The Outcome

Chapter Thirty

It would be nice to have her there in person, to spill her entirely where I needed her, but I was tired of waiting. I was tired of pretending and staying at a distance. I’d seen the story a thousand times and no matter how I played it, it was still the same. Not this time, however. It had took all this time, took being in this place, to realize that I was the one who had the fire. If I wanted something to happen, I would have to take the chance. I needed to wake up, I needed to wake up my people, my ancestors. They had slept long enough, been trapped long enough.

The stories of what we were in the histories of so many tribes had casted us as abominations, when all we wanted to do was survive. The coven of vampires in town had put a momentary wrench in things, especially with their abilities. But Macie’s little visit with the psychic soothed my worries about that. She could not see what she had not experienced. And she had never experienced anything like me.

Now would be the perfect time to strike. I had rounded up more vampires to aid my cause, and the party would be the perfect time to grab what I wanted. In the reality of things I only needed a drop, the satisfaction of watching her fall was all personal. I could take her away and get everything I needed and them some.

Just a drop.


There was legend within my bloodline that, eventually, one like the first would be born again. Something so rare in our kind, but something so dangerous. I think I knew the moment I held my baby girl in my arms, and her cries quieted down, that there was something different about my Macie. Those eyes of here, looking up at me like she knew all the answers, just didn’t understand what she could see. In a way, it was a look that never left her face, even when she was older.

The Elders knew what her ability meant, that another one had been born onto the pack, but they no longer held weight to the myth. There were others who had abilities before her, maybe not the exact one, but each generation had one. They would watch her closely, but there was nothing to worry about. What we had locked away all that time ago would stay locked away.

But I was worried about the threat that had been dealt with long before my grandmother was even born. I was a mother and I always knew when my baby was in trouble. I jumped at the sight of a mirror, just like she did. I pushed her to be normal, to train just as hard as the boys. I didn’t know what would happen when she turned.

But the day of the ceremony came and my worries had been placed over the wrong outcome. Macie was not a wolf, but something in between. The genes did not skip generations; she was the cultivation of two pure blood wolves. I think that was when everything was confirmed for me. I was so heartbroken over the fate of my child that I couldn’t stand the sight of her. Even worse was the realization that she thought I was disappointed in her.

I knew that the love of my life, my only child, would have a life full of sorrow. A back to back marathon of uncontrollable events. Events that led her to think less and less of herself. And I wouldn’t be there to help her through it.

But I had a history of my own that forced me away from my daughter. I would come back when she needed me most.

Because I was a mother. I always knew when my baby was in trouble.
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Look at this fantastic layout! If you haven't checked out Mibba's Make-A-Wish, you really need to! I was so excited about it I had to push in this update. I know it's short, but it gives you a little insight and a little suspense.

Tell me what's on your mind! And feel free to tell me how lovely the layout is, because I am in love. As always, thank you so much for reading!!!