Status: Beginning

Happy Times


When Madeline and I got back from the restroom Jeff was surrounded by people who were taking turns hugging him. As we got closer, I recognized his sister, Jill.

“Madeline!” I said hitting her on the shoulder. “Look it’s Jill! That must be the rest of his family.”

She stopped, dead in her tracks. “Oh, I-I didn’t know that they were going to be here, you know, in the airport.”

“I don’t think Jeff did either.” I jogged on ahead of Madeline and grabbed Jill from behind.

She squealed. “Oh, Sierra! Don’t you look gorgeous as ever?”

I blushed, “You too! It has been forever since you came down to Raleigh. I missed you so much.” I said pulling her in to another hug.

Madeline came up beside us, “Hey Jill.” She said pulling her into an awkward side hug. Jeff grabbed Madeline and I’s hands and pulled us towards the rest of his family.

“Guys, I would like you to meet Madeline and Sierra.” Jeff said. “Madeline’s my girlfriend.”

Jeff’s mom pulled us into a huge hug. “Aren’t you two just the cutest little things?”

“Mom.” Jeff hissed. “And these are the rest of my sisters and my brother.” His siblings took turns introducing themselves.

“Hi, I’m Erica. It’s so great that Jeff met somebody in Raleigh. I know it was really hard for him to move down all by himself.” She said to Madeline.

“I’m Ben, by the way.” He said, extending his hand towards me. I shook it hesitantly.

“I think our plane is boarding.” I said pointing to the line forming at the door.

“Oh, well, we should go get our stuff. We’ll see you Vegas.” Jeff’s mom said.

Jeff’s sister, Jen, started to walk away following the rest of her family but I saw her turn and give Madeline a once-over, kind of glance. I hope for Madeline’s sake that his family likes her.

“Come on guys, let’s go.” Jeff said grabbing his bags. We got in line behind his family. Jen sending cold glares at Madeline often.

“Sierra, come up and sit with me.” Jill said, pulling me towards her. “Let them,” She pointed to Jeff and Madeline. “Be alone.” She giggled and Madeline blushed.

Once we were settled into our seats, I was planning to continue my nap, but Jill had other ideas.

“Erica really seemed to like Mad.” Jill said. “But Jen and Ben don’t.”

I sighed, just what I was afraid of. “Madeline was just really quite, maybe once they get to know her-“

“I don’t know. They both thought that you seemed like a better fit for Jeff. He’s dated a lot of girls like Madeline and it never really works out.”

“Well, Jeff and I tried dating. It didn’t work for us, I remember you being there the night we ended things.”

“But wasn’t it Madeline? You know, who ruined things between you guys.” I nodded. “I personally think you and Jeff are the most adorable couple. You still have Justin though.”

“Oh, um actually, we kind of broke up. He has to move to Charlotte and he didn’t want to try and make things work.”

“Oh sweetie, I’m sorry. I had absolutely no idea.” She rushed, putting a comforting hand on my arm.

“It’s fine.” I fake a smile. “Really.”

“Sierra, you are an amazing person, you will have no trouble finding someone else.”

“You want the truth?” I asked, and she nodded. “The only someone I want is taken, by my best friend.”

“I knew it.” She said in a sing-song voice.

I shushed her. “Be quiet. Please don’t say anything to Jeff, oh but there is one more thing.”


“Me and Jeff, uh, we kind of kissed behind Madeline’s back.” I blurted.

“Sierra.” She said. “Why do you get yourself into messes like this?”

“It wasn’t totally my fault. It is half Jeff’s fault.” I turned around in my seat and stared at Jeff and Madeline sitting a few rows back. Jeff looked like he was trying to comfort Madeline, who looked really upset.

“You’re right Jill. What have I done to my best friend?”