Status: Beginning

Happy Times

Giving Up

I knocked on Justin’s door and waited until I heard heavy footsteps. “Hey, Sierra?” Justin said. “What are you doing here?”

“I have a date with the cutest boy in the city of Raleigh.” I said standing on my tippy-toes , wrapping my arms around his neck.

He kissed my nose, “I’m sorry love, I didn’t know we had plans today, I have a press conference I have to get to.”

“Not with you, silly.” He looked at me as if I had four heads.

“I was under the impression you were MY girlfriend, not Jeff’s.” He joked.

“Actually, Jeff and I are taking Parker Staal to the park and Parker is my date.” Justin laughed.

“You know you’re right, Parker is pretty cute but I thought I was the best in the city.” Just then, Jeff walked in carry juice boxes.

“Hey Sierra, are you ready to go?”

“Yeah, bye Justin. Have a good press conference thing.” I turned to leave and Justin grabbed my wrist.

He whispered in my ear, “You are taking Parker to the park right?”

“I promise.” I said and he smiled. “And you look good jealous.” I called back at him down the hall. Jeff and I rode down the elevator and got in the car in complete silence.

“Is something wrong Jeff?” I asked buckling my seatbelt.

“Oh, um. Yeah sort of.”

“And…” I prompted, wanting him to elaborate.

“Well, Madeline said she was going out to lunch with Max. I don’t know why that bothers me so much, but it does, you know? She said it was the same as me going to the park with you.”

“You should trust her Jeff, just don’t worry about it.” We pulled into the Staal’s driveway, Parker and Tanya were playing with a mini hockey net.

“Hey, Jeff, Sierra.” She waved. “His car seat is in here.” She went into the garage and Jeff followed.

I squatted down next to Parker. “Hey, you ready to go to the park?”

He smiled. “I’m ready.”

Jeff brought back the car seat and got it arranged in the backseat. “Bye Tanya.” Jeff said and we all got back in the car.

Jeff turned on the country station and Scotty McCreery came on singing I Love You This Big, and Parker started singing right along. I turned around to face him. “How do you know this song bud?”

“My mommy sings it to me a lot. She says it’s her favorite.” He laughed. “I love you THIS BIG, EYES HAVE NEVER SEEN THIS BIG! NO ONE’S EVER DREAMED THIS BIG!” His singing turned to yelling.

When the song was finished Parker said, “She tells Daddy she should’ve waited to marry Scotty and not him.”

Jeff laughed. “I can see that.”

When we got to the park, Parker started bouncing up and down in his seat. “Hang on a minute Parker; we’ve got to get you unbuckled before you can play.” When he got out he took off running towards the swing set, Jeff chasing after him.

We finally got him sitting quietly in the sand box and Jeff and I sat on a bench nearby. “So you really think I should trust Madeline?” Jeff asked.

“Yeah, I mean Justin and Madeline trust us right? And they should.”

“So she’s not just messing with me? Because she tells me everything’s fine, then she goes on a date with her ex-boyfriend.”

“No, she really likes you Jeff.”

“I don’t know if she did it only because I came here with you.” He said turning to face me.

“Doesn’t Madeline trust me?”

“Well, when she told me she was going out with Max, I said well he’s you ex-boyfriend. But she said that you’re my ex-girlfriend, so it’s the same thing.”

“She’s knows I missed my opportunity with you.” I said.

“She also knows that you aren’t the kind of person to give up without getting what you want.”

“Um, excuse me.” A voice interrupted, a lady stood above us. “I think your son wants you.”

Parker was indeed yelling Jeff’s name, but I still wonder how she thought Parker was Jeff and I’s. We both have dark brown and eyes, and Parker has the whitest blonde hair I’ve ever seen. Plus Jeff and I don’t look older than 19 or 20.

“What is it?” Jeff called.

“I built a mountain!” He said very excited. He pointed at a mound of sand piled at his feet.

“It’s beautiful Parker.” I said still thinking about what Jeff said. Does Madeline really think that after everything I would still try to go out with Jeff?