Status: gettin' started :)


Stay Here And You Will Be A Believer

I seen Angel punch Matt right in the Jaw but he never fall down. He pushed her up against the wall and she fell to the ground. I walked up to Matt and got right into his face. I didnt care if he was bigger than me.

" like that!" I yelled in Matt's face.

"What are you going to do about it?"

I looked over at Angel and Zacky was helping her. I pushed Matt so hard he went flying against the wall just like Angel did.

"How does it feel Matt?" I said and he never said a word to me.

"I've got to get ready for tonight." I said and I walked up the stairs and opened an empty room and sat down in the middle of the floor to meditate.

~~~~BRIAN'S POV~~~~

Zacky helped Angel to her feet and I couldnt help but smile at what a good person he is. I wish Matt could be like that and not a bipolar asshole. Matt left and it was just Arin, Johnny, Zacky, and I along with TPS. Nix has been upstairs for several hours and I was wondering what she was doing.

"Angel?" I asked and she looked over at me.

"What is Nix doing up there?" I asked.

"Preparing herself so she can get the entity out of your house."

"How many times has she done that? I mean in a case?" I asked sitting down on the couch.

"She's done it over 13 times. Each time worse than the others."

"What do you mean? I'm sorry but I'm just curious." I said.

"The first few times she made a demonic spirit leave a home, she was fine the next day nothing was wrong with her. When she...she did it again to a house who had more than 1 she was broken down for weeks on end. All 3 spirits in that house drained her energy to the pint where she couldnt lift herself out of bed."

"Oh wow. What happens if it happens again?" I asked.

"She'll sleep to try and get her energy back but it will take longer. The last time I had to take her to the hospital because of it. She didnt even wake up to eat or drink."

"Damn...Just to let you know if she is drained, I will let you all stay here as long as you need until she recovers." I said smiling.

"Thanks. Oh by the way, Nix will really be impressed too." She winked at me and I was a little bit confused but hell I like her. She's cool and I really dont want her to get hurt.

~~~~~NIX POV~~~~

I came out of my state of meditation and looked out the window. Dusk. I stood to my feet and walked out of the empty room and down the stairs. Everyone was sitting around the room watching TV when I came down. Brian spotted me and nudged Angel.

"How was the meditation?"

"It was good. I'm ready to get this bitch out of here." I said and Angel smiled at me. Angel and Jase stood to their feet.

"If you guys are going to stay here I need you all to do something. If Nix seems like she's hurting, do not help her. She doesnt need anyone distracting her from what she needs to do." Angel explained.

"If we do try and help her what will happen?" Zacky asked.

"I will be possessed by the entity and who knows what will happen. I might even hurt one of you." I said and they nodded.

"Dont touch her if she yells or screams or has any kind of pain." Jase said and they nodded again.

"Alright let's go lights out and get this started." I said and we proceeded in turning off all the lights. We sat down at the large table in the kitchen and Angel sat the digital recorder, a video recorder, K2 Meter, and Thermal imagining Camera down in front of me. The IR camera was set up in each corner of the kitchen to cath everything that happens.


The camera's were turned on as the guys sat down around the table with me.

"EVP Session and Demonic contact in session. Angel, Nix, Jase, Johhny, Zacky, Arin, and Brian." Angle said and she laid down the recorder in front of me. I put my hands out and Brian took mine and everyone joined hands.

"Spirit of the demonic entity come forth." I said and I could feel the entity come into the room. I closed my eyes.

"You are not wanted here. You have no business being here. Jimmy is the only one who is supposed to be here. Leave now or I'll use force to do so." I said and the entity wasnt backing down. I put my head back and I could see the entity and feel the blow to my head as I slammed it down on the table.

~~~~~~~~BRIAN'S POV~~~~~~

She didnt say a word for the first few minutes and then she started yelling and screaming as the hours past. Scratches came onto her arms and face out of no where. I wanted to help her but Angel gave me a look and I backed down. She let go of our hands and grabbed a hold of her head.

"GET OUT EVIL SPIRIT!!" she yelled. She opened her eyes and looked around to all of us. Angel must have known something was wrong and she had me holding her down as she thrashed around in the chair. She looked at me with evil in her eyes.

"I will kill you like I did my family when they fucked with me." She said with the most evilest voice I have ever heard.

"You need to get out of here and leave her alone. She has offered up her energy for you to go back to hell now go!" Angel said and she put her palm on her forehead and pushed it. Her head went back and she stopped thrashing. I sat back down in my seat and she fell off into the floor unconscious. Angel got up quickly and went to her side.

"Nix open your eyes." she said to her. Nix barely opened her eyes before she closed them back.

"Brian help me get her up to a room. The demonic spirit is gone but so is her energy." She said and I picked up Nix and brought her to an upstairs bedroom. I laid her down taking off her shoes and socks and watched as she laid there asleep and no moving. Angel and myself walked out of the door shutting the door behind me and we went back downstairs. We turned the lights back on and sat around with the guys. They were in shock.

"How long will she be like that Angel?" Johnny asked.

"I wont really know until tomorrow morning. If she's still asleep then she will be for a while. This one might have just been the last one she can ever do." I hoped she was going to be alright. I'll make sure she is alright. She's done so much that is close to my heart and I want to repay her...somehow.