Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 2.

Life’s A Riot Chapter 2.


I was woken by arguments.

“It’s obviously not going to fit!”

“It will! We just need to turn it that way.”

“No, turn it the other way!”

“It’s irrelevant which way you turn it, it’s not going to fucking fit!”

“Don’t be so negative! Of course it will, we’ll just have to jiggle it a bit.” I closed my eyes again and snorted. That argument could so be taken in a dirty way, if you were that way inclined. And after three and a half years of Avenged Sevenfold, I most certainly was. I groaned and rolled over, trying to block out the noise. A loud crash made me sit upright in bed. I glanced over at the clock this time and was instantly awake. 9:48 AM was not an acceptable time for me to be conscious. Especially after staying up until way past 3 talking to Johnny. More shouts followed the crash. Grumbling about men, I pushed myself out of bed. I yanked my door open and stomped over to the top of the stairs. Glaring over the banister, I discovered my four new housemates plus Matt trying to manoeuvre a large couch through my house. Around them, lay chaos. A couple of ornaments were broken and several other pieces of furniture had been shoved roughly out of the way. Zacky groaned.

“We’ve got to clear this shit up before JC wakes up.” Matt glanced up, saw me and winced.

“Too late.” Everyone looked up. I glared at them even more.

“What the fuck are you idiots doing?” Jimmy risked a smile.

“We had to move all of our shit out of the old house.” My expression didn’t improve.

“And that includes trashing my house with a couch how?”

“Well we didn’t want to have to chuck everything out, so we thought that we’d bring some of it here.”

“And it’s a comfy couch.” Added Johnny, rather unhelpfully. I closed my eyes and forced myself to calm down. Throttling Avenged Sevenfold was not going to achieve anything in the long term, except a lengthy prison sentence. And it would not make me feel better. I opened them and surveyed the chaos below. I sighed.

“I’m going to need a whole lotta coffee.”


Syn POV.

“We’ve got to clear this shit up before JC wakes up.” Groaned Zacky, surveying the mess around us.

“Too late.” Mumbled Matt, staring up. Everyone looked up to discover that we were receiving death glares from JC.

“What the fuck are you idiots doing?” I resisted the urge to smile at her sarcasm, it would only piss her off even more. Jimmy smiled at her. A risky move.

““We had to move all of our shit out of the old house.”

“And that includes trashing my house with a couch how?”

“Well we didn’t want to have to chuck everything out, so we thought that we’d bring some of it here.”

“And it’s a comfy couch.” I couldn’t help it, I snorted at Johnny’s unhelpful contribution. Above us JC sighed and closed her eyes. I guess she was trying to force herself not to kill us. Eventually she reopened her eyes.

“I’m going to need a whole lotta coffee.” She mumbled, heading down the stairs. I stared, I couldn’t help it. Since she had obviously just got out of bed, she was only in a pair of short shorts and a baggy Metallica t-shirt. She looked fucking smoking.. Matt poked me in the side.

“Close your mouth Gates, you’ll start drooling in a minute.” I snapped my mouth shut and glared at him. She ran a hand through her bed hair, yawning as she walked past. She stretched her arms well above her head, making her t-shirt rise up, revealing the heart tattoo on her lower back and her very sexy ass. I tore my eyes away and forced myself not to stare as she headed for the kitchen. If she wasn’t such a bitch, I’d seriously consider doing her. I glanced over at Johnny, who was smirking at me knowingly. I flipped him off. It was a good thing she didn’t have an over protective brother.