To Jimmy

To Jimmy

It wasn't until four years ago that I heard of the band by the name of Avenged Sevenfold. I remember the first song I ever heard of them. It was Warmness on the Soul. When I heard that one song, I was instantly hooked. I looked this band up and listened to all the music they had ever realsed. The one thing that stood out of this band to me the most, other then they look scary,but nice at the same time, was there drummer. James Owen Sullivan. Also known as The Rev. What stood out the most to me was that he can bring a smile to anyones face and didn't give a fuck what anyone thought of him. All that mattered to him was his friends,family,band and fans. I wached all the videos and interviews. Never missed anything. But when I heard of his passing, I bursted into tears. Even if I heard of them a year before, it didn't matter, it felt like foREVer. It still hurts to see such a beautiful soul gone,but to me, he left a legacy. He was someone a kid, teen or adult could look up to and I was that teen.
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Part one of two