Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 36

Life’s A Riot Chapter 36.


Syn’s fingers ran rhythmically through my hair as we lay snuggled together on the couch. I hadn’t felt this relaxed in a long time. Around us, the candles still burnt, lighting us in their flickering light. It was nice just to spend time with him and know that we both cared about each other. My head rested on his chest, one hand intertwined with his while the other rested on my stomach. The hand of his that wasn’t holding mine was playing with my hair. I broke the silence – which was far from uncomfortable.

“So how did you know that the demo version of No Matter What is one of my favourite Pap Roach songs?” I asked, genuinely curious. I knew that I’d never told him.

“Now that would be revealing my mysterious secrets.” He chuckled. I smiled slightly. “There’s actually nothing mysterious about it. You left iTunes open on your laptop the other week, so I decided to be nosy, it was one of your most played songs. So I downloaded it. I figured that the lyrics were perfect for something like this.” I laughed slightly.

“Definitely nothing mysterious then.” I paused as another thought entered my brain. “Was Johnny in on this?” I looked up at Syn, it was an awkward angle, but I wanted to know the truth.

“Yes.” Replied Syn, smiling slightly. “They all were.” He admitted. I shook my head and returned to my original, more comfortable, position.

“Why am I not surprised?” Our comfortable silence resumed. It was Syn who broke it this time.

“Your hair looks awesome Cait. I actually don’t think that I’ve ever seen you with it black before.”

“Thanks, that’s because I haven’t been black since I was a teenager.” I was impressed and surprisingly happy that he A) realised that my hair had changed colour; it once took my brother three days to realise that I’d changed the colour once and B) that he remembered that I’d never had my hair black since I’d met him; I’d had a lot of hair colours in the past 6 years, ranging from pink and purple to brown with blue and green streaks.

“It suits you, you look beautiful.” He replied, kissing the top of my head. “You always do.” He added quietly. Since I couldn’t think of anything to say to that, we subsided back into silence, just enjoying each-others company. Questions and doubts were flying around my head, in a similar fashion to the way that the butterflies were fluttering around my stomach. I wondered what Syn was thinking right now. I asked myself if it was wise to let myself fall for him that little bit more. I doubted if a relationship between us would work. If it would, I then wondered if on the road was the best place to start it. In a bid to distract myself from the seemingly endless questions and worries, I restarted the conversation.



“How long have you known? That you were in love with me?” He paused before answering.

“Truthfully? Since you kissed me when we were recording Avenged Sevenfold. That’s when I first really knew, but I didn’t want to admit it. Not to myself, not to you and not to the guys.” Over two years? Sweet fucking Jesus! He’d really loved me for that long?

“So when did you first admit it to yourself?”

“You’re full of questions tonight Cait.” He chuckled, his chest rumbling. I shrugged – well as well as you can shrug when you were cuddled with someone.

“Just curious.” He chuckled again.

“I don’t mind Cait, it’s good to just be able to lie here with you in my arms and talk.” He paused again, then answered. “Since that first night you stayed with me after we heard about Jimmy. There was no other way to describe how it felt to fall asleep with you in my arms, how it felt to know that you were there, that you wanted to be with me.” I bit my lip in order to stop myself from grinning like a fool. I may have my reservations about getting into a relationship with him, but it felt so good to know that he felt like that about me. “Cait,” Whispered Syn. I looked up at him. Slowly, giving me time to tell him if I wasn’t comfortable, he began to lean in. My heartbeat increased tenfold as he kissed me. No matter what my reservations were, I couldn’t deny the chemistry between us. It just felt so perfect when we kissed. I hadn’t felt like that when I kissed someone for a long time, if ever. It simultaneously terrified me that I felt like that for Syn and thrilled me that I had found someone that made me feel that way. It was so confusing. Gently, he pulled away, opening his eyes. “Sorry, but…” I put a finger on his lips.

“It’s fine.” He smiled and kissed my finger before I withdrew it.

“Promise me something Cait?” I nodded. “Promise me that when you’re ready you’ll give us a chance? I don’t care how long I have to wait Cait, I just want a chance.”

“Of course I will.” I replied instantly. Regardless of my reservations and doubts, we deserved a chance to try and figure things out. I just needed to sort my head out first. And I had an idea just how to do that. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

“Come on, we’d better head back into the hotel before they come looking for us.” I sighed and sat up, trying not to pout too much. He stood first, pulling me to my feet and into his arms. I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

“Thanks for all of this Syn. It’s been the most romantic thing that someone has done for me in a long, long time.” He smiled back.

“Well I do try.” He replied, kissing me lightly on the lips. His expression turned serious. “I love you Cait and I’ll do anything to show you that I mean it.” I raised an eyebrow.

“Even admit that Pinkly is a rat?” He hmphed at me and made sure that all of the candles were out before taking my hand and leading me off the tour bus. Once we were outside, he let go of my hand and put his arm around my shoulders. I put an arm around his waist.

“One day Cait, not only will you be mine, but you shall agree with me that Pinkly is not a rat.” He commented as we walked back to the hotel.