Status: Beginning

Happy Times

Don't Forget the Juice Boxes

Madeline and Jeff came inside and flopped down on the couch. “Hey guys, I’m going down to the homeless shelter to drop off some old clothes, can you guys come with?” I asked, since they obviously weren’t doing anything.

“Sure, why not?” Jeff said getting up and walking towards the door, he looked over at Madeline.

“Come on, Mad.” I said.

“No, I’m staying here, with Jeff.” She said and glared at him.

“Why? We aren’t doing anything, let’s just go.” He opened the door and started walking. I gestured to Madeline and she just shook her head.

“I’m not going just because he is.” I shrugged and followed Jeff. He was waiting at the elevators at the end of the hall.

“What’s her deal?” I asked.

“Not a clue.” I laughed as the elevator opened. “I’ll drive.” He offered. We got in the car and he turned on the radio. I had a flashback moment of all the times I’d been in this car. From the bowling date with Madeline, to the double date with Max.

“I can’t believe how warm it has gotten lately.” I said rolling down the window. The warm breeze ruffled my hair. I stuck my head out like a dog. Jeff laughed at me. “If you weren’t driving I would suggest you try it.”

He pulled up at the homeless shelter, got out and opened my door. He reached for the bag with the old clothes. “I’ve got it.” I said hesitantly. I pulled open the front door and went up to the front desk.

“Hi, I’ve got some clothes to donate, I guess.” I said to the lady.

“Hello, thanks so much. If you could take them to the back that would be great. Just go through these double doors take a left at the first hallway and there is a big collection pile at the end of that hall.” She smiled.

Jeff got the door and held it open for me. I found the right hallway and dropped the clothes in the pile. On the way back I was looking into some of the rooms, one door was wide open. I paused and saw a group of children sitting on a carpet. A guy in a chair was reading to them, he glanced up at me and smiled. It was Max. I smiled and waved back.

“Ready to go?” Jeff asked.

“Yeah, did you see Max in there?”

“No, but I wasn’t really looking.” I got back into Jeff’s car and he pulled out of the parking lot. “Would you mind if I made a stop on the way home?”

“No, go right ahead.” Jeff drove through a neighborhood with the hugest houses I had ever seen in Raleigh. He turned into a driveway in front of the biggest house in the neighborhood.

“Should I get out?” I asked.

“Yeah come on.” He went around and pulled something out of his trunk, golf clubs. He rang the doorbell and I heard a dog start barking. A blonde woman opened the door with a little boy resting on her hip.

“Hi, Jeff!” She said and the little boy’s face lit up.

“UNCLE JEFF!” He called and reached out for Jeff.

“Hey, Parker, how ya doing buddy?” Jeff said and ruffled his hair. “Hey Sierra this is Tanya Staal, Tanya this is Sierra.” She set Parker down, reached out, and shook my hand.

“Nice to meet you Mrs. Staal.” I said.

“Please, call me Tanya. So Jeff what can I do for you?” She said sort of out of breath.

“I borrowed these clubs from Eric, so just thought I would drop them back off here.”

“Oh, thanks so much sweetheart.” She said and Jeff set the clubs down inside. He turned to leave and Parker grabbed his leg.

“UNCLE JEFFY NO!” He said. He hugged Jeff’s leg as if his life depended on it.

Jeff reached down and picked him up. “I gotta go bud, I’ll see you really soon, OK? Maybe your mommy will let me take you to the park tomorrow.”

“Ok, but will you bring her?” He asked and pointed to me. Tanya smiled at me.

“Why?” Jeff asked.

“ ‘Cause she’s pretty.” Parker said shyly, he hid his face in Jeff’s shoulder.

“I think so too.” He whispered just loud enough so that I could hear him. I felt myself blush. “It’s a date, if it’s alright with your mom.”

“Sure, I’ve got to run some errands, and it is so much easier without this monster with me.” She took Parker from Jeff and we waved back.

We got back in the car, “So, I hope you don’t have any plans tomorrow because you and I are taking Parker to the playground, and he would be crushed if you didn’t come.” Jeff made puppy dog eyes at me. “And I would be too.”

I laughed and swatted him on the shoulder. “Like you said, it’s a date, but don’t forget the juice boxes.”
♠ ♠ ♠
If you haven't read the prequel, I suggest you do, but if you want this story to be a bigger suprise, don't read the epilogue