Status: Just starting...

When I Kissed the Teacher

Somebody New And She's Better Than You

This was the third football that had been kicked at me, and my body was starting to ache with pain. I was in the second set of my PE and I wanted it to end as soon as possible.
I’ve never liked PE, and to make it worse, there was a girl who decided she wanted to bully the new girl. Great, enemies already.

“Hey nerd, throw the ball back!” Becca Jones shouted at me across the football pitch. The cool air grazing against my bare knees and making my brown hair flow over my face blocking my view of Becca. Which caused another ball to hit my face.

“Bitch, I said throw it back!” I heard her voice getting louder as I fumbled with my hair, trying to move it out of my face, making a mental note that I needed it cutting soon.
My balance was soon cut off and I felt myself hurdling towards the muddy green grass. I placed my hands in front of me, but I was too late as I face planted the mud.

I heard sniggers behind my back, full of high pitched giggles that clearly belonged to girls. My first day and I was already being bullied. It’s not going to happen, not this soon at my new school, this year I would stand up for myself more. Which was going to be tricky.

I dug my hands into the ground and pushed myself up off the ground. My body shifted until I was facing Becca, her platinum blond hair was the only thing shining in this dreaded weather. Her perfectly pink manicured nails like cats claws as she looked me up and down, then grinned.

“What is you’re problem? I haven’t even been in this school for more than 3 hours and you’re already being mean. What have I ever done to you?” I shouted as I flicked my hands beside me, trying to get rid of the mud, clinging to my fingernails. I was just praying that it was actually mud and nothing else, since our physical education lessons were on a field.

Becca placed one hand on her hip and leaned to one side, glaring down at my small frame. Thunder crackled in the clouds above, making the field look like a horror movie.
The teacher had wondered off somewhere and the rest of the class were now forming a circle around us.

“What did you say?” Becca spat in my direction, my heart threatening to beat out of my chest. How could this be happening on my first day, this wasn’t supposed to happen.
I gulped and looked up at Becca in her dark blue eyes.

“I said I haven’t done anything to you, so why are you starting on me? Just leave me alone” I said, holding my gaze with her eyes then walked past her and towards the changing rooms, since the bell hand just rang out loud and clear.
I felt a strong grip on my upper arm and flinched, she had got me and I was going to get beaten up into a painful pile on the floor.

“You don’t get off that easily talking to me” Becca chuckled, a evil grin spreading across her lips as her gang of girl friends started to move in on my also. I tried to rip my arm free from her grip but it was no use. She lifted her arm back and clenched her hand into a fist, brining it back against her face. The rest was like slow motion as her fist started to move towards my face.

“Becca, stop!” A male voice shouted from behind us, causing her to stop dead in her tracks and spin round. Her grin being soon replaced with a sweet smile.
From the distance a tall boy started to walk across the field, his short ebony hair and hazel eyes glaring at Becca, who had now let go of me and was making her way towards they guy.

“Jack! How are you?” Her voice asked, all bubbly like nothing had happened, she placed a hand on his chest but he soon pushed it away and made his way over to me.
“Are you okay?” Jack asked me randomly. I was taken aback, I don’t even know who he is, but he offered to help me and I couldn’t ask for anything more at this moment in time.

My breath was caught in my throat, he stood in front of me wearing a white tank top, grey hoddie and a beanie.Jack's Outfit He was gorgeous looking.
“You okay?” Jack moved his head lower so he could see me, I smiled and rubbed the back of my neck with my right hand. I was a little shaken up, but I was good.

“I’m Jack, Jack Williams” Jack placed a hand out for me to shake, which I placed my hand in his and we shook twice then let go. Becca was screaming and shouting in the background but we ignored her. Jack smiled then grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.

“Come on, let’s get you ready for you’re next lesson” Jack grinned which made my stomach feel like a cage of butterflies had been opened.
“But I don’t know you” I laughed as we walked towards the school changing rooms, he had let go of my hand now as he held the door open for me to walk through, into the nice warm building of the PE department.

I said my Thanks and walked off towards the girls changing rooms, when he called out me name. I froze dead in my tracks.
“How do you know my name?” I questioned as I spun round on my heal and looked him up and down, starting to feel a little worried. Jack gave a small chuckle, looked at the ground then lifted his head to look at me.

“I have been assigned to show you round the school, trust me. I’m not friends with any of them up on the field” Jack leaned against the small blue windowsill on the side of the wall, that peered down into the inside gym. I smiled then walked up to the right side of the windowsill and leaned next to him.

“Thanks for sticking up for me, but how did you know It was me?”
“No problem, and please, the new kid always get’s bullied on their first day. Plus the school told me you’re lesson. Now go get ready. We have dinner, which gives me enough time to show you around then we have Geography” Jack grinned then placed his hands between his knees and looked up at me.

I smiled then walked off towards the changing rooms. So I might have made some new friends in a day’s worth, that’s good news to tell mum at least.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,
so this is the 2nd Chapter in a way, but also the 3rd if that makes sense? Haha
Hope you enjoyed it, let me know what you think. Would love to hear what you thought. Like it? Don't like it? Even if it's something you think I could improve on or something you would like to add to it. I really don't mind. I love getting comments, it inspires me to write more!

But I'm off to bed, night guys!
Emma xx :)