Status: just beginning;


florida sun.


"Hello passengers, we hope you are having a nice flight. We will be landing in Sunrise, Florida very soon so at this time we are asking everyone to buckle their seat belts and prepare for landing. Thank you!" An overly cheery, and obviously tired flight attendant said over the intercom. My flight was far from nice. It took all of my will power to keep myself from falling apart. It had been a long couple days, I've just about had it with all of the Carcillos. First Dan, then Tori. I couldn't believe it. My life was crumbling in front of me, and there was nothing I could do about it. I felt awful, and hopeless.

I really hate flying. It has always scared me a bit, but normally Dan would hold my hand and everything would be alright. Within the past few days, I've been all over the country and I have definitely had my fair share of flying. I've been under so much stress, I wouldn't be surprised if I started to grow grey hair.

By the time we had landed, I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't even notice we were landing. Good thing, because landing always scared me the most. My life was like a nightmare, but I couldn't wake up from it. My marriage has fallen apart, and my best friend and I got into a fight right before I left. I didn't even tell her where I went. Maybe I should have been nicer to her. I have been so confused these few days, I don't even know how I feel. I hate Dan, I hate his guts, yet all I want right now is to be in his arms.

"Excuse me, ma'am, are you alright?" A flight attendant asked me.

"..what?" I was shaken away from my mind and back into reality, to notice everyone around me has already left the plane. "Oh...Yeah. Sorry" I replied very bluntly, before picking up my purse and leaving the plane, still in the same daze I was before.

I made my way to baggage claim, and quickly left the airport, not wanting to deal with anyone right now. The hot and humid breeze greeted me into the Sunshine State with open arms, but at this point, the Sunshine State didn't feel too sunny to me. I hailed the first cab I saw, and gave the address of the one person who will always be there for me, even more than Tori ever would be. After a short cab ride, I paid the driver and was left in the driveway of a familiar two story home. Leaving my luggage in the middle of the driveway, I walked over to a "rock" that was really a secret hiding place for a spare house key. Just my luck, he didn't move the key. I thought. But if I was so lucky, I wouldn't even be here and my husband wouldn't have cheated on me in the first place. Frowning at the thought, I grabbed my suitcase and walked up to the door.

Turning the key, I opened the door and was greeted by cool air conditioning and the sound of Fergie. I dropped my luggage on the ground, and stood there, unsure of if I even wanted to face him yet. The Fergie music stopped, and I knew I didn't have a choice anymore. I heard him ask "Hello?" but I was too nervous to say anything. I heard him slowly make his way down the stairs, listening for any sound of an intruder. I didn't even care enough to let him know it was just me, and keep him from getting worked up.

"RAHHHHH!!!" My brother, Kris Versteeg shouted, holding a hockey stick, about to take a swing at me. I stood there, emotionless. Not even fear could shake me right now.

"Natty-Boo? What are you doing here, and why do you look like shit?" He asked me, with only slight concern in his voice. I looked at him and sighed, before starting to cry all over again. He pulled me into a hug and instantly, I felt better. Not by much, but even the little bit was enough for me.

"What happened, baby?" He asked, even more concerned now. He and I sat down, and I told him the exact same story I told Tori. I could tell he was angry, and fortunately, Kris was smart enough to not crack any jokes.

"I will fucking kick his ass. No one hurts my Natty-Boo." He grumbled to himself and I sat there and smiled only the slightest bit.

"Fat chance. He an enforcer, remember?" The thought of Kris trying to show up Dan made me chuckle a bit.

The rest of the night was spent well. Well, as well as getting your heart broken and fighting with your best friend can get. Kris made our favorite food, Spaghetti-Tacos (We discovered this meal on one of our countless nights we used to spend on the couch watching TV together), and he rubbed my back as I cried. He even let me pick the movies for the night. I knew after a night of much needed rest, I would soon be on the road to recovery. It would be a long one, but I knew I could do it with the support of my brother.

Finally, I asked one more favor of my brother: "Oh yeah, Kris?" I asked.

"Hm?" He replied, distracted by his food. I took a sigh, and dropped the bombshell.

"You can't tell anyone where I am."