Status: Beginning

Happy Times

World Famous

“Bye Madeline. I would say have fun, but it’s a funeral so…” I joked. Madeline barely cracked a smile. “It’ll be fine! Come on cheer up. I hate seeing you this upset.”

“Well, I gotta go. Janie said she would pick me up soon so I’m gonna head down to the lobby.” Madeline said picking up her bags. I waved.

As soon as she left, I got started on making my world famous double fudge chocolate cupcakes. If anything could cheer Madeline up when she gets home, it’ll be one of my cupcakes. I have yet to see someone not smile while eating one.

Someone knocked on the door, “Come in!” I called.

“Hey.” Jeff said, sauntering into the kitchen.

Is it bad that I’m happy that Madeline is gone, so I can have Jeff all to myself? Not in a boyfriend way but just as a friend. It seems that every time it’s just me and Jeff hanging out all he does is talk about Madeline.

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. My arms tensed up and I stopped mixing the icing. We haven’t been this close since we dated…

“Jeff! You’re dating my best friend.” I teased, in a very serious way. The last thing I need is another reason for Madeline to think I am trying to “steal” Jeff. I tapped him on the nose with my spatula, getting fudge icing on his face.

He leaned in, and for a second I thought he was going to kiss me, but just tapped his nose against my cheek, getting icing on my face. He let go of me to wipe the fudge off his nose.

“That’s some good icing.” He said licking his fingers. “I want some more.” He tried to wipe the icing of my face.

“Ew! Get you spit cover finger away from my face.”

“Hey now!” Justin called walking in. “I call dibs on that icing.”

He leaned in and kissed my cheek, taking the icing off with him. “Tastes like fudge, and…” He stopped to think for a second, “Makeup?”

“I don’t wake up this pretty!” I countered.

“I bet you do.” He whispered in my ear. I heard Jeff “Awwwww” from the living room.

“Go sit, and watch TV. I’m busy.” I shooed him out of the kitchen.

“Actually I’ve got to go; Rutherford wanted to talk to me, hopefully to extend my contract.” Justin said. “Bye love.” He kissed my cheek one more time and left.

I took the cupcakes out of the oven; I had to wait for them to cool before I could ice them, and so I sat down with Jeff in the living room.

“What are we watching?” I asked.

“Lady and the Tramp.” He said scooting closer.

“This is one of my favorites; I always wanted a dog that looked like Lady. No offense to Ebay of course but she’s so cute.” I said leaning my head on his shoulder, how I always used to…

Ugh, what is up with me and all the reminiscing today? Jeff is Madeline’s boyfriend, Jeff is Madeline’s boyfriend!

“This story kind of reminded me of you in a way.” Jeff said looking down at me. “You seem a lot like lady, you grew up as the most popular girl in school, but in the end you fell for a dork, like me.”

“Jeff that’s not how I thought of you, you were one of the greatest guys I ever dated.” I said sitting up, looking him in the eyes.

“Sierra, I don’t want that to be how you thought of me, I want that to be how you think of me. I want to be the greatest guy you ever date, and never stop dating.” He said and my mouth gaped.

“I know, I know. I shouldn’t say stuff like that but I have to.” The room got quiet, and the movie seemed to go mute. Before I knew how bad what I was about to do was, I kissed Jeff.