iCan't end it

iCan't end it

I Do not own iCarly *Picks up: after I love you ends*

As the elevator door closes she feels her heart beating a little faster, her breath quickening, her stomach knotting, as did he feel the same way and that’s where it all goes down. A quick kiss turns into another, a moment suddenly turns into a lifetime, yet there was only 2 hours to go.

The door opens and they clutch onto each other’s hands running to apartment 8-D where Freddie’s mom would not be that evening.

As they collapse on the bed excitement seizes through their bodies. They knew what they could do and wanted. They knew it could be their last night, but they continued to breathlessly kiss as they knew they only could do, and after all of this there was only 1½ hours to go.

It seems like an eternity before they’re looking at each other with gleaming eyes. Before the last few minutes could pass she paused almost stopping time entirely, and said this,

“I could be off doing something else right now, but I chose you. I could’ve kissed someone other than you but I didn’t. I could’ve said no, but I didn’t. I could’ve never fallen in love with you, but I did. Now could I really throw this away? Could you, could W-“

A single finger pressed to her lips and her love, boyfriend, and soul mate said,

“No, No I couldn’t because I love you and I wouldn’t be able to live without you, not if I couldn’t hear your voice, or feel your touch, or see those beautiful deep blue Samantha Pucket dreamy eyes. ”

And as midnight stroke, it ended with a kiss. And one last thought of a possible goodbye? Or a brand new beginning.

Part 2 soon to come :D
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My first Fan Fic So go easy on me plzzz X)