Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 43

Life’s A Riot Chapter 43.


“GATES! GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OUTTA THE BATHROOM ALREADY! WE’RE FUCKING LATE!” I yelled as I threw Syn’s leather jacket on over the Slayer tee that I had also liberated from him.

“Just a minute, I’m finishing my hair.” His reply was muffled by the shut door. I groaned.

“If you don’t hurry your ass up I’ll finish your hair.” I replied, shoving stuff into the pockets of my jeans – which, surprisingly, did actually belong to me.

“I’m coming, I’m coming. Jesus, don’t get your G-string in a twist.” He replied, finally exiting my bathroom. I glared at my boyfriend as he smirked his sexily cocky smirk at me. I shook my head and sighed.

“Remind me why I love you exactly?” I mumbled as I walked out of the door. He laughed and followed, catching up with me at the top of the stairs. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into him.

“Because I’m sexy and amazing in bed.” He mumbled into my neck. I smiled and let him kiss my neck for a minute, before I remembered that we were late. Very late.

“That may be true, but it’s already made us late.” I slapped lightly at his hands. “Off, off, off. We need to go.” He sighed and reluctantly let go. “Thank you.” I slid down the banister before he could change his mind. He walked down the stairs after me like a normal person. I handed him his helmet and tucked mine under my arm as I checked that I had everything. I locked the house up, while Syn started up one of his bikes. I slid my helmet on as Syn reversed the bike out of the garage, making sure to tuck my hair up into it – motorbike hair was not a good look for a photo shoot. Finally I slid onto the bike behind Syn, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist. I loved bikes. I loved Syn. I did not love Syn in charge of a bike.

“Try not to kill us before I get to go to Download Festival.” I instructed. He laughed and gunned it out of the drive way.


We arrived at the location for the photo shoot – an old hotel on the outskirts of town – twenty minutes later. I breathed a sigh of relief. I was alive! Just. I pulled the helmet off, shaking my long currently red and black hair out. Syn tucked his own helmet under his arm and grinned at me.

“See you survived.” I sent him a quick glare.

“Barely. That truck was inches away from us!” He laughed. I stalked off towards the hotel, not impressed. It didn’t take him long to catch up with me, slinging an arm around my shoulders.

“Have I told you how beautiful you look today?” I gave him one of my looks.

“Don’t try creeping. And yes you have, when you were trying to get in my shower earlier.” He laughed again and shrugged.

“Well it worked didn’t it?” I smiled and laughed with him, sliding an arm around his waist. A couple of fans were waiting outside of the main lobby. The Sevenfold t-shirt and excited looks gave them away. It didn’t take them long to spot us. Hesitantly they made their way over to us.

“Hi, Synyster can we have a photo with you?” Asked the tallest, a girl with blonde hair and glasses, nervously. Syn smirked at them, making a couple blush and giggle.

“Of course you girls can.” He moved out of our kind-of embrace and into the middle of the four girls so that they could take a photo. I stayed slightly to the side, smiling as I watched Syn interact with the girls. He was talking a couple of individual photos with one of the girls when the girl that first spoke came up to me.

“Is it alright if I have a photo with you as well?” I smiled widely at her.

“Sure, course ya can.” I let her take the photo. “You guys been here long?” She shook her head.

“We saw Matt and Johnny go in about ten minutes ago and thought that we may as well wait to see if anyone else was going to head in.” I smiled.

“Yeah, we’re the last in. We’re running a little bit late.” We both laughed.

“I hope you don’t mind me saying, but I really admire you for keeping the band together after Jimmy died. It must have taken some serious guts.” She blushed and stared at her feet. My smile grew. I loved meeting fans and talking to them. Especially the really nice ones like this girl.

“Thank you. That’s really nice of you to say. It’s not always easy, but they’re my family, I’d do anything to help them out and keep the band going. Sevenfold is part of my life. I couldn’t lose that.” The other three girls came up before she could reply, apparently down with photos with Syn. I posed for a couple of photos with them before signing some autographs. Our unplanned meet-and-greet was interrupted by my phone.

“I wanna be a white trash millionaire, ain’t got much and I don’t care.” My pocket began to vibrate and play Black Stone Cherry. I cursed and handed the kid her pen back as I tried to pull my phone out of my overstuffed pocket. Syn just laughed. “Count your cash and kiss my ass, the whole damn world’s gunna know I’ve been here.”

“Whose ring is that anyway?” He asked as I eventually managed to get my phone out of my pocket. I gave him a grin.

“Johnny’s.” He tried, unsuccessfully to smother his laugh. “What’s up big bro?”

“Where the hell are you? You’re late, everyone else is already here!” I grinned, even though he couldn’t see it.

“Yeah well, you can blame Syn for that.”

“Wh…no, no! I don’t want to know. I can hear your damn grin!” I laughed. “Urgh, I hate you. I did not want to know that. Where are you?”

“We’re just outside, we’re heading up now.”

“Well hurry your fucking ass up, Bruce is going to have a coronary if you get much later.”

“Jeez, tell him to talk a chill pill every once in a while. We’re coming.” I hung up. “Sorry guys, apparently our manager forgot to take his chill pill this morning and is having a freak-out, we’ve got to head up for our photo shoot and interview.” I shoved my phone back into my pocket, picking my helmet back up. “We’ll be done in a couple of hours, if you guys want to wait, I’ll make the rest of the gang come down to say hi.” They were so nice, that I felt that they deserved it. My suggestion was met with enthusiastic responses. I grinned. “Cool, we’ll see ya in a bit.” We headed into the lobby to be met by one of Bruce’s peons. He almost ran along the corridors. Must be a newbie.

“So your brother’s ringtone is White Trash Millionaire?” I smiled and gave Syn a firm look as we entered the room where the shoot was being held.

“Don’t you dare tell him.” Syn’s reply was cut off, by our slightly frazzled looking manager.

“Do you know how late the pair of you are?!”

“Blame him.” I replied, pointing at Syn and moving rapidly out of Bruce’s line of fire. I dumped my helmet on the floor next to an empty chair and fell into it. Matt raised an eyebrow at me and smirked, until he was told off by his make-up artist. Zacky wandered up to me.

“So I take it that you had an enjoyable morning?” I grinned and winked.

“Don’cha know it.” Across the room, Johnny squawked.