Status: just beginning;


trying to piece back what's broken


After spending the entire night talking with Natalie, the moment I had gotten to sleep seemed like sweet peace. Obviously, I was completely upset when my phone decided to ring off the hook beside me.

"Whoever this is has got to have the best reason in the world for waking me up this early!" I shouted into phone.

"Jeez, killer, I was just calling to ask if you wanted to go to lunch. Please don't hurt me." I heard Patrick Kane chuckle.

"Mhmm, lunch actually sounds incredibly delicious right now." I smiled into the phone.

"Alright well you and Natalie come and meet me at Union Park and we'll have some beers, some food and relax a bit." Pat suggested.

"Sounds wonderful, I'll see you soon." I told him before hanging out.

After hanging up the phone I jumped out of my bed and ran quickly over to the empty guest bedroom that was currently being occupied by Natalie. Walking in I noticed how depressed Natalie seemed, she was sitting up right in the bed listening to Sarah Mclachlan while staring out the bedroom window.

"Nat babe, Pat's invited us to go get some beers and lunch. you wanna come?" I asked her hoping she'd be really excited.

"No thank you, but I'm curious, what's the situation between you and Pat?" Natalie asked curiously.

"Pat and I are complicated, as of now he and I are just casual. We're young, having fun. I know how Pat is, so I'm not expecting much." I admitted to her and she look like she understood.

"Are you okay with that? Are you okay with spending all your time with him and never moving on?" Natalie asked, incredulous.

"Yeah Nat I am, I barely achieved my dream job. I'm having the time of my life and fortunately a very sexy Patrick Kane seems to be taking interest in me. I'm having fun not being serious with him." I told her, getting defensive at the accusing town in her voice.

"So basically you're no better than all the other girls he's with. You're just like the rest of them!" Natalie shouted causing me to roll my eyes.

"Natalie, I understand your situation and that's the only thing holding me back from honestly kicking your ass right now. But fortunately for you, I have plans with the man I'm slutting it up with so I'll see you when I get back." I yelled at her, angered that she had the nerve to treat me like that after everything I was doing for her.

I walked back into my room and changed quickly and then ran out of my apartment and jumped into a cab. After relaying to the driver where it was I planned to go he drove me there quickly and without hesitation. I was still completely fuming by the moment I had seen Patrick waiting patiently for me at a booth.

"I'm sorry, I just got finished having a fight with Natalie." I sighed as he passed me Bud Light.

"What happened?" Patrick asked curiously.

"She basically called me whore because we're not serious. She told me I was just like the other girls you're sleeping with. I understand that she has her own shit to deal with but she has no right to throw that on me." I told him, still a bit mad from my fight.

"What other girls am I sleeping with?" Patrick asked with a chuckle as I smiled.

"That's exactly what I was thinking." I smirked, as a waiter came by to take our orders.

Patrick and I sat together for a while talking about everything and anything. As of right now we were talking about a small vacation we were planning on taking together to his cabin in Michigan.

"So we can leave basically whenever you want, I know how hard it is for you with the column and all but I figured since the season is over and your summer classes don't start up until mid-June, a weekend together might seem fun?" He suggested.

"It actually sounds perfect. I just want to get away and get completely lost." I told him honestly.

"How does sex on the beach sound with a bottle of champagne?" he asked smirking while I smiled.

"Make it a bottle of wine and you have yourself a deal." I smiled.

After talking more about our adventurous weekend, Pat and I decided it was time to get home and see if there was any way we could cheer up Natalie. As soon as we had parked and made our way inside the apartment, it seemed unusually quiet.

"Natalie?" I called throughout the apartment hoping she was in the bathroom or busy listening to music.

"Natalie, where are you girl?" Pat asked trying to help.

After not hearing anything else, Pat and I walked into the guest bedroom to find a note left behind by Natalie herself.

Sorry, I didn't mean to be a hassle on you. I'll be gone for awhile please don't tell anyone.

"So I'm just going to take a wild guess, but our crazy sex weekend is going to have to wait, huh?" Pat asked as I just sat staring at the note.

How the hell am I supposed to explain this to Dan?
♠ ♠ ♠
introduction to tori, a bit slow but get's better.