Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 38

Life’s A Riot Chapter 38.


“I feel irrational

So confrontational

To tell the truth I am

Getting away with murder

It isn't possible

To never tell the truth

But the reality is I'm getting away with murder.” I danced, back to back with Ash singing along with Papa Roach. Each of us had an open bottle of vodka, which amazed the guys, since we hadn’t spilt a drop at all while we’d been dancing, on a moving tour bus. It was Ash’s last night, she was flying back home tomorrow, leaving me with my head in a slightly better place and what seemed to be a permanent bruise on my arm from where she’d been constantly hitting me for my stupidity. So we were all partying it up a bit. I took another swig of my vodka and kept on dancing. Man I was going to be so hungover tomorrow.


I yawned and fell down onto the sofa. We’d just dropped Ash off at the airport and were back on the road. Surprisingly, I wasn’t as hungover as I thought I would be. That didn’t mean that I didn’t have a throbbing headache, but it was nothing compared to some of my hangovers. I moaned slightly as bright sunlight reflected into my eyes. I blindly reached for the table, groping around until I found a pair of sunglasses. I put them on, not really caring who they really belonged to as long as they kept the damn light out of my eyes. I leaned sideways, grabbing my bag and pulling my book out of it. Still yawning, I snuggled into the couch and began to lose myself in the world of The Morganville Vampires.


“Why are you wearing my sunglasses?” A voice pulled me out of the world in my book. I looked up to see Syn giving me a lopsided smile. “I know that you enjoy being close to me, but please.” I rolled my eyes behind the glasses.

“She’s got a hangover.” Explained Johnny as he walked past. I stuck my tongue out at him and turned my attention back to my book.

“Move up.” I shifted along the sofa, not taking my eyes off my book, to let Syn sit down. He put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into him. I snuggled up, making sure that I was comfortable before turning my attention back to my book. “Don’t let me distract you or anything Cait.” I laughed.

“Absolutely not.” He just shook his head and let me read.


We stayed like that until we arrived. The other guys said nothing – at least within my hearing range – although they did share several looks. I chose to ignore them. I was comfortable. And happy. Surprisingly happy. I knew that we’d arrived, as shout from one of the Berry brothers had told me, but I didn’t want to move. So I didn’t. Syn waited ten more minutes until he shifted.

“We’re here Cait, come on.” I sighed and closed my book, letting him pull me to my feet. I double checked that I had everything before swinging it over my shoulder. I grabbed a hoodie that was lying around, giving it a cursory sniff to check that it was clean before deciding that it was fine to steal. I think that it was Zacky’s, possibly Johnny’s. It wasn’t big enough to be Matt’s. Syn was waiting for me outside the bus, leaning next to the door, having a smoke. He raised an eyebrow and shook his head.

“Not content with just stealing my sunglasses Cait?” I froze. It was his hoodie? Shit. He laughed and took another drag on the cigarette. “Don’t panic, I don’t mind.” I relaxed slightly and stepped lightly off the bus, yawning.

“Come on, they’ll be waiting.” I began to walk towards the venue. It didn’t take him long to catch up. We crossed the parking lot in a comfortable silence. A silence that was broken by my brother.

“CODE BLUE!” He yelled. I yelped and dived to the floor, leaving Syn stood next to me looking confused. Until the water bomb hit him in the face. Then he just looked pissed. I stayed on the floor, carefully looking around to make sure that no-one was aiming at me. The other three were stood on my left, partially hidden by one of the trucks, doubled over with laughter. Not seeing any more water bombs, I slowly got to my feet.

“Thanks for the warning.” Grumbled Syn, shaking the water from his hair. I smiled ruefully.

“Sorry, I would offer you an excuse, but I don’t have one.” He just gave me a long suffering look.

“You so aren’t sorry.” I grinned.

“Not really no.”

“I’m so getting you for this Caitlyn.”