Status: Beginning

Happy Times

The End

The hurricanes’ season just ended tonight, and I was waiting outside in my car for Justin to come out. I knew he was going to be upset at the loss, especially because the season came down to the last game. I saw Larose walk out carrying his bag and I honked. He lifted his hand and gave me a small wave; I rolled down my window and called over.

“How was it in there?” I ask after he came over.

“What do you mean?” He asked.

I shrugged awkwardly, “I mean, how was Justin? I know he’s going to really mad ‘cause he didn’t play.”

“I don’t know, why don’t you ask him?” He sighed and pointed over my shoulder. I turned around and saw Justin sulking across the parking lot. He threw his bag in the back and climbed in the passenger seat.

“Later Chad.” I put the car in reverse, he turned and went towards his own car. “How are you?”

“I’m just mad that I couldn’t play, that I had NO say in how the game turned out.” He sighed.

“Well, there you go, you couldn’t affect the game. You have no blame on yourself! They only thing you can help is your attitude towards the outcome, alright?”

“No, it’s not alright. Our season just ended and I can do nothing about it!” He yelled at me.

I winced at the sharpness of his voice. “I’m sorry.” I whispered. “You can just work towards next year.”


Madeline’s POV

I quickly pulled up my car behind Sierra’s and waited. I saw Justin get into Sierra’s car and watched them drive away.

A few minutes later Jeff came out and I knew that he was mad. I jumped at how loudly he slammed the door after he got in.

I started the car and we drove away. The car was so silent that I could hear Jeff’s heavy breathing.

“It’s okay.” I finally said.

“No, it’s not okay.” He snaps.

“You don’t need to be mad at me. I’m just trying to comfort you.” I answer calmly.

He looks at me, “Fine.” He answers, still angry.

I roll my eyes, “So what happened?”

“Cam Ward should have been closer to the net, Paul Maurice needed to understand that…”

The end of every game goes the same way, win or lose. Jeff will tell me who did what and where they were supposed to be. This was the longest rant yet though.

By the time he was finished we were already parked in the North Hills parking lot.

“Well we can put that behind us and look forward to more time together.”

He smiles and gets out of the car. I get out too and take Jeff’s hand as we walk toward the entrance. I see Justin and Sierra standing in the lobby waiting for an elevator. Sierra smiles and waves at me, Justin looks just as grim as Jeff does. We all get in the elevator and get off at Sierra and I’s floor.

Justin walks Sierra to our door, she leans up and kisses his cheek. “I’m going to go, Si. I’m not really up for doing anything tonight.” He said, and she nodded. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Feel better sweetie.” She kisses him one more time and goes inside.

Jeff waits in the elevator, holding the door open for Justin. “Bye Madeline.” He mutters. My heart kind of drops, he won’t even walk me to my door. Justin brushes past me and the door closes, and I have to wonder if tonight’s lost might have changed our relationship.
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I really liked writing this story, so I think I'm going to continue. This is set before the epilogue of 53 Minutes That Changed my Life. But you might be suprised at how things turned out