Acacia Nathalia Sparks

Unscripted Romance


"Dude, keep your hands to yourself!!!" Acacia hissed at me with her eyes narrowed; looking like a predator who hasn't eaten for quite a while. She took my arm off her shoulder.

"But isn't it what couples are supposed to do?!" I hissed back, raising my foot and resting it on the seat in front of us. "Well, from what I see in movies."

We were in the cinema, watching 'Tangled'. Earlier, while we were picking out what we would watch, I told her that if it was me, I wouldn't have watched something that . . . . childish, earning an 'Oh come on' look from her and I can tell that she already saw through my bluff. 'Tangled' was definitely something that I watched again and again--but she didn't saw it yet so I just kept my mouth shut.

Back to the present, we were still in the middle of the movie and she brushed off all of my attempts of flirting or what not. She puzzles me. Yesterday, she tells me that she wants me to make her fall for me, and when I actually try to put on some effort and do things that I normally see couples do, she flips me off, and breathes out fire.

I opened the door for her when we entered the room, yet she ignored it and opened the other door herself, leaving me looking stupid. Then I tried making a move to hold her hand, and when our skin made contact, she flinched then pinched my palm. I stared at her for quite a while then she suddenly threw some popcorn on my face.

Who can blame me? She's hard to please. I might be doing something wrong.

I rolled my eyes and leaned back against my seat, making myself comfortable. I looked at the screen and tried to concentrate. I knew this part so well; this was when Rapunzel and Flynn were on the river and they were singing their duet.

I smiled and turned my head to look at Acacia and make a comment about how cheesy and gay it was, but when I looked at her; the tears rolling down her cheeks made me forget what I was about to say.

"Are you okay?" I whispered.

"Shhh. I'm fine. I'm fine." She sobbed, looking at the screen where the lanterns started going up. "Oh my god. I'm not."

I looked at her, then at the couple on the screen. Back at her and then back to the screen where those two started getting closer and closer. Ten seconds later; I was crying Niagara falls, too.

Who knew something like a cheesy cartoon can make her cry? She looked like a little kid who found out that tooth fairies weren't real. And I found the situation so funny, I laughed so hard tears started to fall.

She looked at me, more tears falling down her cheeks, and, jesus christ; is that snot? "I know, it's so touching isn't it? I mean, they finally realized how they feel for each other!"

More tears from my eyes. I had to hold my sides to make sure they stay there. I put on my 'sad face'. "Yeah; they should be together forever!"

She stared back at the screen then her lips started quivering.. "No! No! That wasn't supposed to happen!"

She yelled the last part out, causing all of the viewers to go all "Shhhh. Keep it down" on us.

She gulped and stood up on her seat. "Oh Shhh! Yourself! How could they let it happen?!"

Someone behind me said. "Hey, dude. Can't you control your girlfriend?"

Normally, I'd hold her hand and force her to sit down but something inside me found this whole situation funny; I ignored the man and continued laughing. It didn't help that Acacia screamed profanities at the man with a voice so loud I could hardly hear anything else.

Pretty soon, it turned into a screaming match between Acacia and that man. I grabbed the popcorn and turned to them, it was much more interesting.

"Do you talk to your elders like that, young lady? Seriously, kids these days don't fucking know the meaning of respect. What a shitty generation." The man said, I studied him. He looked like a forty year old hobo, I wondered where he stole the money to buy tickets.

Acacia ran a hand through her hair and stepped on top of her seat, looking all pumped up. "Oh yeah? How will our 'shitty generation' know the meaning of respect when our so-called elders curse at us? Besides, it's not like I'll get my lovely ass to jail because I cursed and 'disrespected' an aging , wrinkled old man in public."

Old hobo stood up. "You're disturbing other people. Don't you know how much they pay just to watch this movie?"

Acacia rolled her eyes. "Well it's definitely more than how much you have in your bank account.Oh wait. You probably don't have one."

This caused a low laugh from the crowd and it made the hobo's ears go red. "Whatever." then he walked out.

Acacia smirked to herself, obviously glad of the outcome then finally sat down. I wonder what kind of things she was capable of. No scratch that-- what the kind of things she wasn't capable of. She looks like the kind of person that can get whatever they want--no matter what they had to do to get it.

I clapped. "That was a good show.It was worth my money."

She flipped her hair back and grinned. "Yeah, it should be."

"I'm not that interested in the movie anymore." I told her, because I got the vibe that she wanted to get out of here, just as much as I wanted to.

She smiled at me, flashing those pearly white teeth. Seriously, does she even eat anything? Those teeth are perfect. Untainted. "Neither am I. Let's get out of here and cause riot somewhere else."

Acacia stood up and I followed her. It was dark so I had to take very small steps to make sure that I don't fall flat on my face.

I guess she might have sensed me struggling since she rolled those blue eyes at me as if to say "Oh well Oh well." but she grabbed my hand and lead the way. "I have a very good eyesight." she murmured to no one in particular.

Pretty soon we were out and I it took my some time to adjust my vision. She was still holding my hand and I asked her something so that she won't remember to pull her hand away. "Do you normally do that? Scream at random people?"

She bit her lower lip slightly, not looking at me. "It depends on how much a stranger pisses mo off, sometimes I just do it for fun."

I nodded and we continued walking, with out hands intertwined.

Yeah baby.