Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 34

Life’s A Riot Chapter 34.


I grinned at Zacky as we walked down the sidewalk. He had been the only one willing to go shopping with me, although I think that he was regretting it now. He shook his head at me in amazement.

“How can you spend that much in one shop?” I just laughed and shrugged in reply. He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Now I see why Johnny didn’t want to come shopping with you.”

“Hey! I don’t go shopping very often, so it’s logical that when I do, I spend a lot.”

“No comment.” I threw the lid of my coffee at him.

“Shut up bitch and carry this.”


“This lot must weigh more than you do Jack.” Moaned Zacky as he attempted to open the door to the tour bus. I snorted as he almost fell over backwards.

“Please, I’ve got more bags than you.” He began to mumble something incoherent under his breath. No doubt about my shopping habits. Eventually he managed to get the door open. Making our way up onto the bus was also a fun experience. But we managed that too – somehow. Zacky dumped the bags in the first available space, whist I hastily followed to do. I surveyed the bags.

“Where the hell am I going to keep this?” I mumbled, biting my lip. Zacky rolled his eyes again.

“And you think about that now.” He replied, stepping around the bags and heading down the bus towards the sound of voices. I followed him, realising as we neared the kitchen area that it was Johnny and Syn, and they weren’t talking, they were arguing. I silently stood next to Zacky as I listened.


Zacky POV.

I realised what Johnny and Syn were arguing about a moment too late. I slide a sideways glance at JC as she stopped next to me. Ah well, it was too late to stop her now. She’d have found out sooner or later that they were arguing about her.

“She’s just another girl to you, isn’t she?”

“It’s not like that and you know it!” Snapped Syn.

“So what is it like then Gates? We all know that you’re just gunna use her and fuck about with her heart until you’re bored then you’ll leave her in pieces and heartbroken again for me to look after!” Whoa, Johnny was majorly pissed. And he never ever got pissed. Or over-protective of JC. She was the hot-headed one of the two.

“No I fucking won’t! I could never do something like that to her!”

“Why not? You’ve done it to so many other girls, what makes her so different to them?”

“Because I fucking love her!” Yelled Syn. There was a dull thud as JC’s phone slipped out of her hands and hit the floor. She was staring wide-eyed at Syn, looking totally shocked. The noise of her phone hitting the floor snapped Syn and Johnny out of their argument. They hadn’t even noticed that we’d been there. Syn’s eyes met JC’s, the anger in them disappearing.

“Cait.” He whispered, as if he didn’t quite believe that she was really there. He took a few large steps and stood in front of her, his hands cupping her face, keeping her eyes locked on his. “I love you.” His voice was soft, caring. Then he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. I knew that he meant what he was saying; I’d always thought that he had cared more about her than he let on. As much of a dick he could be with girls sometimes, he wouldn’t lie about this. Not to JC. She broke the kiss, stepping backwards. She still looked stunned, but there was something else in her eyes. She was scared.

“No.” She breathed. “No, no, no.” She turned and ran off the tour bus, the door slamming shut behind her as Syn called after her.

“Cait, wait!” I watched as he closed his eyes and sighed, when he opened them he looked defeated. It was a look that I never thought I’d see on him. Wearily, he took a step towards the door after her. I put a hand on his arm, stopping him.

“Leave her mate. I’ll go. Just give her a bit of time.” He nodded and turned back to Johnny.

“Are you happy now?!” Johnny didn’t look at all remorseful. Instead he just looked tired. All of the anger that he’d had during their fight had disappeared.

“You needed to say it, and she needed to hear it.” He replied. Syn just exhaled roughly and ran a hand through his hair.

“Fuck it! We had been getting on so well.” He closed his eyes. “I was actually getting somewhere with her.” I put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed sympathetically.

“Just let her come to terms with it, Syn, give her a bit of space, then talk to her.” I advised, letting go of his shoulder and heading off to look for JC.