Acacia Nathalia Sparks

Discovering Facts


The third day.

I didn't knew what hit me, or what went into me when I was sleeping and made itself known when I woke up. But the moment that I opened my eyes, the thought I want to see her crossed my mind. I found out that I live just about ten minutes from her house if I went by bike; I could go out of the house whenever I want to; and there was nothing that could stop me whenever I want to see her, except time.

4: 32 A.M.

I couldn't sleep well, yet it's not a good enough reason to barge into someone's house and wake them up from sleep just because you couldn't.

Nevertheless, I got my ass off the bed, stood up, went to the bathroom, washed my face, don on a loose sweater, got out of the house, took my bike and started cycling up to Cia's house. It's a weird ability of mine, to memorize routes even though I just passed through them once. It came in handy though, because I easily remembered the way to her house.

I cycled faster, looking around and noticing the little things around me. Like a branch of a tree I passed was way too bent down, a kid must have grabbed it or just sit on it. Small pebbles on the road, a few petals on someone's lawn; and the sound of the crickets. Of course, no one could have missed that, but then again it's 4 in the morning, every single soul must have been asleep.

4:40 A.M.

I finally reached her house. I got off my back and jogged through the corner outside where I know the window of her room is. I looked around and found a few things that I can use to haul myself up her window, which I saw was half open. I inhaled then exhaled. Here goes nothing. I hope she won't scream. and it was when I started to climb up and finally slipped inside her window when I realized. Trespassing. Invasion of privacy. This is crazy. This was my first time doing it, and by the way things are; it probably won't be the last.

The room wasn't completely dark, and the moment that I went inside, I smelled her. I wonder if it's just me, but sometimes when I go to people's houses or rooms or to other places, I smell different scents that the room emits from its owner. The room smells like freshly cut lemon grass and fabric softener-- the fragrance that I sometimes smell when she moves or when she's close.

The walls were wooden and so was the floor, there was a light coming from a lamp beside her bed, to my surprise she was just lying there, looking at me; with her eyes slightly moist, her strawberry blonde hair all wavy, half of her body covered by white sheets. She sat up from her bed.

"Hi" I said coolly, as if I didn't just appear from her window at an inappropriate time.

"Hello." She said, as if she didn't mind me appearing from her window at an inappropriate time.

"I wanted to see you. I didn't knew why but I just want to see you. Did I wake you up?" I asked, sitting down on the floor. It was cold.

She shook her head slowly. "I couldn't sleep well."

"Same here."

"Yeah, it's obvious." She smiled slightly and pointed to the spot after her eyes. "It's dark."

"Yeah. I look like someone who just wore eyeliner and got it royally smudged."

She smiled again. "Yeah, you do. Sit beside me."

I got up and sat beside her on her bed, taking off my slippers and making myself comfortable. The bed was soft and sort of spring-y. If that's even a word.

Since her bed was just enough for one person, we were sat close to each other. Close enough to feel her breath on my skin when she speaks. "Sorry if it's sort of dark. I don't want to turn the big light on."

"It's okay. I don't mind." As long as I can see her, that's enough. Even though the rest of the room is dark and a mystery to me. She didn't reply. She looked at the space in front of her intently and bit her lip, as if thinking of something hard. We were quiet for a while. It's not like I didn't mind the silence between us, it wasn't uncomfortable. But right now, I sort of just want to hear her voice so I said. "I'm sorry if it's might seem weird, just barging into your room without your permission."

"It's okay." She said.

"Tell me something." I ordered. She turned to me, the intensity of those blue eyes hitting me. "Your favorite color, anything random about you."

She bit her lower lip then leaned against the wall, making herself comfortable before saying, "Okay, my name is Acacia Nathalia Sparks. I like the color blue, light brown and other pastel-like colors. I like to paint, but not a lot of people know that. You can see what I painted on the walls when I turn the lights on later. I like bands like All time low, The Maine, The script, well, you get my drift. I like listening to the piano and I play it, but it's been along time I'm sure my skills are rusted. What about you? Tell me more about yourself."

"Hmm. I'm an only child. My full name is Caleb Flyn Foster. I play the guitar and sing a bit but I prefer dancing. I haven't done anything really stupid, I guess. I like the color orange. I don't know, I just do. Even though it's not a common likable color. I like listening to the crickets at night. I love stars and astronomy and all that. . . . . ."

We talked alot, we told each other stuff about ourselves that not a lot of people know about. Just things that we want to say out loud and let a soul know. She told me about her hobbies, her family, her life, and I told her mine. We laughed and joked around alot and I didn't notice what time it was, it was only when her stomach grumbled when we stopped. She looked at the clock.

7:23 A.M.

"Wow, that's why I'm hungry. Let's go down. I'll introduce you to my brothers." She said, standing up.

I followed her, "Okay."

When we were heading out of her room, she suddenly turned to me and jumped into me. On instinct, I placed my hands below her thigh and fixed our position, so now I was comfortably carrying her in my arms, with her arms wrapped around my neck.

I smiled, without knowing why. She just makes me smile sometimes.

"I'm feeling lazy. Carry me." She whispered.

I nodded and continued walking.

* * *

I thought she had normal siblings; it wasn't until breakfast that I realized how wrong I was.

I feel comfortable, walking around Cia's house, but I have the feeling that this wasn't my first time being inside this house. Maybe it's the beige carpeted floor, or the exotic wall decorations, or maybe its the aura around here,but I just can't get rid of the deja vu feeling, like this has happened before.

But of course that's not possible. I might have been here before,it's possible but there's no way that I'd been here before while carrying a blonde wreck in my arms.

"How did you know which way to the kitchen?" Cia whispered, and she was close enough for me to feel her breath on my ear.I tried to not let that get to me.

"Cia, I feel like I've been here before in your house." I told her.

We were already in the kitchen and we were the first to come here. The kitchen was spacious, nicely arranged and cosy but lie the rest of the house, I've got that 'I swear I've been here before' feeling.

She slowly got off me, stood up properly and fixed herself. Cia walked to the fridge and bought out a large carton of milk and a bowl of grapes,after that she took a box of cereal and she placed them all at the table saying "My brothers should come down any minute by now. They usually cook in the morning. Just take what you want."

I ate some grapes and Cia gave me a bowl so I started eating cereal.

I was pretty shocked to realize that I wouldnt mind having to eat breakfast with her like this. We weren't speaking, she was just eating grapes and by the look on her face and the speed on which she devoured almost everything, I could tell how hungry she was.

I was eating quietly,yet I wasn't too.engrossed on the food, instead I ate with my eyes on her, following her as she does things like brush a few strands away from.her face, the way she would just pop a grape in her mouth, chew and swallow it quickly like a piglet. I smiled. She can make me smile without even trying.

She noticed me staring at her, but just as she was just about to say something, she was interruped by someone.

"Good morning Acia, oops. Looks like we have a guest." I turned around to see a tall, lean, blonde dude. He looked a little older than Cia and if it wasn't for the adam's apple and the color of his eyes, I would have thought he's her twin.

Well, he might be but he looks like he's more than twenty.

He smiled at me the moment he saw me. "Who are you?"

Just as I was about to introduce myself, I was once more interrupted by another tall, athletic blonde dude. They have nearly identical features but I can tell this one is older.

"Oh." Was all he said.

I went back to eating my cereal since it seems he was going to say more.

Cia laughed lightly and pointed to me. "That's my new friend, Caleb, and I'm trying to fall inlove with him."

I choked on my food when she said that. I composed myself quickly. This was one of the times when you'd realize that Acacia isn't really sane.

I mean, its not like normal people introduce you to their brothers as someone that they want to fall inlove with.

To my surprise, her brothers laughed and the older one said "well, good luck with that. I'm Axel by the way. The eldest."

"And the ugliest" The younger one whispered earning a glare from Axel.

"My name is Sync. Yeah, it might be weird, but I was named by mental people so what can I do."

Cia turned to Axel who was now infront of the stove and preparing to cook eggs. "He's zoowee mama's son"

"I know." My heart nearly missed a beat. It can't be. It just cant.

But I can't lie to myself. I didn't knew that after all these years,I'd still remmber that voice---and it would still have it.

Pure hatred.

He walked towards me. I looked at him. He's changed. In the eye of my mind, I could see the awkward and gangly fifteen year old that he used to be. I remembered him as the guy who loves to dunk nearly everything he'd eat in nutella. The high school sophomore that used to be shy at first but really interesting when you.get closer to him. The guy that would help me during a quiz that I.didnt have time to study for. The guy who, once upon a time, was my best friend.

But the guy infront of me wasn't that nutella-addicted fifteen year old anymore. This was him now.

His hair got longer, his body developed well, he didnt slouch as much, he looked like he did before, just improved and so much more confident.

"Caleb." He said, I had to maintain a poker face. I wasn't going to show anyone that hearing my name from the person that was once upon a time, the only one who cared for me, affected me.

"Noxin." I said. It felt weird, saying his name out loud.

"You guys know each other?" Acacia asked, and I remembered that she was in the same room as me.

Noxin Gale Sparks. Acacia Nathalia Sparks.

As I look at the both of them, I wonder how I couldn't have put two and two together. Siblings.

Then I remember why I knew this house like the back of my hand.

When I still lived here and I was a sophomore in high school, Noxin would always.invite me over. During that time, he was the only one in his house because he told me that the rest of his family lived in Washington, where at thst time, his grandfather was a hospital and his parents don't want to leave his side. So they decided to move there for two years, but Noxin insisted in staying here.

God, how could I have been so stupid as to forget it?

It's probably because its been years and ever since that incident, I never really thought much about Noxin again.

"Yeah. We used to be friends."

"Used to be?" Cia echoed.

Axel thankfully sensed the tensed atmosphere. He placed a plate of eggs and bacon and said "less talking more eating."

The others started to eat, even Noxin, but I don't think I have the ability to stomach anything in right now. I stood up.

"I...huh. I think I should probably go home now. I'll see you later Cia." I don't want to be rude or anything.

"I'll walk you out." She stood up and followed me outside.