Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 42

Life’s A Riot Chapter 42.


I sighed and tried to shut the door as quietly as I could, trying not to attract any attention. I hung my bag on the hook and unclipped the dogs’ leashes. They ran off into the house and I headed upstairs for my bathroom. We’d been off tour for a couple of weeks. It was nice to be home. Although the huge argument that I’d had with Syn this morning hadn’t been great. Although we bickered a lot, we hardly ever had huge arguments anymore. It just made it worse when we did argue. And it was always about the smallest, most petty things imaginable. He wanted us to get a puppy. I didn’t.

Flashback – 5 hours ago : 2:15PM

“Syn, we can’t have a puppy!” I exclaimed, running a hand through my hair, shoving it back out of my face.

“Why not? It’s the perfect thing for us. We both love dogs.”

“Because A) we’ve only just got back from tour. I’d like some time to get used to being back at home. B) Bruce is already planning another tour in a couple of months. C) Puppies need time, energy, training, consistency and discipline. We can’t give it those things if we’re on tour. D) We have enough dogs between us that Ash, Val and the rest of our friends are already doing us a huge favour by taking them when we tour. I won’t ask them to take on a barely trained puppy too.” Syn just rolled his eyes.

“We can take it on tour with us.” I restrained my growl. Barely.

“A puppy on a tour bus. What a brilliant idea Einstein! Why didn’t I think of that?!” He glared at me, I stared back at him. “I will not drag a puppy around the whole fucking country with us. It’s not fair on the puppy and it’s not fair on us. We can’t train it on a tour bus, we can’t socialise it on a tour bus and we can’t housetrain it on a tour bus. Besides, what about the European, Asian and Australian tours? Do you even know how much paperwork it is to even consider taking your dog internationally? Or how long they have to stay in quarantine for before they can enter some countries?”

“Urgh! You are so fucking negative!” I glared at him.

“I’m being logical.”

“I’m trying to build up our relationship and you’re just shooting my idea down in flames. I swear you’re not even trying Cait!” I stared at him in shock before stalking out of the room.

“You are so fucking unbelievable at times.” I mumbled as I passed him.


I sighed and set my hairdryer down on the side. I knew that I shouldn’t have walked out earlier, but it was either that or hit him. I cared about him so much. I just couldn’t believe that he didn’t know it or see it. Yes, I still hadn’t said ‘I love you’, but I just wasn’t ready to take that step until I was sure that I was ready and that I meant it with everything that I had. I could smell my favourite type of pasta being cooked downstairs. I ran the brush through my hair once more, put on a fresh layer of eyeliner and headed downstairs. It was time to stop hiding.


Syn was stirring something on the stove when I walked into the kitchen, his back to me, singing along to a Van Halen song. I smiled. It wasn’t his night to cook. I walked quietly over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him from behind. He didn’t stop cooking.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have stormed out or overreacted.” I mumbled. One of his arms moved to rest over mine.

“So you’re admitting that you overacted?” He asked. I could hear the laugh in his voice.

“A little bit.” He laughed before setting the spoon on the side and turning round, wrapping both of his arms around my waist and pulling me into him.

“I overacted worse than you did.” He replied, kissing the top of my head. “As much as I’m loving this, I need to get the garlic bread out of the oven.” I released my grip round his waist and let him get back to cooking. I leant against a side that Syn didn’t seem to be using and watched him move around the kitchen.

“Is there anything that you want me to do?” I asked after a while of staring at his ass. He looked over at me and smiled.

“Sit that cute butt down.” He ordered pointing at the table, which he had laid for two. “And light the candles.” He threw me his lighter. I caught it and lit the Italian style candles that he’d put on the table, taking my seat. A few minutes later he put two plates of spinach and ricotta ravioli with a tomato and mascarpone sauce on the table, along with a basket of garlic bread. My favourite Italian meal. I helped myself to garlic bread as he took a seat.

“You made this yourself?” I asked curiously as I took a bite. He raised an eyebrow.

“Are you doubting my cookery skills?” I laughed and shook my head.

“Not at all, I was just curious.” I took a mouthful of the pasta and groaned. “This is a-ma-zing.” Syn laughed and began to eat his own dinner.

“Well I do try.”


I shut the dishwasher and pressed the start button. I straightened up, only to be caught by two heavily tattooed arms.

“So as far as apologies go, how was mine?” Murmured Syn into my neck. I smiled and leaned against him.

“I would say that it’s the best apology I’ve had since Jimmy bought me a whole new drum kit because he put a hole in the snare drum of my old one.” I replied, my smile widening at the memory. He chuckled, kissing the deathbat behind my ear.

“Good because it’s not finished yet.” Before I knew it, he had let go of my waist and I was in his arms bridal style. I yelped and threw my arms around his neck as he nearly fell over one of the dogs.

“Have a little faith please Cait.” He sniggered.

“I have faith in you, I just don’t have faith in my dogs.” I replied as he tried to open his bedroom door. Eventually he managed and I was in fits of laughter.

“Shut up and kiss me woman.”


I smiled as I lay cuddled with Syn, his fingers running through my hair. My head was resting on his shoulder as I traced one of his tattoos with my finger. I couldn’t get over how much he meant to me. How much he would do for me just to apologise for an argument.

“I love you Brian.” I mumbled, not really aware what I was saying. He froze, his hand stopping in my hair. As he froze, I realised exactly what I had just said and froze myself. After a couple of seconds, I forced myself to relax again. I meant it. I really, really meant it. I was crazy about him.

“Cait…” I looked up at him, propping myself up on one arm. Gently I put a finger against his lips, cutting him off.

“I mean it Brian. I love you. It’s about time that I told you that.” I pulled my finger away, letting him speak.

“Do you know how long I’ve wanted you to say that to me?” He whispered. I started to shake my head, but his lips were on mine before I got the chance. I kissed back, matching the passion in his kiss. He pulled away, breathless, rolling us over so that he was leaning over me, staring into my eyes. “I love you Jacqueline Caitlyn Seward. I have for years. Now that I’ve finally got you to admit that you love me I’m never letting you go, no matter how much we argue.” I reached up and linked my hands behind his head, pulling him down for another kiss.

“Good, because I don’t plan on going anywhere.” I backed up my statement with another passionate make-out session.