Status: In Progress(:

Forbidden Souls

Chapter Three: Ideas

Chapter Three: Ideas

Austin, Jon, Kari and I are now our own little group. It surprised me though, how fast I got close to Austin. He’s like my best guy friend now. IT took me weeks to get that close to Xavia. Maybe it was the massive crush I had on him. Yeah, that was probably it. I dont like Austin in that way. We’re not like that. We’re just friends.

Kari, and Jon are another story though. They are quite distant from one another. Like XAvia and I were.. I’m pretty sure they do like each other though. Jon seems fine with it. But I can tell he doesn’t want to hurt Kari by pressuring her into dating her or something, but he does embrace. Kari, if she does like Jon, must feel horid. I mean her boyfriend just died. I would, but Kyle is dead, and she has to move on. I can move on from Xavia, but he’s alive and a small part of me will always hope that one day we could be together.

“Elli,” Austin said, calling me by the nickname he had giving me, and breaking my train of thought. I looked to him with a frown, “We’re here,” He added, parking his forest grrne Ford F150 truck in the parking lot of Tulia Cemetery.

I sighed, the Senior’s Ceremony was today. Most of the Angel’s from Kurnt, weren’t attending. Unless that is, they had made close friends that lost someone. Like Jon and Austin. They were coming to give support to Kari and I. Also, Kyle’s twin, Kameron, that both Austin and Jon had become close with.

Most wondered and a few asked me personally why Kameron and Kari hadn’t gotten together yet. I responded with a simple, ‘Ask her.’ I’m sure none of them actually asked her. Ignorant, gossiping fools thought I would squeal.

Sighing, I peeled myself from the car, and into the rain. I groaned, really rain on the day of a funeral. How cliché could this world get? With another flick of my wrist, I grabbed a black umbrella from the car, and held it right above my head.

With the rain poring down, and around my umbrella, I walked slowly on the soaking asphalt, not even waiting for Austin to catch up with me. I pushed through the crowd of people surrounding the graves, my eyes rimed with tears.

The burial is over soon enough, and here isnt a dry eye in the crowd of people. Even Austin and Jon had begin to get teary eyed, maybe it was all of the crying around them. Or the kind words everyone had said about one person or another.

But when it was over,, and I was going back to the car with Austin at my side, he muttered something, “I didn’t get to say goodbye to Amelia,” sadness was strong in his words, and a wave of sadness went though me. Not only did he have to watch people crying in loss of their loved ones, but he had not been able to have a final goodbye to his girlfriend.

“Im sorry,” I whispered, looking into his bright brown eyes, although, today, they seemed dull.

He looked to me, and forced a weak smile onto his face. Biting my lip, I smiled back, as we reached his car. He went ot eh other side, and got in the car. As we were driving back to my house, Austin had said, “Today’s my birthday.”

My heart nearly sank. Today, was Xavia’s birthday to. “Happy birthday,” I smiled, “It’s my b-”I stop myself, “Its my ex-boyfriend, Xavia’s birthday too.”

“Xavia, as in the one who became a Demon?”

I nodded, attempting to hold in the tears that were welling in my eyes. It didn’t work very well, the water in my eyes began to seep through, even though I had closed my eyes.

“Are you crying?” He asked. I opened my eyes, and looked at him, nodding. I hadn’t cried for a while. Sense I had met Austin. He’d kept my mind of things. He became my best friend.

“Yeah,” I muttered, my voice cracking with my single word.

“You really loved him, didn’t you?” He asked, stopping his car in my drive way.

I chuckled, forcing it out, “I really LOVE him. I still do, Austin, and I think I always will,” I replied, getting out of the car. The rain had stopped, but the smell still lingered. The smell of wet asphalt, mixed with the pine needle smell. Something unforgettably, delicious smelling.

“I still love Amelia too,” Austin admitted, as we walked to my house. That was a regular thing now, for us to just hang out. My mother thought nothing of it, seeing that my heart still undoubtedly belonged to Xavia.

Kicking my black heels off, I replied, jokingly, “Oh maybe we can get each others mind of them.”

Austin chuckled to, kicking off his black dress shoes, toward where I had kicked my shoes, “Defiantly.”

-# -# -# -# -

I smile, kissing Xavia’s lips, “This is forbidden,” I whisper, picking my head up and looking around. I stare down at his warm, light green eyes, as they flash with adventure.

“That’s why we’re fighting,” He smiles, pulling me in for another kiss, “We’re fighting for this.”

Smiling, I lay on my back, and look up at the ribbons of clods dancing in the sky. A few moments later, that’s when I see it. I see a little black fleck coming down from the sky, on my right. On my left, a little white fleck is floating down, at the same speed as the black fleck. And it’s fast.

“Xavia, there coming!” I shout, pulling him up from where we stand, “Xavia, there going to-” I cant even get the words out of my mouth.

“Run Ellisia, run back to camp. I’ll keep them away.”

I shake my head, “No! You know good and well that Demon is more powerful than you! And the Angle, Xavia who ever it would snap you in half!”

Xavia grabs my arm, and looks at me intensely, his green eyes flickering with flecks of black, scaring me half to death, “GO! You haven’t gotten your gift yet. Ellisia, if I have to die, to keep you alive, that is exactly what I will do!”

I bite my lip, my eyes flickering to the figurers coming down at us from the sky, “I cant just leave you here ALONE!”

“I said GO!” he shouts, his eyes now a deep black, his voice more a growl, than anything else.

My eyes wetting, lip quivering, I back away, slowly at first, but then I turn away running as quick as I can, “I’ll send help!” I scream, once I am farther away, hoping he can hear me.

Moments later, I here a scream, unlike anything I have ever heard before, so I turn around. Only to see Xavia bursting into flames. The red fire engulfed him in moments, taking over his body like the a Demon could take over a normal person’s soul.

“NO!” I screamed, shooting up from my bed, sweat drenched every fiber of me. I took multiple deep breaths, “It’s just a dream,” I said over and over to myself, “Just a dream.”

It took everything I had to go back to sleep. To possibly go back into that nightmare. But, as I was drifting to sleep, something was itching at my mind.

What if we fought?

# -# -# -#

As I was walking to the lunch room with Austin, Jon and Kari already in the cafeteria, I said, “I want to fight.”

He stopped me in my tracks, and pulled me to the side. People passed by us,a few even giving us odd looks, but nobody dared to say anything. “What did you say?” He muttered, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I want to fight,” I stated simply. And it was true, and I knew, knew people would agree. Nobody wanted to loose someone. Be it, by death, or their souls are different. Nobody wanted that, and we didn’t have to. Years before, people of our kind; Humans with the ability to become an Angle or a Demon, did not. They choice was to live a normal, Human life, and not be taken away from the ones they loved because of their souls.

That had all changed when the War started. Nobody knew what, now anyway. They had always managed to keep that one part of our history our of our lives.

“It’s suicide,” He said in a hushed whisper.

I nodded my head, “If I start this alone. THAT is suicide. But think about it Austin, if our souls didn’t need to be chosen, Amelia would still be ALIVE.” I had hit a nerve there, his blue eyes had started to lighten. Small flecks of white danced around.

“It’s a stupid idea.”

“No, it’s not,” I argued, narrowing my eyes. His eyes had become light, very light, and I knew then that I had to leave him alone. “Just think about it,” I said, walking away from him.

The Next Day

“Ellisia, time to get ready for school!” My mother called from down the stairs.

“I don’t feel well!” I called back, lying. Forcing out a cough to make it convincing, I took the heating pad off of my head, knowing that in just a few moments my mother would be coming in.

And I was absolutely correct, she came walking his, her all grey suit, pared with a pencil skirt told me she was about to leave for work. The annoyed look on her face told me that she thought I was lying. Smiling in my mind, I pulled the blankets up higher, and put the saddest look on my face that I could manage.

She placed her hand on my forehead, feeling it tenderly, and then pulled away, “It seems that you have a fever,” She stated, standing up and whipping invisible dust partials from her skirts front.

“This may very be you getting your gift, a tad early though,” She commented, going to the bathroom, coming out minutes later with a damp towel.

“Is seeing things in your dreams, and then, something similar happening in real life a gift?” I asked, remembering the other night when I had dreamed of Xavia’s eyes dancing with black, and then yesterday, when Austin’s had danced with white.

Her head snapped down toward me, an intent look on her face, “You had a vision?”

I hope not, I thought in my head, but shook my head, “It didn’t happen word for word,” I stated, coughing afterward.

Her eyes narrowed, “What part was similar.”

I narrowed my eyes as well, she seemed all to into knowing of my dream, if that’s all that it was, “I dreamed Xavia’s eyes becoming black when he was angry, and then yesterday, I had annoyed Austin and his began to lighten, with white flecks.”

Her eyes widened slightly, and her jaw tensed up, but a spit second later, a calmer look had replaced her tense face, “It seems you gift is visions. They will probably start out small like this. But in a month or so, you will be seeing full visions.”

“Aright mother,” I stated, rolling onto my side, letting out a weak cough as I did, “Have a good day at work.”

“I will sweetie. But, Ellisia, I must tell you one thing.”

I turned to her, just my head, not bothering to move my whole body, “Yes mother?”

“Tell NOBODY of your gift.” With those words, she disappeared form my room. I narrowed my eyes as she exited my bedroom, why was I not to tell anybody. It was a simple gift, everyone would get a gift.

A Little While Later

“Austin, up here!” I called, opening my window wide. He chuckled, Jon and Kari standing behind him. As Austin began to climb the tree, followed by Jon and Kari, I searched for a shirt to wear. Having my boobs almost fall out of my shirt, was not something I wanted everyone to see. Right as Austin was nearing my window, I had thrown on an old Hollister hoodie.

Once they had all entered my room, they found places to sit. Austin and I had occupied my large bed. He said with his legs crossed over each other; chris cross apple sauce, I would have said, if I was still five. I leaned up against my bed frame. Jon had taken my plush black hair, that sat in the corner of my room as his own. Kari, had sat at my vanity chair.

“So, I got my gift last night,” Austin beamed, looking on so proud. Jon grinned, nodding his head in such a way that boys thought was ‘respect.’

“Well what is it!?” Kari asked, moving my vanity chair so that it was now closer to the group.

“I can control water. But be hushed about it, my father told me not to tell people.” MY eyes widened, control water, was a big one. I had only heard of one person ever having that gift, and he was one of the first Angles. “Any body else get there gift?”

Kari’s little head nodded, her blonde hair sashaying with her as she bounced, “This morning, my family’s oven wasn’t working, so I got angry. I screamed at it, and the fire came on.”

The room fell silent. Having a gift to control fire, was unheard of, but undoubtedly dangerous, “Did you tell anybody?” I asked, pulling myself to the edge of my bed, putting my elbows on the cushiony blanket, and my head cupped in my hands.

“I told my dad, and he said not to tell anybody.”

“Well, I got mine too, about a week ago,” Jon murmured. All of our heads shot in his direction, the little punch had decided NOT to tell us!

“And why are we learning of this now?” Austin asked in a joking manor, flipping his black hair so that it was out of his eyes.

Jon rolled his shoulders in a shrug, “My mum and dad told me not to tell anybody of it.”

“Tell us what it is, Jonny,” Kari demanded, using the nickname she had given Jon. Jon eyes lit up when she called him that. Like it was some secret code between them. Like Jonny had a bigger meaning, than just a nickname.

“I can shape shift into anything.” Jon’s words seemed excited, and I was to. That was a great gift to have! There’s were all so much better than having visions.

“What about you, Elli, did you get a gift?” Austin asked, turning his body in a very unnatural looking way so that he could look at me.

Nodding I said, “I apparently have visions. My mother said not to tell anybody, so if this gets out I know who I will kill,” I chuckled at my little threat, it was rather funny.

The room was silent though, and all eyes were on me. I raised my eyebrow in confusion, it wasn’t that big of a deal. I saw visions, woopdedo! “What’s the big deal?” I asked, looking around the room curiously. They all continued to stare at me, and it was starting to get on my nerves. “Jesus Christmas Christ! What is wrong with you people!

“Visions?” Austins voice seemed… scared.

“Yes, I know its pathetic compared to you guises gifts.” Austin shook his head, rapidly.

“Ellisia have you ever heard the stories of those who have visions?” Austin asked, worry deep in his bright blue eyes. I shook my head, a bad feeling flying into my stomach, I had not heard the stories. “Want me to explain them?” He inquired after a few moments of my blank staring. I nodded my head.

“People who had visions, back in the day, maybe a hundred or so, would get another gift. Depending on what kind of soul they were. Because you’re an Angle, your going to get a gift, that a Demon would have. Now, I know what your thinking. Demon powers aren’t as strong as Angle’s but, for all the Angles that had visions, their Demon power was far more powerful than their Angle one. And far more dangerous Elli. The Angels in the past with this gift had either gone mad, or were killed because they were trying to do something they weren’t supose to.”

“They weren’t killed Austin,” Jon said, rolling his eyes, “Almost nothing could kill them. They were just put in a sanctuary, or at least that’s what our leaders liked to call it. There all still alive, in a place called Ontegrio.”

“You guys have to promise me something,” I muttered, looking around the room at all of them.

They all nodded, “No matter how crazy I might seem, know one thing. You have to remember I’m doing it for a reason.”

“Elli, what are you talking about,” Austin’s voice was on edge.

“We’re going to fight, Austin. We’re going to fight.”