Status: Completed :)

Life's a Riot

Life's A Riot. 6.

Life’s A Riot Chapter 6.

September 2007.—2 years later.


“LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!!!” Yelled Jimmy, running into the studio with me thrown over one shoulder. Everyone turned to stare at us. Well their view of me consisted of my ass. Charming.

“You found an average ass?” Asked Zacky. Now that was just rude. My ass was damn sexy!

“Oi! Rudeness!” I began to wiggle in Jimmy’s grip. “Put me down Sullivan! I will not stand for this!” He let me slide to the ground. I turned to face Zacky, tapping my foot angrily. “Average? Average? You think that my ass is average?” Johnny snorted.

“Oh boy, you’ve done it now.” Zacky gaped like a fish under my glare, looking around the room, for help. None came.

“Erm, I think that your ass is amazing?” I raised an eyebrow at him. “And sexy, it’s definitely very, incredibly sexy.” I nodded in approval.

“Good, that’s much better.” Turning to face my twin, I held my arms out. “Where’s the world’s best bassist after Duff McKagan and Mike Dirnt?” He glared at me and pulled me into an almost rib-crushing hug. I’d been away on a summer camp with my dance job for a month and a half, so we hadn’t seen each other for a while.

“Now that is rude.” I poked my tongue out at him. My snarky reply was cut off by a poke in the ribs.

“Where did you find this Sullivan?” Asked Matt, looking inquiringly at Jimmy, who was trying to sit on Zacky. “And why did you bring it into my recording studio?” He poked me in the ribs again. Jimmy quit his struggle with Zacky to look at us.

“Well I was having a smoke and it wandered up, I presumed that it was looking for a home, so I thought we’d use her as a sex slave.” I froze, my jaw dropping in an outraged look. Johnny clapped his hands to his ears, determined not to hear anymore.

“Not a bad choice.” Commented an all too familiar voice from the doorway. I turned round and crossed my arms as I glared at Syn. He smirked back. “Cait, nice to see that you haven’t been torn limb from limb by small children.” I snorted at him and turned back to the rest of the guys.

“I seriously don’t know what Michelle see’s in you.” I was referring to Val’s sister, and a friend of mine – although not a close one – who was currently dating the ass behind me.

“She knows what I’m like in bed.” He replied, winking at me as he walked over to the couch. I wrinkled my nose.

“Ew, far too much information.” I looked around Matt’s basement studio. It was an impressive set-up, I had to admit. The guys were currently self-producing their fourth studio album; Avenged Sevenfold. “How’s the album going?”

“It’s going good.” Stated Zacky, collective nods of agreement arose from the guys. “Nowhere near ready yet, but it’s going good.” I smiled.

“Glad to hear it. I’m also glad to see that my house is still standing, after being left with you four for six weeks.” Johnny, at least, made the effort to be indignant.

“As if we would manage to destroy your house.” I raised an eyebrow at him. “That was years ago! And it was an apartment. And we were very, very drunk.” I gave him another look. He backed away meekly. “Point taken.” By now, Jimmy had gone back to trying to sit on Zacky. He still wasn’t getting very far. I sighed and shook my head, chucking my bag in a corner.

“Jimmy, beloved, that is not the best way to crush Zacky. You are failing, miserably.” He just stared at me.

“Yes, because the midget is going to do any better.” I glared at him.

“Oh, it’s on motherfucker.” Zacky groaned as he realised just what was coming his way.

“Why me?”