Status: Beginning

Happy Times

Trust Is An Issue

I took a deep breath as I walked around the corner to see Max sitting by the window. I put on a brave smile and walked over to his table.

“Hey Max.” I said as I sat down.

He smiled, “How have you been?”

I started to zone out into the perfect features of his face. His dark brown eyes and his curly light brown hair. They way he looked at me, it made me feel jittery and I wasn’t happy about it.

“Um, I’m going to use the bathroom before we order alright?” I said quickly already standing up.

He nodded, “Of course.”

When I reached the bathroom I walked over to the mirror and looked at my self. I stood there for little while when an older lady came in.

“Hey Madeline how have you been?” She asked me. It took me a few minutes before I realized that she lived in my building.

I smiled back, “Pretty good.”

“I’ve heard that you have gotten yourself a boyfriend?” She asked.

I nodded, “Yeah. He’s a great guy and I’m very lucky to have him.”

She nodded approvingly, “Good for you not taking anything for granted. Love what you have or else you might lose it.”

I smiled and nodded, understanding her words more than she would know, “Well it was great seeing you, anytime you need someone to help you with your groceries I would be happy to help Mrs. Peterson.”

She just smiled and I walked out of the bathroom feeling much less confused. I sat back down with Max and started a conversation. The rest of lunch went well except for the end.

We were getting up to leave when Max grabbed my arm roughly and looked at me with a serious face, “Madeline I need to tell you something, I wanted to know if, if we could do this again. I mean, go on another date.”

“Date?” I asked.

He looked at me, “Wasn’t this a date? I thought you wanted to get back together.”

I thought for a moment what that meant. I understand that going on a date with a guy while I’m dating someone else is wrong but I didn’t even know that this was a date. Or did I.... As I stood there, contemplating whether or not I knew this was a date Max was getting impatient and confused.

“Was this not a date?” He asked.

I finally shook my head, “No. I have a boyfriend.”

“But when I saw Sierra and Jeff at the Homeless shelter I though that you two broke up and they got back together.” He answered with a pained expression.

“Were they doing anything?” I asked suspiciously. I don’t understand why I don’t trust my best friend and my boyfriend. The only person who should have trust issues is Sierra, after what we did to her. I flinched at the thought of being in her shoes. What if that’s what she’s doing? Trying to get revenge. I made a promise to myself that I would talk to Jeff when I got home.

“What do you mean ‘were they doing anything’?” Max asked.

I shook my head, “I had fun but I’m sorry I seriously have a boyfriend. You’re a great friend but you’re just my friend.”

He nodded his head solemnly and we parted ways. After I got back in the car I picked up my phone and realized that I had one new text message from Jeff; Call me when you get home, I need to talk to you.

I bit my lip and drove home quickly, both curious and scared as to what Jeff has to say. I called him as I soon as I opened my apartment door. “Hey.” I said, trying to stay light.

“Hey.” He answered, “I’ll be right over.”

Five minutes later Jeff came. I hadn’t done anything except for put my hair up and sit on the kitchen stool.

“Hi,” He said awkwardly.

“Come in.” I answer staying calm.

“Are we okay?” He asks quickly as he steps in the door.

I smile, relieve that he’s not breaking up with me. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck. I slowly pressed my lips to his cherishing every moment remembering what Mrs. Peterson said.

As I pulled I away I looked at his smiling face.

“Does that answer you’re question?” I joke kissing him again.

“I’m so lucky to have you. I don’t see why I was ever worried.” He said.

“You were worried?” I asked.

He nodded, “I thought I was going to loose you to Max.”

“I thought I was going to loose you to Sierra.” I confessed.

He looked at me funny, “Why?”

I shrugged, “You fell for her once, I don’t see why you wouldn’t again.”

“Because I love you.” He answers.

“But Sierra’s persistent.”

“But I love you.”

“But I feel guilty.”

“But I love you.” He said again.

“But What if she’s trying to get revenge?” I asked.

He frowned, “Revenge for what?”

I slumped awkwardly, “You know, because we kissed behind her back and you didn’t want to tell her because you really like her. Like you really like me.”

“Why don’t you trust me?” He asked.

I shrugged, “I don’t trust anyone. I still feel like you just feel bad for me and that’s why.”

He frowned again, “That’s why what?”

“That’s why we’re dating.”

“How do I prove to you that I really love you?” He pleaded.

“I don’t know, I’m sorry. After my “Friend” was only my friend because she felt bad, I don’t trust anyone anymore.”

“Trust me.” He answered.

I just smiled and delicately kissed him again. I don’t trust anyone.
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