Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 39

Life’s A Riot Chapter 39.


I looked up from my toenails as someone knocked on the door to my hotel room.

“Yeah?” The door opened and Zacky stuck his head through.

“Hey Little J, can I come in?” I gave him a dirty look before turning my attention back to painting my toenails.

“Not if you’re going to call me that.” He laughed and came in anyway.

“You know that you love me.” I ignored him. He sat down on the bed next to me. “Alright, alright, I get it. But seriously JC, can we talk?” I looked up at his serious tone.

“Sure. What’s up?”

“It’s about Syn.” I sighed.

“Let me finish this foot, then we can talk undistracted.” He nodded and shifted so that he was more comfortable on the bed as I finished. I stretched my legs out and looked at him expectantly.

“I love you J, you’re like a little sister to me, but the way that Syn feels about you, it’s so different to how he has ever felt for anyone else.” Zacky stared at me. “He really does love you JC.” Zacky looked away, shaking his head slightly. “I know that you have your reasons to hesitate, to hold back,” He paused again. He was deadly serious when he met my eyes again. “He doesn’t want me to tell you this, but it’s killing him not being able to be with you. He’s so crazy about you.” He held up a hand as I went to speak. “I know that you care about him. Hell I think that you may even be in love with him. I know that he’s told you that he’ll wait, but the wait is slowly pulling him apart J. He’s waited for over two years to get the courage to tell you.” I felt tears begin to prick at the back of my eyes. Zacky scooted down the bed to pull me into a hug. “I know darling, I know. Ash came up to help you out didn’t she?” I nodded into his shoulder.

“I don’t want to hurt him, Zack, it’s the last thing that I want. I just…” He just ran a hand over my hair and down my back.

“Shh, it’s ok. You don’t need to explain it to me. I just thought that you needed and would have wanted to know.” I nodded into his shoulder again and pulled out of his hug.

“Thank you Zacky. It means … it means a lot to me that you came and told me.” He smiled gently and silently got to his feet.

“I’ll see ya in the morning Little J.” I threw the nearest pillow at him as he ducked out of the door laughing.


I chucked my bag into my bunk and stretched, cold water dripping from my hair down my back after my cold shower at the venue. The guys were all gathered in the kitchen/lounge area making a hell of a lot of noise for four guys. Syn and Matt were playing some kind racing game on the Xbox, arguing, swearing and elbowing each other, while Johnny and Zacky were bickering over the best type of popcorn to make in the kitchen. I sighed and walked into the main room.

“Air popped, salt popcorn. Use the microwave.” I ordered, falling onto the sofa and picking up the nearest open bottle of beer. Matt made a brief protest, then decided that kicking Syn’s ass was more important. I sat observing as Zacky and Johnny made bowl upon bowl of popcorn for us, while Matt and Syn played game after game, getting more and more determined as the games went on. I was munching my way through my second bowl of popcorn when they finally changed the game to something that I would play. Guitar Hero. Zacky and Johnny joined in as the guys began to play. It was half an hour, another bowl of popcorn and many sexual innuendo’s later that I got my opportunity to play.

“Ha! No-one can beat me. I am Guitar God, you all should worship me for the God that I am. Bow down peons.” Boasted Syn, pointing imperiously at the rest of us, as he beat Zacky for the sixth time. Johnny looked pleadingly at me.

“JC. Get your ass up there.” I grinned and got to my feet.

“Darling I thought that you’d never ask.” Syn made a scoffing sound.

“Like a girl can beat me. I am Guitar God.” I narrowed my eyes and held my hand to Zacky so that he could pass me the guitar controller.

“Oh it is on.”


“Goddamn motherfucker!” Cursed Syn as I beat him again. I smirked, satisfied.

“So a girl can’t beat you eh Syn?” Chuckled Matt from the couch behind us. Syn shot him a glare.

“Shut up.” He turned back to me. “Again.” I raised both of my eyebrows.

“You really don’t know when to give up do you?” I sighed. “You chose the song.” He flicked through the selection of songs, eventually settling on an Iron Maiden one. His smug look said that he was confident that he would beat me. He didn’t.

“Ok, ok, I surrender. You are the Guitar Hero Goddess. We will all worship you as you deserve.”

“Speak for yourself Gates, you’ll only inflate her ego.” I glared at my brother as Syn fell onto the sofa. Matt took his controller and got up to take his place. I handed Johnny my controller and took my seat again, having fulfilled my purpose. Syn spoke up again about ten minutes later, in the middle of a completely different conversation.

“I am still the God of Real Guitar though. Let’s just clarify that.”