Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 3.

Life’s A Riot Chapter 3.


I flicked my head upright, coughing as I inhaled a lungful of hairspray. Maybe I had over done it a little. I checked the mirror. Nope. I grabbed my leopard print hairband and tied it round my head before blowing a kiss at the mirror and heading downstairs. It had been almost two weeks since four fifths of Avenged Sevenfold had moved into my house. With the obvious exception of Syn, I was actually enjoying the company. They were currently gathered in the living room, discussing what the hell they were going to do for food that night.

“What’s up bitches?” I greeted wandering in. Everyone froze and stared at me. Wonderful. Johnny was apparently the first to recover the power of speech.

“Where the hell are you going?” I grinned.

“It’s Ash’s flat-warming partay tonight. It’s fancy dress, so I’ve decided to go with the 80’s Glam Rock theme.” I explained. A collective look of understanding went round all four guys as they suddenly understood my outfit. Zacky looked me over, taking in my ripped leopard leggings, tight fitting Motely Crue t-shirt, many studded belts, leather fingerless gloves, bracelets and excessive hair and make-up, his gaze froze on my feet.

“How the hell are you going to walk in those?” He asked staring at my black leather boots which had six inch stiletto heels. I snorted.

“Babe, you underestimate the powers of the female race.”

“You not going to be home tonight then?” Asked Johnny, smiling. He knew exactly what me and Ash could be like when we partied. I fixed him with an incredulous look.

“Ash and Carter in the same house after a party? No thank you. I will be coming home.” I shuddered at the thought of Ash and her boyfriend. “I saw enough unions of pink parts when she lived here thanks.” Johnny, Zacky and Jimmy all laughed, while Syn who had never met Ash or her boyfriend just looked confused. I didn’t bother enlighten him.

“Fair enough.” Chuckled Jimmy. “Loving the outfit, sexy lady.” I grinned and twirled obediently, striking a pose as I finished.

“I know right? I’ve been looking for an excuse to dress up like this for ages.” I replied wiggling my ass as I pulled the leggings up. Outside, a horn beeped. I waved at the guys and walked back out of the room. “That’ll be my ride. Laters babes.” I wiggled my fingers in the air over my shoulder at them, grabbed my leather jacket and a bottle of vodka before opening the door and running out to the waiting car.


Syn POV.

I was the only one still awake, if you didn’t include JC who hadn’t yet managed to stumble her way home. I just wasn’t tired and couldn’t settle down, I’d been pacing the house for about an hour now, occasionally sitting down and watching some crappy late-night TV. I was heading into the kitchen to get a late-night snack when she came in. When I say came in, I mean, staggered/fell in. I snorted and in, what I guess she thought was a quiet voice, she stopped singing AC/DC’s Let There Be Rock and cursed.

“BOLLOCKS!” Silence for a moment, then; “Shhhh, you’re being too loud! People are sleeping.” Curious to see who she was talking to, I headed towards the front door. She was attempting to remove her key from the lock. There was no-one else in sight. I frowned and stood, cross armed as she tried to shut the door. It slammed shut. “Shhhhh!!!!!” She repeated, scowling at the door. I snorted in amusement. I’d forgotten just how funny she was when she was drunk.

“Talking to inanimate objects now Cait?” I asked, smirking. She turned, frowned at me and began to try and take her jacket off. I sniggered in amusement as she staggered around, trying not to fall over in her heels. Inevitably, she lost her balance. I darted forward, without thinking, catching her before she hit the floor.

“Easy there Cait.” I murmured, pulling her upright. Once back on her feet, she continued to wobble precariously. I kept my arms loosely around her waist, just in case.

“You,” She slurred, poking me in the chest. “are the most irritating man I know.” I smirked and shook my head. She continued. “Why are all of the irritating ones always fucking good looking?” I raised my eyebrows. Jesus she was absolutely hammered. She wobbled again and moved slightly sideways. I grabbed hold of her waist a bit tighter and pulled her against me.

“Christ Cait, how much have you drunk?” I murmured, suddenly aware of how close our bodies were. It appears that she suddenly became aware of it too, as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

“Why don’t you find out?” She breathed. I could smell the alcohol on her breath. I sighed. It was tempting. So goddamn tempting. But we would both regret it. Probably.

“Come on Cait, let’s get you upstairs.” I gently removed her arms from my neck and moved away, keeping on arm around her waist, supporting her as I led her to the stairs. She took a couple of steps before stumbling. Only my grip kept from falling and bringing both of us to the ground. Fucking hell, how the fuck did she get home? I sighed again. “Maybe, we should get those boots off you first.” She mumbled something incoherent and began to sing Poison’s Talk Dirty To Me. I had to force myself not to laugh. Keeping my grip on her waist, I moved to pick her up bridal style. She shifted unexpectedly, causing us both to tumble to the floor. I landed on top of her. I froze, not liking how much I loved the way my body was pressed against her. Her eyes locked with mine, one hand playing absently with my hair. I could feel my breathing growing heavier. I knew that I should move away before things went too far, but I just couldn’t force myself to. Suddenly someone cleared their throat next to us. I jumped up, trying not to blush as I saw Zacky leaning against the bottom of the stairs grinning at me. I glared back at him.

“Do I even want to know what you’re doing?” He asked, still grinning.

“She’s drunk. I was trying to help believe it or not. Without me, she would have already broken her ankle in those damn boots.” I explained, crossing my arms defensively. Zacky raised his hands in defence.

“Alright, alright. No need to get all uptight. Need a hand?”

“Help me get these fucking boots off her, before she kills herself.” We both knelt down and began to try and undo Cait’s rather extravagant boots. Eventually we got them off.

“You want a hand get her upstairs?” Offered Zacky. I shook my head.

“I’ve got it man.” He just nodded and walked off, heading for his room, as I pulled Cait back to her feet. “Come on, let’s get you upstairs before you wake the whole house up.” I wrapped my arm around her waist again and headed for the stairs. It took three attempts to get up the stairs, but eventually I managed to get Cait upstairs and along the corridor to her room. I let go of her waist as we stumbled through the door. She staggered a couple of steps forward and turned around, looking at her room in surprise, as if she was wondering how she’d got here. I chuckled and shook my head. “Just get into bed Cait.” Surprisingly she took my order without any argument and grabbed a baggy t-shirt. I moved across the room, putting her shoes over by the wardrobe. I turned around to find Cait pulling off her shirt. It was soon followed by her black lace bra. “WOAH! Wait until I’m out of the room Seward!” I yelled in surprise. The last thing I expected tonight was a glimpse of a half-naked Cait. I headed for the door, fast. I shut the door behind me and leaned against it, closing my eyes. Trying to remove the image from my brain. When I opened them, I found Zacky stood in front of me again, still grinning.

“What?” I snapped. He just grinned even wider.

“I always knew that you had the hots for her.” I flipped him off and stalked off to my room. He was right. I did. I always have.