Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 5.

Life’s A Riot Chapter 5.

Syn POV.

“Five beers and two vodka and cokes.” I told the bartender, leaning back against the bar and surveying the club around me. It was a small club, but that made it intimate. JC had dragged us all out of here for a night out. It wasn’t a bad place. Quite Rock n Roll. The bartender set my drinks down in front of me, I began to pull my wallet out but he shook his head.

“All first orders are on the house tonight.” He explained, moving onto his next order. I nodded, and head back to the guys smiling. I set the tray down on the table, grabbed my beer and moved out of the way as everyone dived for their own drinks. We were all sat in a booth next to the dance floor. AC/DC was blasting out from the speakers. I could see JC being a regular here. Talking of which, she was sat next to Val at the table, laughing at some story Jimmy was telling. They’d been best friends since Johnny had joined the band. I slid into the side opposite them. A few minutes later, a dark haired girl snuck up behind JC and tapped her on the shoulder. JC glanced over her shoulder at the new comer and squealed. She scrambled over Johnny to get out of the booth. I raised an eyebrow as they both began jumping up and down excitedly. I looked curiously at Jimmy and Zacky, who were both sniggering. Eventually, the two stopped jumping about and turned to face us. The new girl slung her arm over JC’s shoulder and grinned as she took us in.

“So which one did you flash Jack?” JC just groaned and covered her face in embarrassment. Everyone around the table laughed.

“That would be me.” I replied, smirking at JC.

“You guys are never going to let me forget that are you?” She mumbled, her cheeks still bright red. Pretty much the whole table shook their heads.

“Nope,” Answered Zacky, grinning. “It’ll be in my best man speech when the two of you get married.” Simultaneously, we both glared at him. Jimmy, on the other hand, looked incredulous.

“And what makes you think that you’re going to be best man when they get married?” JC’s glare turned into a look of disbelief as the two began to bicker over who would be my best man when, not if, we got married.

“Excuse me,” Interjected the new girl, “but surely they need to date before they get married?”

“You’ve not been around them the last three and a half years, Ash, the constant bickering is clearly sexual tension between them. It’ll end up boiling over and turning into love and eventually, they’ll realise it and date and inevitably marry. It is not a question of if, but when.” Laughed Johnny. JC’s jaw dropped and she stared in disbelief at her twin. Val chose that moment to make her move, squeezing quickly out of the table, she grabbed both Ash and JC by their elbows, steering them to the dance floor.

“Let’s go dance before Jack does something stupid, like kill Johnny.” Finally realising just who the new girl was, I watched them go. Ashleigh Turner had been JC’s best friend since kindergarten. This was the first time that I’d ever met her. I hope that she’s not as stubborn-minded as her best friend, I don’t know if I could cope with both of them. Ash was taller than JC – not that it took much to be taller than the twins – by a couple of inches, her hair was a dark brown, almost black and much shorter than JC’s, just a little longer than her shoulders. She had heavy black eyeliner on, which made her grey-blue eyes stand out and from her outfit; tight fitting red skinny jeans and a low-cut off-the-shoulder black t-shirt with red sparkly bits, she was obviously confident in her body. She was good looking yeah, but she had nothing on JC. She was in a pair of short, frayed light denim shorts and a customised Guns N Roses t-shirt. She’d basically cut it, so that it had a larger neck-line and hung off one shoulder, she’d also cut it shorter, so that it wasn’t straight and loose enough fitting that it showed off her belly-button piercing. (A/N – I think I forgot to mention that in the character descriptions :/) She’d lightly curled her long, blonde so that it hung in loose ringlet-waves. Her black and sparkle rimmed green-brown eyes caught the lights of the dance floor as she danced with Ash and Val, laughing. She looked fucking beautiful. Next to me Zacky elbowed me in the ribs.

“Quit staring at her and go dance.” I gave him a look that told him what I thought of that idea.

“Because that would go down like a hurricane.” He smirked mischievously.

“Not if she doesn’t know it’s you she’s dancing with.” I thought about that for a moment, before pushing to my feet and heading off into the dancing crowd.



I was dancing by myself in the thick of the crowd. And loving it. Ash and Val had taken a break to go and grab a drink, I just wanted to carry on dancing. I was loving the feeling of being young, single and free. Two hands caught my hips from behind, pulling me against a body. I didn’t look round, just enjoyed the feeling of moving in time to the beat with someone else. Someone strange. It was almost an addiction of mine in clubs like this. I was always a total flirt with the guys, I loved dancing with them, teasing them, but in the end I never left with any of them. I just wasn’t that kinda girl. I just enjoyed the dance. We danced like that for a couple of songs, close and intimate, before I turned round to see the face of the stranger that I was dancing with. Only it wasn’t a stranger that I came face-to-face with. It was Syn. I frowned at him, not liking the way that my heart rate was racing at the thought of having danced with him like that. I went to shout over the music at him, ask him what the hell he was doing, but he saw the movement. He cut me off. With his lips. The kiss was rough, full of need and desire. His hands, still on my hips, pulled me in closer. I froze. I couldn’t deny it, I was liking the feel of his lips against mine a little too much. After what felt like an age, but was only a few seconds, I managed to pull up the will power to step back. I glared at him.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I yelled over the pounding of the bass. He didn’t reply, just stood there, staring into my eyes. I hated how beautiful his amazing brown eyes were. I turned to walk away and try to get back to the others. His hand closed around my wrist, pulling me back.

“Cait, wait.” I whirled back to face him, a glare still on my face and in my eyes. His grip was tight, almost bruising.

“Let. Go.” He didn’t, his grip didn’t loosen either. By now we were attracting attention. A guy next to me looked between me and Syn, before glaring at Syn.

“I believe that the lady asked you to let her go.” My eyes were still locked with Syn’s. Don’t make me do this. I mouthed. I didn’t want to create a scene, but I would if he didn’t back off. His hand released my wrist and he turned, pushing through the crowd until he was lost from my sight. I turned to the guy.

“Thanks!” I shouted, heading for the opposite edge of the crowd from where Syn had gone. He nodded back and went back to dancing with his girlfriend. I moved towards the door, ignoring the calls of Ash and Val. I need some air. I needed to think. Why the fuck had I wanted to kiss him back?


Syn POV.

I leaned against the cool brick of the alleyway next to the club, my eyes closed. I could still feel her lips against mine, still taste her. I had no idea what had possessed me to kiss her, but I couldn’t bring myself to fully regret it either. The door to the club banged open. I didn’t open my eyes, didn’t move. I didn’t care who it was. A familiar frustrated snarl came from round the corner. My eyes flew open.

“Come on JC, pull yourself together!” I risked a look round the corner. She was pacing back and forth, staring at the ground in front of her. She growled again and kicked the wall. I pulled back as she started to turn towards me, smirking. Nice to know that I have an effect on her, even if it wasn’t necessarily the one that I wanted. The door banged open again. I didn’t look. I didn’t want her to notice me.

“Jack? Babes, what’s wrong?” Asked Ash’s voice. JC didn’t reply, I could just imagine her shaking her head as she searched for the words.

“Come on J, you can talk to us.” Val’s voice was soft and calm.

“Syn kissed me.” Her voice was hoarse, as if she couldn’t believe what she was saying. The others were quiet for a while.

“You didn’t kiss back did you?” Asked Val quietly. JC didn’t reply, but I imagine she shook her head.

“Then what’s the problem?” Ash’s question was softly asked. Again JC didn’t reply. “Oh babes.” Whispered Ash. I couldn’t help it, I was just too curious, I peeked round the corner to see Ash hugging JC.

“Come on, you look like you need a drink.” Commented Val, leading them both back into the club. I sighed, leaning back against the wall. I knew that JC’s lack of answer meant something. I knew that I should go back into the club and talk to her, explain. But I just couldn’t force myself to move. I, Synyster Gates, was too chicken.