow and withdrew back into the bunk.

“Good boy.” I smirked and pulled the curtains closed again, shoving Cait’s pillow behind my head. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. The smell of cinnamon, jasmine and vanilla surrounded me. Cait. I sighed and rolled over, wondering how much longer it would be before she would let me hold her again as we slept.



“Goodnight! We love you!” Yelled Matt as we ran offstage. We headed to the dressing room to grab our stuff before heading out to the tour bus and our waiting hotel. God I was looking forward to sleeping in a hotel. It had been two weeks since we’d last stayed in a hotel. I hadn’t showered since. My armpits are weapons. Sexiness. Once all of us were on the tour bus, we collapsed into the seats, except for Zacky, who went to pee in the on-bus bathroom. I yawned and stretched out, dumping my feet in Johnny’s lap. He looked from them to me.

“Lovely, thanks baby sis.” I waved my feet under his nose, making him move his head back fast and hit his head against the window.

“Less of the baby if you please.” Zacky exited the bathroom and stood in the middle of the bus, stretching and yawning. “Zacky, beloved.” I began. He looked at me curiously.

“What Little J?” I glare briefly at him.

“Don’t make me come over there.” He grinned and I continued. “We need to have a discussion.”

“About what?”

“About your face.” While I remained completely serious, everyone else in the room completely cracked up laughing. I sighed. “I was being serious.”

“What’s wrong with my face?” I gave Zacky one of my looks.

“The moustache has to go.” The other three began to snicker again.


“Do you really want me to be honest with you?”


“Because you look like a strange Spanish man with a guitar.” The snickers turned into full-out laughs. Zacky just glared at them.

“Don’t bloody encourage her!”

“You asked me to be honest! Shave it off, or I’ll do it for you.” He looked at me wide-eyed.

“You wouldn’t.” I raised my eyebrows and he sighed.

“Alright, alright, I’ll get rid of it.” I smiled.

“Thank you.” I swung my feet off Johnny’s lap and sat up, patting the seat in between us. “I’m not being mean Zack; it just doesn’t suit you.” I explained as he sat down. “Besides, you’ll give the kids on the internet something else to talk about.” He smiled and shook his head.