Status: In Progress(:

Forbidden Souls

Chapter One: Soul's Ceremony

Chapter One: Soul’s Ceremony.

“Class, today is December thirty first, and you all know what that means," My teacher said, sending a wave of fear through the crowded classroom. We all knew what would happen. We feared, yet wished for the best. We feared, that we wouldn't be chosen, but we also feared we would be chosen for the wrong thing. We wished we were chosen, to become an Angle, but dreaded the fact, we may become the very thing we despised. A Demon.

Every year, the seniors of our high school‘s souls are shown a path to take. And they must take it. If you dont get picked. You die. If you do, you live happily, with happy people, as an Angel. But if you get picked, you may end up being hated, as a Demon.

Most would say, it is a blessing either way, but, for all of us, we just wish, pray and hope for the best.

Some suggest we run away, far away. But that will help nobody. For, if you are not chosen, you die.

You may be wondering, why would anybody want to attend this school? It is almost like suicide. But my deary's it was not our chose. It was either come to this high school, as our parents, and there parents before them, or we would die. Die, a painful, sad death.

I sat, gnawing on my finger nails as me teacher instructs us on what to wear, and what time to be at the Ceremony. We were to wear, all black from head to toe. Nothing could be visibly any other color. And if you disobeyed the orders, you die. Because they will not let you in.

Finally the class ended, as did the day, and we were dismissed to go to our homes to prepare for the night. My teacher, with her snotty face, red hair and overly tight clothing, seemed happy for us. She herself was an Angle, and knew that we all would be to. She lied.

Most, become Demons. It is just easier. The less Angels we have, the smaller our egos stay. For once you become a Angle, you think every highly of yourself, and nothing else. As a Demon, you basically stay the same, maybe a bit more self loathing, but that is all.

I rushed to my home, only minutes from the school, my boyfriend Xavia racing behind me, "Ellisia!" He called out my name, but I did not listen. I feared loosing him. Feared we would become different souls, and not be able to be together. It hurt, knowing it was probably going to happen.

"Xavia just leave me alone!" I cried, searching my keychain for my house key. I could hear Xavia's feet crunching the snow as he ran toward me.

"Ellisia, please, run away with me."

I shook my head, stupid boy, I wished not to die! "Xavia, I love you, but I wish to live," I stated, finding the key to my house.

“Then live Ellisia, live the next few hours with me like there is no tomorrow,” He begged, looking at me with his big, brown, eyes. I pushed his blonde hair out of his eyes. I watched as his lips curled into a warm smile. He thought I Was going to say okay.

“That’s suicide Xavia, and you know it,” I whispered, tucking a lock of my black hair behind my small ears. I could feel his warm chocolate eyes staring at me in shock, but I just looked away.

“Ellisia, please,” He begged, his voice cracking. I looked up into his warm eyes, and nearly died. They were filled with fresh, warm tears. I watched, helplessly, as a single tear fell from his eye, and landed on the snow below silently.

“Xavia, we just have to hope for the best, okay?” I muttered, my voice cracking. I could feel the lump in my throat, and the warm tears watering my eyes. I didn’t want to be away from Xavia. I loved him.

“I love you, Ellisa,” He whispered, leaning down to kiss me. I happily went long with it, standing my the tips of my toes to reach his full, pink lips. Once our lips touched, I felt a spark pulsing though my body, like it always does when I kiss him. Our lips melted together, perfectly in place. Like they were made to kiss, just for each other

I eventually did pull away, after a very intense few minutes, “I love you, Xavia, don‘t you ever forget it,” I said sternly staring into his eyes once again.

He nodded, “Don’t you ever forget Ellisia, I love you, nobody else,” He stated. I knew what he was saying. If our souls did turn out of different sides of the field, he wanted me to know, he loved me. And it would never change. Although we would have to be apart, we would be in each other’s hearts forever.

“I’ll see you at the Soul’s Ceremony,” I muttered, giving him one last, tender kiss on the lips.

“Of course,” He said, forcing a smile onto his face. Xavia was never good at forcing happiness. Not that he had to. Xavia was a very, happy person. Most things never bothered him, but him and myself, forbidden to be with on another was pacing around in his mind. Although, it might not happen. We might both be Demons. But, if we’re not. I shook my head lightly, ‘don’t think about it,’ I thought to myself.

I watched, sadly as Xavia trudged away from my home. Ever few seconds, he would look over his shoulder, too see if I was still there. And I always was. Until that is, he turned the corner and was no longer in my line of view.

Sighing, I turned my key into my house, and was greeted by a smiling mother. Her pale blonde hair, and gloomy brown eyes, stared at me happily. “Sweetie, today’s the big day!” She smiled, pulling me into a warm hug. I pulled away from her, a confused look on my face.

“And you’re happy because? I could die mom, you do realize that,” I stated, crossing my arms over my chest. My mother shrugged her shoulders, her bouncy blonde curls, flowing past her shoulders.

“I have good faith that you will be an Angle,” She smiled, a toothy smile, taking my book bag from me.

“I’m going to get ready,” I stated, walking away from her, slightly angry. I mean how could she be happy. I might die for gods sake! I could her stilettos click clacking along the tile floor as she followed me.

“Sweetie, let me help you,” She suggested, I shook my head immediately She would dress me in a horrid outfit, with horrid makeup, and horrid accessories.

“No thanks mom,” II shouted, slamming my door shut. I could hear her sigh of unhappiness, but I knew she would be fine with it, sooner or later.

I kicked off my All Star Converses, and placed them nicely against my wall, then let my feet wallow in happiness against the fuzzy carpet below them.

Sighing, remembering the night to come, I walked toward my walk in closet, and turned the diamond encrusted knob, until the door opened. I walked in dragging my feet as I did. With slow hands, I pulled out the dress I would be wearing, along with the black leggings, black stilettos, and black earrings.

With the clothes draped across my arm, and the stilettos and earrings in the other hand, I kicked the door lightly open, and walked out.

Quickly, I stepped of my school uniform, and pulled the simple, snug dress over my curvy body. Once It was fitting correctly, I pulled on the long, thin, black leggings. Finally done getting the dark leggings on, I pulled on my four inch heals, and pushed in my earrings.

Finally done getting dressed, I walked over my vanity, my heals sinking into the carpet as I walked. I sat down in my tall, white distressed chair, and stared at myself in the mirror before me. My layered black hair, was straight like a ruler, framing my face… perfectly. My bright green, almost neon colored eyes, flashed like neon signs in a hotel. My lips, full, but symmetrical, pink, but not bam in yo face kind of pink.

I debated for a moment, either to re-straighten my hair, or to curl it. I bit my lip, I normally wouldn’t curl my hair, so, why not go for something new, if my life’s going to change in a few hours anyway. I plugged in my curling iron, not the tight iron I used when I use to do Beauty Pageants as a child, but a thick curler, that make my hair into full, voluptuous curls.

Two hours later, my hair was curled, and perfect. I could hear my mother calling my name as she nervously paced at the foot of the steps. She was worried I would be late. And as you know, tardiness is punishable by death. At least on this night.

“Coming mother!” I called, pulling my curler’s plug from the wall, and grabbing my simple black bag. I rushed down the stairs, happy that I was skilled in the art of running in heals.

“Ellisia Calentine! You have no makeup on!” She shouted, hurrying me toward her. I gasped, grabbing the black eyeliner and mascara that she held in her hands. I quickly looking into a small mirror at out door and applied a thick layer of both eyeliner and mascara.

“Now we are ready, but we must hurry,” She insisted, scooting me out of the house. Out black attire stood out against the snow, like a rose in a see of sunflowers.

“Where is father?” I asked, as she continued to scoot me toward the car.

“In the car, heating it up as we speak, hurry Ellisia!” She demanded. I ran the rest of the way, barley stopping myself as I reached the car. I pried open the side door, and climbed in, slamming the door shut quickly behind me.

My mother got into the passenger side, moments later, and my father was backing out seconds after that. They knew how important it was to not be late. I stared at my fathers head of black hair, as we drove, picturing myself as a Demon. My heart soul cold, hard, unwilling to be happy. But those were just the stores I’ve heard of Demons. Most Demons, leave the town, and attend a different highs school that does the same thing. And if they are lucky enough to become an Angle, they return to a town that a lot of Angels reside.

I wondered what it would be like. To have people ashamed of you. To not want to be with you. I wondered, if Demons only understood one another. Which was probably true. They were probably happy with one another, But they could never be with an angle.

It was against the law, if I hadn’t mentioned it before. Our leaders, on both sides, agreed. We were never to be in a relationship, marry or have children with a soul unlike our own. If we were found to, death was almost immediate. Be it with a bullet to the head, or heart, or some toxin pushed into our veins. We would not be together.

It seemed like only seconds, but we were soon at the Soul’s Ceremony. It took place at The Soul’s Church. The old church was painted a light, airy white, but on the inside, just about everything was black. From the seats, to the alter, even the doors. All Black.

I stepped out of the car, a blisteringly cold wind brushing up against my skin. I shivered, rushing to the other side of the car, were my parents were awaiting my arrival, so they could show me where to go.

“See that desk over there?” My mother asked, pointing to a small desk with one man sitting behind it, a small line of people standing in front of him impatiently. I recognized some of those people. I shook the thought out of my mind and nodded. “GO over there, give him your name, birthday, and he will give you a an electric device. That is your responder. Then follow the woman next to him to where you will be seated. Then you just wait,” She instructed, kissing my cold cheek lightly afterwards.

“Thanks mom,” I said, forcing a smile onto my freezing face. She returned the smiled happy, then with my dad at her side, entered the church. ‘Love you to daddy!’ I thought, rolling my eyes. I began to walk toward the line, which was smaller now, while holding my sides tightly. I now regretted not grabbing a coat of some sort. But I would soon be in the warm Church.

I waited in the line for a few moments, not speaking to anybody. Not the people in front of me, not even the few that stood behind me. I was mute. But when y time finally did come to talk to the man, I was nervous.

“Name,” He muttered, in a bored tone. I stared at the man, he looked short, even sitting, with lanky brown hair, and deep brown eyes. He didn’t look very fit, maybe even a little obese. And he seemed very rude, and to me. A person he just met!

“Ellisia Ember Calentie,” I muttered, just as bored as he did. I could see him rolling his eyes, like all the people in the line has used the tone of voice with him. What did the fool expect? Us to be happy about a fat man barking at us, minutes before we found out our destiny? No, I don’t think so.

“Birth date,” He barked, trying something into a small lap top in front of him. A lap top, in this weather. I am worry about this world more and more as the days go on. He quickly typed something in, and then held a square, labeling looking machine in front of me.

“Have a good Soul Ceremony,” He muttered, dropping the devise into my hand.

I rolled my eyes, as a tall, pale woman stood before me, dressed in all black, as was everyone. “This way, Miss. Calentine,” She smiled, leading me down a small path, into the church. I could feel my stomach begin to twist and turn with snarls as we approached doors, doors I could feet heat exceeding from, and noise booming though.

With a sweet smile she opened the door for me, and I saw just as I have expected. Almost one-hundred seniors, all dressed in black, sitting in chairs next to one another. Chattering away. “Find a seat where you please, and stay there until the Ceremony begins,” Was all she said, and then left. Leaving me alone.

Surely, I took a step into the room and scanted the large crowd for Xavia. I couldn’t find his beautiful blonde hair for the life of me. “Ellisia!” I heard his voice call out. I followed the voice until I saw Xavia,
Standing up from his chair, in a all black suit, waving his hands.

I smiled happy to see that he had made it, and rushed over to him, passing a few of my fellow seniors, without as much as a hello. “Xavia,” I breathed, kissing him fiercely. We did this for a few, happy moments, before we were oh so rudely interrupted.

“Mr. Clarks, Miss. Calentie, please stop you kissing, and let the Ceremony begin,” Our mayor, Clark Owems said, walking up to the front of the chuch.

“Everybody, please be seated,” He said, his voice booming around the small room. Everybody did as they were told, and soon the room was silent.

“Now, it is five minutes until twelve o’clock, and we all know what that means,” He smiled, “All of your soul’s will be chosen. Now, my dear class of 2012 I am terrible sorry if you are not chosen, but know this. You will be missed. By everyone you loved, missed and ever cared for. But think on the bright side, young ones, once you die, you come back. Another chance, you don’t even remember hearing of the Soul Ceremony. You will know noting of this life, you will start a new,” He smiled once again, seemingly happy by what he had just told my peers, my friends. But it was all true. We would come back. Not remembering anything though. We would be reborn.

“Those of you who do, get their soul chosen will live a happy full life. That is unless you’re a Demon,” He said, chuckling at what he thought was a joke. It was no joke. For some, no most of us, it would happen. “Those of you who become Angel’s on the other hand, will just love being one! Like all of us in this town, you will be perfectly happy,” He looked dwon at his small wrist watch and an ear to ear smile appeared on his face.

“It seems that it is one minute until midnight. Everybody please, sing the song you all learned in class with me,”

I take a deep breath here it is, my life is about to be chosen for me. I begin to sing. But only quietly. I can feel my heart beating faster and faster as the song nears to an end. Ten seconds left. Why wouldn’t it be ten years? Five seconds now, and I’m hyperventilating.

“I love you, Ellisia, don’t forget it,” Xavia whispered, as the clock chimed. I feel a small zap course though my body, stopping my heart for just a second.

I took in a deep breath, noticing that everybody was looking down at their responders. I heard weeps, cries of happiness. I took one last, deep breath, the last breath of my human life.

I looked down, and see in large, fancy yet bold letters, ANGEL. I smiled, I’m an Angel, I’m an Angel! I look over to Xavia, smiling brightly, but it quickly faded when I saw tears streaming from his gorgeous brown eyes.

“Those are tears of hapiness… right Xavia?” I asked, my voice cracking. I wanted to look down at his responder. I wanted to so badly. But I couldn’t. I knew it would read Demon, and the love of my life would be taken away from me. I wanted so badly fo r it to say Angel. For us to be able to grow old together, happy.

“No,” Xavia said, in a whisper. That one little word, tore my heart in two. I could feel it physicaly tearing, if that was possible. It’s not true. It’s wrong! No. No. No.

“Xavia, I love you!” I cried, tears pouring from my eyes, streaming down my face, covering the blemish free skin with smudges of black. I looked up into Xavia’s eyes, they were sad. Seemingly colder. It cannot happen that quickly! Can it?

“I love you too,” He finally said, leaning in to kiss me. I pulled back, and he stared at me in shock.

“Xavia, we… we cant!” I cried, “You’re a Demon. And I’m an Angel. They’ll kill us both with ought hesitation,” I wept.

Xavia shook his head, “It takes a few minutes for the soul to fully change, kiss me now Ellisia, make our last kiss count!”

I did immediately, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck, and smashing my lips onto his. For at the moment, I didn’t care if what he told me was a lie. I didn’t care if they were about to rip me from Xavia’s arms. And Kill me. I wanted this moment to last a life time. I swear I could feel it, both of our souls changing as we kissed. I could feel his warm lips, cooling beneath mine. His breath becoming long, and heavy. I pulled away once I felt that, as did he.

“It’s really done, isnt it?” He asked, more tears escaping from his watering eyes. I nodded, standing up.

“Mr. Clarks, I wish you the best of luck on your Demon ways, but I must be on my way,” I stated, my voice cracking with each and every one of my words. I could feel the tears welling in my eyes, once again, and as they began to stream from my eyes, I walked away.

I walked away from my love. My life. My other half. But, he is now… a Demon. He can no longer be my love. No longer my life. No longer, my other half.