The Outcome

Chapter Twenty Three

Alice's eyes shifted quickly to something over my shoulder. “But I think that Carlisle might be able to help you. He’s been around for a long time, working with human blood for a long time too. He’s the one that taught us all how to abstain. He won’t hurt you.” Alice reasoned with me.

As lightly as their kind moved, I heard the floorboard creak behind me, letting me know that the rest of them had returned. Upon turning around, I saw that I was right. They all walked slowly towards the living room, coming in through a side door; save the mind reader and the human. A part of my mind was telling me to be freaked out, but mostly I felt calm. It was mildly conflicting, knowing there was danger and being able to see it in front of me, but feeling as though nothing was wrong.

Alice bounced up from her seat and practically floated over to one with wild hair and a stricken face. My emotions felt like they were being towards him and I eyed him carefully as pixie haired girl placed a kiss to his cheek. “Macie, this is Jasper. He’s the one making you feel a little calmer, that’s his ability.”

Oh. That was his ability. As if there was nothing fucking weird about that.

Carlisle quickly took my attention away from the lovebirds. “I can’t say I was expecting you back so soon after what happened this afternoon, especially alone. I want to apologize again for alarming you before…”

“God, you don’t have to keep groveling to her Carlisle.” The blond one rolled her eyes at me. “Who is she to us?”

“Rose!” Carlisle’s wife scolded at her. The motherly tone shocked me a bit. I felt a pang for the voice of my own mother.

The blond only glared at me, took the hand of the bigger vampire next to her, and together; they disappeared to some other place in the house. Bitch.

“I’m sorry about her, sweetheart.” Esme said. “Edward, as well. They’re just protective of their own.”

“Hmm.” Was all I could manage back to her. Protecting ones own was a trait processed by wolves, but I didn’t want to think of us in the same respect. There would be nothing to make us similar, nothing but the hatred we should have for each other. Still, so many others of my morals had gone out of the window for me recently.

“Well, I’m sure you’d like to get this over with as soon as possible. Are you sure you’re comfortable with me taking your blood?” Carlisle asked me.

Taking a deep breath I nodded my head towards him. “Yeah, as long as it’s the standard human way of getting it, you won’t get a fight out of me.” I replied back to the vampire.

“Alright then.”

He was gone and back in a flash, with several medical instruments set up. “You have all this stuff lying around? In a house full of those who will never get sick?”

Carlisle didn’t let the question stop his work. He continued to set up the I.V. “Since, Bella has become one of the family, we've learned she’s very accident prone. It’s always good to have a few supplies laying around for her.”

“Oh.” I tries not to wince at the pinch of the incision needle, watching the tube fill up with my blood instead. By this time I noticed Alice pulling the wild one away from the living room. His eyes were on the tube and I could see the craving flashing in his golden irises. This was stupid, stupid, stupid.

“Don’t worry about Jasper.” Carlisle gained my attention. “He hasn't been on animal blood as long as the rest of us, but he can usually control himself.”

“Usually!” I started.

“There was an incident where Bella cut herself on her birthday. Jasper got trapped in his blood-lust, but it wasn’t too hard to bring him back.” He explained.

“Really? This Bella girl seems to be causing a lot of trouble.” I told him. Bitch.

“Yes, it would seem that way. But nothing that happens to her is really her fault. By this point, I can’t imagine our lives without her in it.” Carlisle revealed.

The bag was now filled with the crimson of my blood, which the doctor capped up and began removing the tube from my arm. “All done.” He said. Applying a bandage to the wound he took a step back, allowing me to stand.

“So you plan on turning her then?” I asked. The question came out before I could stop it.

“That decision isn’t something that’s up to me, unfortunately. It’s not the life some of us would have chosen, but Bella will make her own choices. Anyway, we’re all done here, I’ll run some tests with your blood and get back to you with what I find.” He answered, sending me a dazzling smile.

“Thanks, I guess.” I shrugged my shoulders at him, unsure how I exit a house full of vampires.

“It’s no problem, you’re very interesting. Do you need a ride back to the reservation? We can take you to the edge of the land…” he paused ear poised to listen to something in the air. “Looks like a ride has already come to you. I’ll leave you too it, seems like he wouldn't want to see any of us.”

Someone here to get me? Maybe Jake found out I was here and came all the way out here to get me. A bubble of excitement burst inside me and I made my way to the front door, luckily not meeting any other vamps on the way out. Yet, when I bounced my way down the stairs, so unconcerned by what I was leaving behind in that house, I didn’t see the rabbit or the truck. At least not Jake’s truck. Nope, Donovan’s truck sat running on the driveway with Erick inside.

Waiting for me. And he was not happy. Great.

The disappointment that settled in my stomach was punishment enough that whatever would happen inside the car should be deemed unnecessary, but I wasn’t going to tell him that. Climbing inside and clicking my seat belt in place, Erick pulled out of the driveway and started down the highway; all the while not saying a thing.

I think this was the worst thing about having him this angry with me. When he wouldn't yell at me and scold me for doing something stupid, instead he would just sit in silence, fuming.

“How did you know I was here?” I meekly asked him, finally having to break the quiet.

“I’m your Alpha, I could find you anywhere.” He replied in monotone.

“I know you’re mad at me, but I just want to find out more about who I am. Carlisle said he could try to help and they don’t drink human blood, and the Sam’s pack trusts them…” I rambled on, but Erick’s voice broke through as calm as ever.

“Are you a part of Sam’s pack, Macie? Has he known you since you were born? Took care of you and made sure you were always safe? What I don’t understand about you is why you’re fighting this so much. We both know who you really are, and a fucking vampire doctor can’t tell you that with tests or research. You are a part of my pack; the blood that runs through your veins has connection with all of us who have always been there. Brayden, Max, Graison, and me. We love you and we always will. But if you don’t get your shit together and remember why we’re here, I’m sending you back to out reservation. And that’s it.”

He got of the car and walked into the house without a second glance at me.

I think I stayed in the car the rest of the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well then.