Status: Beginning

Happy Times


“How do I look?” I said walking into the living room, nervously running my hands down my skirt.

“Cute, what’s the big occasion?” Madeline asked.

“Justin said he had a big surprise, but I don’t know what it is.”

“Did he say where you were going?”

“Nope, nothing. So I don’t know if I need to rethink these cowboy boots, or if I should wear sneakers or something.” I babbled.

“Si, calm down.” Madeline said putting her hands on my shoulders. “Justin doesn’t care about what’s on your feet, all he cares about is what’s in here.” She said pointing to my heart.

“Jeez Madeline, what’s got you all mushy?” I laughed.

“I don’t know, I’m just really happy.”

“Well, you did have lunch with Max today.” I said raising my eyebrows.

“No, no! Actually, Max kind of thought it was a date, but it wasn’t. At least I don’t think it was, I don’t know if I wanted it to be.” She said.

“Well, he knows you have a boyfriend so why did he think it was a date?”

“He said he saw you and Jeff at the Shelter and thought we broke up and you guys were back together.” She said drawing in a breath. “It makes sense now! Sierra, how could you?” She said very accusingly.

“How could I what?” I exclaimed.

“I bet you want to get back together with Jeff again!”

“Madeline you are being ridiculous! I’m not listening to this AGAIN, now I’m going to go have a great time, WITH MY BOYFRIEND!” I stormed out the door, running straight into a brick wall.

“Whoa, slow down! Where’s the fire?” He joked. I looked up, it was Justin and I laughed.

“Sorry, just Madeline being uh Madeline I guess.” I said.

“You okay?” He asked.

“Yeah fine, just nervous to find out what this big surprise is.” I nudged him with my elbow. “Any chance I can get you to tell me before I get there?”

“Not a chance.” He joked.

“Not even the puppy dog face?” I made sad eyes and whimpered.

“Stop! I want you to be really surprised, and that face is breaking me down.” He said getting into the elevator.

When we got downstairs, I started heading towards the parking lot but Justin pulled me in the opposite direction, toward the lake. “Where are we going?” I whined.

“I’ll tell you when we get there.” He whined back, mocking me. He held my hand and I swung it back and forth, as we walked along the water. “Almost there, I promise.”

We walked behind a big Oak tree and there was a picnic blanket and food all set out. “Aw!” I cried. “It’s so cute, I love it!” I threw my arms around Justin’s neck and kissed him.

“It’s just like you.” I looked at him puzzled. “It’s cute, you’re cute. I love it and I love you.” He said leaning his forehead onto mine.

“Oh my god Justin I-“

“I just wanted you to know.” He pulled me toward the blanket and sat down. I sat beside him and leaned my head on his chest.

He brushed my hair out of my face and kissed my forehead. “How did you do this?” I asked.

“Actually Jeff did it.” I looked up, surprised. “He said he would set it up for me, if I would keep you out of your apartment. So he can surprise Madeline.” I nodded.

“Well, this is an excellent way of keeping me out.”

“Grapes?” He asked.

“Por favor!” I lay down with my head in his lap and he dropped a grape into my mouth. “Another.” He dropped another one this time hitting me on the nose.

“Sorry.” He said. I giggled. “I wonder what Jeff was going to do for Madeline?”

“Who cares?” I said leaning up to kiss him.


I was sitting on the couch, in the dark, in my oldest pair of sweatpants and my brother’s old t-shirt when someone knocked on the door. I groaned, slowly moving toward the door. “Hello?” I asked squinting my eyes to adjust to the light streaming in from the hall.

“Hey Sierra, I’ve got HUGE news!”

“Jeff, wha-what are you doing here? What time is it?”

“I don’t know, guess what?” He asked.


“I got nominated for the Calder Trophy!”

I was suddenly jerked awake from my daze. “Oh, Jeff that’s GREAT! That’s so exciting!”

He picked me up and spun me around, “I know! I want you to come with me to Vegas.”

“Jeff, don’t you want Madeline there?” I asked.

“Yeah, but you and Justin too.”

“I’m going to Vegas! Jeff congratulations, really.” I said.

“Thanks. How’d you like you’re little picnic tonight?” He asked.

“Oh yeah, it was awesome. Thanks so much for doing that. How was Madeline? I haven’t seen her since this afternoon; she was asleep when I got home.” I said.