Status: gettin' started :)



I watched solemnly as they lowered Nix's Mom's coffin into the ground. It broke my heart to hear Nix sobbing so loud.

A few tears escaped from my eyes, making Zacky squeeze my hand tighter. 

Once it was over, we all returned back to the hotel. 

Nix had her room with Brian, and the other guys were sharing other rooms. Zacky offered to share a room with me, but I felt a little uncomfortable, so I stuck with Jase. Sure, I liked Zacky, but not as much as he liked me. I had to do something to get everyone off my case about Storm. 

Just the thought of him made me depressed. All the times we'd spent together, all the stuff he'd told me, it all turned out to be bullshit, and that seriously hurt me. He put me through hell, and used me.

I hated him for that, I really did.

All of the stress and shit had seriously slowed down my dreams, and many nights I'd lay awake. Insomnia was a bitch.

"What are you thinking about, Angel?" Jase asked, throwing himself down on my bed.

"Nothing." I shrugged, faking a yawn. "Get in your own bed,  I'm going to sleep."

"Bullshit. You haven't slept in two days." Jase stated.

"Are you watching me try to sleep or something?" I demanded.

He nodded. "Now seriously, what's been on your mind lately?"

"Nothing, Jase. Seriously, st-"

He cut me off. "It's Storm, isn't it?"

I looked at him.

"Come on, Angel, talk to me. You can't keep all this shit bottled up, and I know that Nix thinks you're over it, but I know better. I see through your act, when no one else can." He said, really taking me back.

"I, uh, I-" I stuttered, taking a deep breath, "Yeah, it's Storm."

"Talk to me."

"I think I loved him. I mean," I laughed without humor, "How fucking stupid is that? Loving someone who isn't even alive? I'm crazy, I know." I admitted, tearing up a little.

"Angel, that's not crazy. He was as good as alive to you." 

I wiped away a few stray tears. "And when Nix told me about him, I didn't care, I really didn't. It didn't change a thing about the way I felt."

"Love is just crazy like that. It takes you everywhere." Jase smiled lightly. 

"I think the worst part is knowing that I'll never see him again. Even though I hate him right now, I can't just toss out my other feelings. I just want to know why, you know? Why me? Why did he use me? Did he even have feelings for me, or was that all a part of his lies?" I said, crying a little bit more.

"What do you think?" Jase asked, taking my hand in a comforting way.

I shook my head. "I don't think he ever did."

Jase sighed. "Time, Angel. Time will change everything for you. It'll get better, I promise."

I nodded, not really believing him, though.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm baaaaaaaccccckkkkkk [;