Status: gettin' started :)


Lights Out

We had everything set up and ready to go. Brian gave us full run of the house for the entire night. We each had our digital recorders and K2 Meters.

"It's time to go lights out everyone." Brian helped us turn out all of the lights in the house before sitting down on the couch not making a sound. I closed my eyes and knew someone was watching us.

"Nix and Angel EVP Session in the upstairs bedroom." I opened the door and we walked in. I knew someone had been there. I sat down on the bed.

"Is there someone with us?" Angel questioned and I heard the sound of footsteps going down the hall way. I looked over at Angel and she nodded.

"Jimmy Sullivan? Are you here with us?" I looked to the corner of the room and seen a dark figure standing in the corner.

"Jimmy we just want to know if you are here with us today? Brian is very concerned and just want to know. He doesn't want you gone from his home." I heard a very faint 'I know' in my ear.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Angel and she shook her head no. I hope the recorder caught that.

"Mr. Sullivan my name is Nix Ray. This device I have sitting on the bed is a K2 Meter. Can you walk up to it and let us know that you are in the room?" I looked down at the meter and it went off.

"Good. Can we ask you some questions?" I asked and it went off again.

"Now you can answer your questions verbally or use the meter to answer. Light it up for a yes and no don't light it up." Angel said and it lit up once more.

"Why are you here?....Is it because you watch over Brian?" I asked and the meter went off again.

"Do you travel from his house to your fiance's house?" Angel asked and the meter went off again.

"How about to Matt's house?" I asked and it went off again. I asked about the others house and each time it went off. I turned the K2 Meter off.

"Mr. Sullivan, I would like you to respond in any way possible. Can you make a noise or say something into this device?" I asked holding up the recorder. I gave him a few seconds and I heard the door unlatch and come open. Angel looked at the door and luckily my camera was at the door.

"Jimmy did you just exit the room?" Angel asked and I couldn't feel him in here anymore.

"End of Recording." I said into the recorder before turning it off. We walked out and investigated every room upstairs before going back to where Brian is. He was still sitting there on the couch in the dark. Angel sat down in the recliner and I sat down on the couch next to Brian.

"Brian, if you want to, when I start this EVP session will you asked some questions too?" I asked and he nodded.

"EVP session in the Living Room Area with Myself and Nix and Brian Haner Jr." I said and I laid down the recorder on the table.

"Mr. Sullivan? Can you please come in the living room with us?" I asked and I heard footsteps on the hardwood floor.

"Did you all hear that?" Brian asked and we nodded.

"Jimmy....Are you here with me?" Brian asked. I looked over and seen a figure clear as day standing next to the TV. I stood to my feet and made my way over towards him. He never moved.

"Jimmy...I know you're here because I can see you. The handcuff tattoos on your neck. your piercing. The dark Suit you are buried in." I heard Brian gasp.

"Don't fear us Jimmy. We are only here to get answers for Brian. He doesn't want you to leave in any way. I would like for you to sit next to Brian." I said stepping away. I watched as he walked over to the couch. His footsteps could be heard the entire way. I followed right behind him. I watched as he sat down next to Brian. Brian's eyes got wide as the indention of his body sitting down on the couch. Brian looked at me and back to the couch. He grabbed the recorder.

"Jimmy...I know your sitting there...Is there something you would like us to know?" Brian asked and as soon as he did. Jimmy appeared before Brian's eyes and he jumped back. Jimmy smiled at Brian.

"Brian...I am always here and don't let anyone think that you are crazy because you are not....I do travel from house to house. Matt's house is next. I stay here just to keep you company since Michelle left you for being so 'crazy.' I love you Brian but don't mourn over me. I am always here..." Jimmy said and Brian's eyes welled with tears before he vanished. I didn't see him and I knew he had left the house. I couldn't feel his presence anymore but I could feel him nearby.

"EVP Session in the Living Room Area End." I said before shutting off the recorder.

"Let's get these lights on and get back to our hotel room to sleep. Tomorrow we will review the footage and get back to you with our findings." I said.

"Thank you very much." he said and we began turning on lights and gathering up our equipment. I was setting my things into the rental car when Brian tapped me on the shoulder.

"Can I help you Mr. Haner?" I said smiling.

"Please call me Brian. Thank you." he leaned close to my face and kissed my cheek. I smiled and he went back into the house. We got back into the car and headed over to the hotel for some much needed rest. We lugged all of our equipment back up to the hotel room before going to sleep.
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