Status: Beginning

Happy Times

What's Wrong?

I woke up the next morning feeling unhappy. I wasn’t upset or mad about anything I just felt bad. I decided to lay in bed since it was a Saturday and began to list off some things that could possibly be the cause of my emotions. I thought about Sierra and the thing with Justin, I thought about my beloved grandmother, I surprisingly thought about John and how he left yesterday, he always made me feel happy and now that he left again, I’m beginning to take the full affect of my grandmother’s death. I felt that I was over it though and in the end, my thoughts were brought back to Jeff. I sighed and rolled over. “Is it bad that I don’t trust Jeff?” I asked myself even though it was muffle in my pillow. I decided to answer that question and say yes but I’m not a very trusting person, there are still some things I don’t tell Sierra and she’s my best friend.

I decided to take a shower to clear my head. After I got out, I dried off and put on some shorts and a tank top. Then I walked out to the kitchen and began making breakfast. My usual Saturday meals consist of cocoa puffs cereal or some toast but I wanted to make something special for Sierra. She is really taking the breakup hard.

I just finished putting the eggs on the stove when the doorbell rang. “Hey,” Jeff said as I opened.

“Wow, Jeff Skinner. A pleasant surprise.” I tried to joke but his face was serious.

“Is Sierra here?” He asked.

I felt kinda disappointed. It reminded me of the night before Jeff asked Sierra out. I physically shook off the bad memories and walked back into the kitchen to scramble the eggs.

“It’s just she’s been through a bad break up and I wanted to know if she was okay,” Jeff tried to explain sensing my change in mood.

“No of course.” I answered trying to hide my anger. “Jealousy.” I muttered to myself, “I hate it.”

Jeff surprised me by walking up behind me and placing his cold hands on my bare shoulders. “Jeff,” I complained, “You’re hands are freezing!”

“Sorry.” He whispered in my ear as he slid his hands from my shoulders to my arms.

I picked up the pan of finished eggs and set the on the table. Then I went to the freezer and got the bacon started.

“Yum,” Jeff said, “Why the big breakfast?”

“Because I’m trying to cheer up Sierra.” I answered plainly.

“Are you mad about something?” He asked grabbing my shoulders and forcing me to look at him.

I sighed, “Jeff are we okay?” I asked looking straight into his eyes.

“Yeah we’re fine,” He says looking away.

“Why don’t you go wake up Sierra since that’s all you care about,” I told him angrily turning around to finish the bacon.

“Madeline.” He says, his voice genuinely surprised, “What are you talking about?”

I shake my head, “Just go wake up Sierra, breakfast is almost ready.” I tell him trying to avoid the subject.

He doesn’t move, “You know I love you.” He says more honestly and passionately then ever before making me turn around. I look at the wooden floor and shrug. “Madeline, I really love you.” He said as he put his hands on my back and pulled me closer to him. He slid his hand through my hair and brought his face closer to mine. I closed my eyes as his lips touched mine. I couldn’t help but feel happy. That’s how Jeff always makes me, just happy.

That’s when I pulled away. I silently took the plate of bacon and set it on the table. “Go wake up Sierra.” I told him. I waited for him to be down the hall before I stepped outside onto the balcony. I looked down at the little people and cars on the street.

I took a few deep breaths before I heard Sierra’s familiar voice, “Where’s Madeline?” I heard her ask.

“I don’t know but she made this breakfast for you. Eat and I’ll go find Madeline. I waited only a few short minutes before I heard the balcony door open and Jeff came out.

“You found me.” I said.

Jeff responded by walking up behind me and sliding his arms across my stomach puling me into his chest.

I rested my arms on his as we stood there for a minute looking over North Hills. “Let’s go do something.” He said breaking the silence, “Go somewhere, I don’t care.”

“No,” I paused looking for a reason, “Sierra needs us to be here.”

He sighed, “Don’t you see that having us be here will just make her more disappointed?”

“But we shouldn’t leave her.” I said trying to hold on to my only argument.

“Madeline we need this, please.”

I sighed in surrender, “The beach.” I told him, “Let’s go to the beach.”

He kissed my cheek. I smiled and turn to look at him. “It’s only eight-thirty.” I say looking at my watch, “Closest beach is Surf City which is three hours away.”

“Let’s do it.” He tells me taking my hand as we walked back inside, “Okay So I’m going back to my apartment to get a towel and a swimsuit.” He said grabbing his phone and heading for the door.

“Where are you going?” Sierra asked from the dinning room.

“The beach.” I tell her, think you’re good for staying here alone.” She nods reluctantly which proves my theory, she wants me to stay here.

I sigh and kneel beside her chair, “Ugh, I’m sorry I didn’t know what to do Jeff is acting guilty and I’m getting angry and I just don’t want any drama and I want things to be okay. I know they’re not but just for one day I want to get away from everything and just spend a day with Jeff.” Okay so I lied about keeping secrets from Sierra, I can’t help but tell her everything.

She smiles teary eyed, “I hate it when people see my cry. Honestly I was planning to just stay inside and watch stupid soap operas.”

“Now Si, You make me want to stay with you.” I answered.

“It’s okay, really, trust me, MADELINE!” She said knowing I didn’t believe her, “GO!” She laughs for the first time since Justin left.

I smiled too, “Okay, just take it easy.” I said cautiously.

She laughed again, “Alright thanks MOM now go get changed.”

I give her a thumbs up sign making her give me a weird look, I shrug and walk into my room to change into my green bikini. I slid on my beach dress and walked back out to put on my flip-flops.

“Looking good.” I hear Jeff from behind me.

I smile feeling my cheeks turn red. He walks over to Sierra and kissed the top of her head. She looked as surprised as I was, “Are you okay?” He asks sincerely.

She nods, her face turning red like mine. I felt a mixture of jealousy and happiness. Not everybody gets a boyfriend and best friend that are so compatible. It wouldn’t work if they hated each other. Of course, who could hate Sierra? Or Jeff Skinner?

I sighed getting Jeff’s attention, I didn’t mean to sound impatient but we really needed to go. “Bye Sierra,” I say again.

“Bye.” She said back waving.

Jeff took my hand and we walked into the elevator. “Okay so I don’t know how to get to Surf City but I printed directions so let’s see how it goes.”

I laughed, “It’s pretty simple, just get on the highway and drive.”

He laughed too and nodded, “Alright let’s go.”
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Sorry it's been awhile.I'm so busy!! But it's long so... COMMENT!