Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 41

Life’s A Riot Chapter 41.


We formed our usual huddle backstage, hands in the middle. Syn’s hand rested on top of mine. I smiled up at him, he squeezed my hand and smiled back.

“Three, two, one.” Called Matt.

“Sevenfold!” Yelled the rest of us, breaking the huddle. I took my drum sticks off Arrin, my tech, running them through my fingers, tracing the inscription on them: A7X foREVer. Two hands caught my waist, holding me close as everyone around us prepared for the last US show of the tour. I leaned back against Syn and smiled. We were taking things slowly, but it was working.

“Riot! Get set!” Yelled a tech. Syn’s arms dropped from my waist and he kissed my cheek.

“See you out there beautiful.” I nodded and headed onto stage as the intro to Nightmare began to play.


I laughed as we finished a cover of Riot Girl by Good Charlotte, pausing to take several gulps of my bottle of water. I frowned as I screwed the cap on, noticing Arrin coming up behind me. Was there something wrong with my kit? It was sounding fine to me. My curiosity was answered when Matt addressed the crowd.

“So you liked that huh?” The crowd cheered and screamed. “Right, so do you want to hear our Riot girl sing for you?” I felt the colour drain from my face and I glared at him as the crowd began to scream and cheer in response. Matt turned to face me. “Come on down here JC, sounds to me like you’re wanted.” He was met by more cheers. I unhappily got to my feet and swapped my sticks for a mic from Arrin. He just laughed and took my seat. I was greeted by another cheer from the crowd and sweaty hug from my brother. I raised my mic.

“Don’t hug me, I hate you.” The audience laughed, as Johnny pulled a pouty face. “That’s not going to work.” He laughed and headed over to Zacky. I gave Syn a brief glare before joining Matt at the front of the stage. I was going to kill them for this. “I would just like to say, that I am not going to forgive you” I took in the guys in an arm gesture. “any of you,” and extended it to the crowd. “for this.” My response was laughter and more cheers. The intro to Nightmare began to play again. I sighed, resigned to the inevitable. When we were recording the album, me and Matt had recorded a duet of Nightmare, but hadn’t put it on the finished record. I should have guessed that the guys would pull this trick on me at some point during the tour.


As pissed off as I was with the guys for not telling me about this, I loved every second that I sang with Matt. The crowd had gone absolutely wild.

“Fuck yeah! Give it up for my baby sister JC RIOT!!!” Yelled Johnny into Zacky’s mic. The crowd screamed again. Zacky elbowed Johnny out of the way.

“Get your own fucking mic, mine’s now covered in Johnny spit.” He complained. I shook my head and headed back to my drum kit before the guys could bully me into singing another song with them.

“Stop bitching Zacky.” Ordered Syn. “You guys have been a fucking magnificent crowd tonight. Tonight is our last show of the tour here is the US and this is the last song. Fucking rock it!” We began to play Almost Easy. I watched in amazement as the crowd just totally lost it. The biggest circle pit that I had ever seen opened up in the middle of room, almost the entire crowd being involved in it. Eventually we left the stage, cheers of “Sevenfold. Sevenfold” following us.


I gasped in shock as I stepped off the plane, the cold wind freezing every part of skin that wasn’t covered.

“Shit! This country is fucking freezing!” I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around me. Behind me, the guys chuckled.

“Welcome to England.” Smiled the steward. As we reached the bottom of the steps, Syn put an arm around me, pulling me in close.

“Stop being so miserable Cait, it’s only cold because it’s winter. The summer here can be great.”

“When it’s not raining.” Interjected the steward as he passed. I laughed and walked, my arm around Syn’s waist, into the terminal.