Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 45. The End.

Life’s A Riot Chapter 45. The End!!


I smiled as I walked hand in hand with Syn along the Australian beach, the sun glinting of the thin gold band on my left ring finger. Technically, our honeymoon had ended a week ago but he’d talked me into staying an extra couple of weeks until we started touring again. It hadn’t taken much to get me to agree, but what I hadn’t expected was for the rest of the guys – and their girls – plus Ash and Carter to join us. As we had several nights during our honeymoon, we walked along the wooden jetty that allowed small boats to ferry people to the larger diving boats off shore. I leaned against Syn while we sat at the end of the jetty watching the sun set, our feet brushing the cool water. Syn’s arm rested around my shoulder. I raised my hand to brush the gold ring on his left hand.

“I still can’t believe that we’re married.” I murmured. He kissed my forehead gently.

“I know. It almost feels surreal. Like I’m going to wake up any second.” I laughed.

“It’s funny to think that, what, eight year ago, we couldn’t stand to be in the same room as each other.”

“Yeah, but I’ve loved you for almost as long.”

“You are so cheesy.”

“But you love me for it.” I grunted.

“God only knows why.” Syn made an indignant noise.

“Charming absolutely charming. If this is how you treat me on our honeymoon, then what the hell is the rest of our marriage going to be like?”

“Better get used to it then.”

“Believe me Cait, I’m already used to it.” I smiled and snuggled in closer. Syn’s arm slid off my shoulders and moved down to my waist where he could reach my hand. His fingers traced the shape of his old ring that I wore as an engagement ring. I smiled and was content to let him as I watched the fish swim around our feet. I’d never felt more at peace than I felt at this moment in time. Life just seemed so simple. I was married to the man that I loved, I was playing drums in my favourite – and the best – band in the world, I may have lost one of my best friends and I felt the pain of his loss every day but I felt like this is what he would have wanted me to do and that seemed to make everything ok. I had one hell of a tight knit family, I may not know what the future was gunna hold – a fact that had been proved by Jimmy’s death – but I wasn’t going to let it stop me.

“OI! Lovebirds!” Both Syn and I were snapped out of our respective thoughts, turning to face the end of the jetty and see what Johnny wanted. “You guys gunna join us for dinner? Or are you just going to sit there and watch the sun set like a couple of pansies?” I rolled my eyes and got to my feet.

“Well we’re not going to get any peace if we stay here anyway.” I remarked looking at Syn. He sighed and got to his feet as well.

“I suppose you’re right.” I grinned.

“Good, get used to saying that.” Syn laughed and put his arm back around my waist, kissing the deathbat behind my ear. It was a silent acknowledgment to the small addition to it; his initials. We walked together back along the jetty to where the rest of the guys were gathered. As we walked back to the hotel complex, I let my smile grow. Yeah my life hadn’t been perfect, and probably never would be but that didn’t bother me. Because you know what? Regardless of what life throw’s at you Life’s always A Riot
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Thanks everyone for reading this and a special thank you to those who left comments.

Also, i'm looking for beta-readers for the other Syn Gates fics that i'm currently writing. If you are interested just message me or leave a comment :D xx