Acacia Nathalia Sparks

She's Like Rain


It was on the beach where I first saw her. I was standing in front of an ice cream shop, licking the cookies and cream ice cream that I just bought; enjoying the California Sun on my face, breathing in fresh air. She immediately caught my attention because she was running full speed towards my direction ; and a few meters behind her, was who she was running away from. A blonde haired dude wearing nothing but a pair of khaki shorts, yelling "I'll get you for that Cia!"

The girls' smile spread wider and she ran faster, passing by me and disappearing into the crowd. The blonde dude stopped in his tracks and cursed.

"What did Acacia do this time?" The old man that I bought ice cream from asked the blonde guy. I licked the tip of my ice cream gently, thinking of how people seem to know each other down here.

Acacia. That must be that girl's name. I think it's refreshing, Acacia isn't a name that you always call someone.

"She put dog shit on my shoes!" Blonde dude growled.

"Relax, Stanley. Maybe you did something to her." Ice cream guy said.

Now, I'm not really the eavesdropping type but I found engrossed on their conversation. Licking my ice cream again, I looked away; pretending not to be interested.

Stanley sat down on the empty chair beside me. "I didn't, that's why I'm a bit mad."

"Maybe she's just bored, summer can be pretty boring sometimes."

"Yeah, that must be it, I hope that's it. I hope she finds someone else to play with."

Ice cream man chuckled "Oh, she will. You know her."

Stanley ordered ice cream and it was quiet for a while. Who knew that beaches were nice? Living in London, I rarely ever get the chance to go to the beach, and when I do, it's always so crowded and packed. But it seemed different here; it's peaceful and maybe it's just my imagination but it seems like everyone's happier around here.

I was so engrossed in listening to the waves crash against the shore and the babble of kids with each other that I almost didn't hear Stanley beside me.

"Lovely view, isn't it?" Stanley asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah, this is nice."

"I haven't seen you around before but you don't look like a tourist." He said bluntly.

"What do you mean?" I turned to him, eating my ice cream cone and studying him at the same time. He looked about my age, or maybe a year younger. He was just like your regular beach dude. Tanned. Well-developed and all. Not that I was bad looking or anything; I was more on the tall and lean side.

"I was born and grew up here, and let's just say that I got a sense when it comes to people. I know a tourist when I see one; I think you must be but at the same time, I think you've lived here before. Am I right?"

I was surprised but I hid it. "Yeah, you're right. I was born here but I moved when I was ten."

Stanley's eyes widened. "Really? Then why didn't I know you?"

"I wasn't much of an outdoor person, besides, I studied on the private school." I told him.

"Figures. So, are you gonna stay here for good?"

"Nah, man. I'm just here for the summer. I live in London now, with my dad. I'm staying with my... uh, mom." Somehow, saying 'mom' gave me a weird feeling in my tongue. It felt weird.

"Your mom uh. I must know her if she's from around here."

"Her name's Naomi. Naomi Foster." Even saying her name feels alien.

"Oh! You mean you're Zoowee Mama's Son!" Stanley exclaimed, then patted me on the back. "You could have said so! I would have bought you free ice cream!"

Ice cream guy chirped up behind me "Oh, Naomi's son? Pleased to meet you. He's right. I would have also given you free ice cream."

They seemed friendly but something bugged me. "Zoowee Mama?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot you didn't know. That's what we call her around here. She's practically everyone's mom. Everyone loves her cooking and her restaurant."

Everyone's mom huh? Good for them. She can't even show it to her own son. I smiled bitterly.

"But why 'Zoowee mama'? Her restaurant's name is Blue Cove." I stated matter-of-factly.

This time it was Ice cream guy who answered. "Acacia called her that, you know, the girl who Stanley here was chasing. Every time she would enter Naomi's restaurant she'd be all "Whatcha cookin, Zoowee mama?!" I guess that it got stuck on everyone. SO that's what people around here call her."

"And whos this Acacia?" I asked curiously, it seemed as if everyone around here liked her too.

It was never my strongest forte. I know I'm good-looking. I know I'm smart and all that, but one thing that I never was--liked by almost everyone. A lot of people hated me, it was just something that I learned to live with. Like how someone was born crippled , it's not like you can do anything about it but adjust, so I did.

"Acacia?" Stanley and ice cream guy shared a sneaky glance.

Stanley smirked at me. "The girl you wouldn't want to mess with. The girl like rain."

"What do you mean by that?" I leaned in closer.

"How do I explain this, uhm." Stanley looked at the crowd of people. "You know, rain can be different at times; know what I mean? Sometimes it's just drizzle, sometimes hurricane, sometimes it's the kind of rain that you hate, the kind that clings to your skin and irritates you, sometimes it's the kind of rain that everyone likes; it makes you feel cool and breezy. But no matter what kind it is; it's still the same. I'm saying Acacia's like that."

Ice cream dude nodded, urging Stanley to go on.

"She's sometimes pretty moody. She likes to pull pranks on people and make everyone fall down on the floor laughing. She's smart, she's been the valedictorian for years yet she's the greatest trouble maker in our school. Sometimes she's this compassionate friend when you're down, and there are times when she snaps at you for no reason. But most of the time she's the kind that doesn't use her brain for the most common things and gets in trouble most of the time. And even though she's weird and you can't hold her in your hand like rain, she's still the same. That's what makes her,well, Acacia."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Groaning, I plopped myself down on my bed. It was hot & tiring outside but it was better than to be stuck here with Naomi. Heck, I didn't know what I'd even do if I just decided to stay in. Closing my eyes, I remembered Stanley and our conversation earlier at the beach. He was easy to talk to and after our topic changed from Acacia, we talked about a bunch of random stuff. He was a nice person, though, easy to get along with. Truth be told, I was awed by the way that they ice cream guy--who I found out was named Rodrick-- and Stanley talked about Acacia.

I sighed and turned in my bed, thinking how nice it would be if someone would talk about me like that. But then again, I never really got close to others and there was just one person that for sure knew me like the back of my hand, but I wasn't sure what he'd say.

And if I'd even want to hear what he thinks of me. That scares me.